释义 |
incensevt. 1. fire,kindle,irritate,provoke烧起,点燃,惹恼,激怒。 △Tw.3.4.288 (260):“I know the knight is incensedagainst you,”我知道那位骑士对你很恼怒。 △Ham.5.2.316 (303): “Part them,they are incensed. ” i.e. theyare now fighting in earnest and not as in a friendlymatch.分开他们,他们动起火来了。 △Oth.1.1.69:“in-cense her kinsmen,” 激怒她的亲属。 △ Mac.3.1.108(107): “I am one,my liege,/ Whom the vile blowsand buffets of the world / Hath so incensed that I amreckless what / I do to spite the world.”陛下,我正是受尽了人世的卑鄙打击和折磨的一个人,所以我因激怒而干起扰乱世界的事情来,是无所顾忌的。 △2H. IV. 4. 4. 33:“Yet not-withstanding,being incensed,he is flint,” i.e. he isvery hard and stern. 但是,尽管如此,他一旦被激怒了,也会铁面无情。 △H.VIII. 3. 2. 61:“Now God incense him,/And let him cry ‘Ha’ louder.”愿上帝给他火上加油,让他大叫“哈”的声音更大。 2. incite,instigate,stir up唆使,教唆,煽动。 △ Wiv.1.3.107 (100): “I will incense Page to deal with poison.”我要唆使裴琪下毒手(又译:拿出毒药来对付)。 △Ado.5.1.247 (235):“Don John your brother in-censed me to slander the Lady Hero,”你的弟弟堂·约翰怂恿我诬蔑希罗小姐。 △Lr.2.4. 309 (306): “And whatthey may incense him to,being apt /To have his earabused,wisdom bids fear.”他们惯会哄骗他的耳朵,如今不知又要怂恿他干些什么,聪明人还是提防为好。 △R.III.1.3.85 (84):“I never did incense his Majesty / Against theDuke of Clarence,”我从来没有唆使国王陛下有害于克拉仑斯公爵。 △R.III.3.1.151:“Think you,my lord,this lit-tle prating York / Was not incensed by his subtlemother / To taunt and scorn you thus opprobriously?”大人,你看这个喋喋不休的小约克是不是受了他那狡诈的母亲的煽动,才这样无礼地对你嘲弄和藐视? 3. instruct,inform,lead to believe指示,告诉,使得相信。 △H.VIII.5.1.42:“I think I have / Incensed the lordso’ the Council that he is/(For so I know he is,theyknow he is) A most arch-heretic,a pestilence / Thatdoes infect the land;”我想我已经使得枢密院的诸位大人激动起来,使他们相信他是(因为我知道他是,他们也知道他是)最大的、头号的异端分子,传染了全国的瘟疫。 incense香用树脂和香料做成,举行宗教仪式时焚烧,其味芳香。在古埃及、古希腊及古罗马的异教宗教仪式和犹太教仪式上都要焚香。《启示录》将焚香视作圣灵祈祷者的象征,自公元6世纪始,基督教便在礼拜时焚香。但在英国,焚香并不普遍。 incense[inˈsens]v.激怒,恼怒,使激动,点香[ˈinsens]n.香,香气,奉承,赞美 |