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单词 detail
detail/′dɪ:teɪl, AmE dɪ′teɪl/ n & vt

n (1) 细节,详情(small particular item or point) [C]:give/tell all the~s 说出/告知一切详情细节;describe the~s of an accident 描述事故的详细情况;pay close attention to the small~s 对细枝末节都给予密切关注;plan sth to the last/smallest~连细枝末节都考虑到了;be correct (down) to the smallest~每一细微之处都正确;check/remember every~of sth 对……的每一细节都进行了检查/记得很清楚;be alike in every~连细微之处都相像;Don't omit a single~. 不要放过每一细节。Spare me the~s! 不要给我讲细节。〖同〗particular, item, fact;〖反〗whole, total, sum;

(2) 细节,详细(all such small parts considered together as a whole) [U]:have a good eye for~善于观察细微之处;pay attention to~注意细节;There was too much~in the report/the picture. 这报告中细节太详/这幅画画得太琐碎。describe/explain/discuss/plan/tell sth in~详细地描述/解释/讨论/计划/告诉某事;

(3) 细部(smaller or less important parts of a work of art such as a picture pattern etc considered separately) [U]:The~in the statue is very fine. 这尊雕像的细部颇具匠心。Look at the amazing~in this drawing! 看看这幅画的精工细笔!

(4)(军队的)小(分)队(small group of soldiers assigned to special duties)[C]:the cookhouse~炊事班;a~of soldiers/men 一小队战士/士兵;

go into detail 详细说明:go into(great/a little more)~about a plan(极其/再稍微)详细地谈一个计划;

vt(1) 详述(tell fully giving all the facts about) [T+n D+n+prep(to/for)]:~one's grievances/reason for resigning/all the necessary information/the results of an investigation 详细讲述某人的冤情/辞职的原因/一切必要的情况/调查的结果;~the arrangement for the party 详细介绍聚会的安排;~the plan/the duties to sb 给某人详细讲解计划/职责;〖同〗particularize;〖反〗generalize;

(2) 分派,派遣(choose or appoint sb to do specific duties) [T+n T+n+prep(for),C+n+to-inf ]:~a soldier for guard duty 派一个战士去担任守卫;~a soldier to guard a bridge/to act as special courier 派一个战士去守卫桥梁/担任特别信差;be~ed to feed hens each night 被分派每夜喂鸡;〖同〗appoint;

→′detailed adj 详细(尽)的





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