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instancen. 1.motive,cause动机,原因。 △Ham.3.2.194 (182):“The instances that second marriage move / Are baserespects of thrift,but none of love.”引起第二次出嫁的动机,不是为了爱情,而是为了利益的卑下考虑。 2. reason,motive理由,动机。 △H.V.2.2.118:“But hethat tempered thee,bade thee stand up,/ Gave theeno instance why thou shouldst do treason,” i.e.thedevil that moulded you to his will only commandedyou to rebel but gave you no reason why you shouldcommit treason.但是那个任意摆布你的恶魔,下命令叫你反叛,却不给你任何必须叛国的理由。 3. ground,fact根据,事实。 △2H.VI.3.2.159: “Whatinstance gives Lord Warwick for his vow?”沃里克大人这句誓言可有什么根据呢? △R.III.3.2.25: “Tell him hisfears are shallow,without instance;”告诉他,他的忧虑是浅薄而没有根据的。 4. proof,evidence证明,证据。 △Ado.2. 2. 42 (41):“Offer them instances,”给他们提出证明。 △Gent.2.4.16:“What instance of the contrary?”你有什么相反的证据? (凭什么证明我不是聪明人?) △As.3.2.54 (52):“In-stance,briefly; come,instance.”i.e. give an exam-ple; your proof,please. 简单说吧,有什么证据;说吧,证据。 △2H.IV.1.1.55:“Why should that gentleman thatrode by Travers / Give then such instances of loss?”那么骑马从特拉弗斯身旁经过的那位绅士怎么会提出失败的证据呢? △2H.IV.3.1.102: “To comfort you the more,I havereceived / A certain instance that Glendower isdead.”为了使你更加安心,我已经得到确切的证据:格兰道尔死了。 5. precedent,example,illustration 前例,例子、例证。 △Wiv.2.2.259 (245):“Now could I come to herwith any detection in my hand,my desires had in-stance and argument to commend themselves.”现在,只要我手里有点什么把柄,我便有了前例可援,有理由可说,可以要求实现我的愿望。 △ As.2.7.156: “modern instances;”i.e. trite illustrations,hackneyed proofs. 陈腐的例证。 △Tw.4.3.12:“So far exceed all instance,”实在超越了一切的前例。 6. specimen,sample 样品,抽样。 △ Ham.4.5.160(162): “Nature is fine in love,and where ’tis fine,/ It sends some precious instance of itself / After thething it loves.” i. e. Filial love is exquisite in its working,and will sacrifice its most precious possession as aproof of its affection for the dear departed; Ophelia’s sanity has left her and followed her father to hisgrave. 人的天性在深情中最是敏锐,所以在一往情深之中,就把本性里最宝贵的东西献给了所爱的人。 7. indication,sign迹象。 △Com.1.1.63:“Before thealways-wind-obeying deep / Gave any tragic instanceof our harm.” 一向平静的大海 一点没有任何危险的迹象。 8. saying,saw,proverb名言,格言,谚语。 △ Ado.5.2.81 (76):“An old,an old instance,Beatrice,that lived in the time of good neighbours (i.e. was current atthe time when people did not quarrel and a man had no need to praise himself).”这是一句很古老、很古老的谚语,贝特的丝,流行在邻居和睦相处的时代里。 9.❶being present,presence存在。 ❷proof,evidence证明,证据。 △2H.IV.4.1.82:“and the examples/Ofevery minute’s instance,present now,”i.e.examplesof which we have proofs in every minute,even now.以及目前每一分钟仍在出现的事例;(又译)以及目前每一分钟仍在证明着的事例。 instance[ˈinstəns]n.例证,事例,范例,实例,场合,要求/v.举例,引证 ◇at the instance of经…的提议,应某人之请 for instance例如 in all instances在一切情况下 in an instance即刻,立即 in the first instance首先,起初 in this instance在此情况下 take for instance以…为例 ‖ instancy n.紧急,迫切 instant adj.立即的,直接的,刻不容缓的,紧迫的,速溶的/n.瞬息,某一时刻 ◇from instant to instant时时刻刻 instant in不停的,孜孜不倦的 instant on (upon)立即 on the instant立即,马上 the instant(moment)一…就…/this instant立刻,马上 instant book大事记,要事记 instant celebrity一举成名者 instant coffee速溶咖啡 instant committal即时拘押 instant-dictionary即时电子辞典 instant effective短、平、快 instant feedback即时反馈 instant food速食食品 instant of ignition点火瞬间 instant of launch发射瞬间 instant of release投弹瞬间 instant playback即时显示 instant photography“一分钟”照相 instant print camera一次成像照相机 instant rationality即时理性 instant readiness紧急待机状态 instant recording即时摄影 instant replay即时重播,即时重放 instant watch即时监视 instance variable实例变量 instant vision瞬间可视图像 instantiation n.instantly adv.立即,马上 conj.一 …就… |