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单词 despair
despair/dɪ′speə(r), AmE -′sper/ vi [-ing/rɪ ŋ/]; n

vi 失(绝)望(lose all hope (of)) [I I+prep(of)](fml):We have no reason to~. Things will get better soon. 我们根本用不着灰心丧气,一切很快就会好的。~for a person 为某人感到失望;~of the future/the humanity/the success 对前途/人类/成功丧失了信心;have~ed of sb 对某人完全失望;(doctor)~of saving a patient's life(大夫)对救活病人已不抱任何希望;(mother)~of ever seeing her son again(母亲)对再见到儿子已不抱任何希望;(student)~of winning a scholarship(学生)对获得奖学金已不抱任何希望;

→ de′spairing adj 失(绝)望的;de-′spairingly adv失(绝)望地;

n 失(绝)望(state of complete loss or lack of) [U][N(of)]:one's~of ever seeing one's son again 感到难以再见到儿子的绝望心情;show~露出失望的神情;fall into/sink in(to)~陷入/陷入绝望; be filled with/be overcome by~充满绝望情绪/悲观绝望;be/cry out/give up sth in~悲观失望/绝望地大叫/因绝望而放弃;be in~of ever being able to pay off one's debts 对能否还清债务丧失信心;drive sb to~使人灰心丧气;〖同〗hopelessness, discouragement;

be the despair of 使人失望:The boy is the~of all his teachers/both his parents/his family. 那男孩使所有老师/双亲/家人大失所望。






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