释义 |
impartvt. communicate,make known,tell 传达,通知,告诉。 △ Ham.1.1.169:“Let us impart what we haveseen to-night / Unto young Hamlet,”让我们把我们今晚看见的事情告诉年轻的哈姆雷特。 △Ham.5.2.92 (89):“Sweet lord,if your lordship were at leisure. I shouldimpart a thing to you from his majesty.”亲爱的殿下,倘若殿下有空,有一件事国王命我通知殿下。 △2H.VI.3.2.299:“I have great matters to impart to thee.”我有些大事要告诉你。 △R.III.3.1.159: “As closely to concealwhat we impart ;” 并且把我们所讲的话严密地隐瞒起来。 △R.III.4.4.130:“Though what they will impart /Help nothing else,yet do they ease the heart.”(noth-ing else: in no other way.)尽管它们讲述的话于事无补,它们却也能使人心安。 ~vi. 1. communicate,make known,tell传达,通知,告诉 △Ham.3.2.348(329):“But is there no sequel at the heels of this mother’s admiration? Impart.”但是紧跟着她的惊讶,有没有什么下文呢?说吧。 2. furnish. afford,bestow提供,给予,赐予。 △Ham.1.2.112:“Do I impart toward you.”我赐予你。 impart[imˈpɑ:t]v.分给,给予,赋予,告知,透露 ‖ impart knowledge and educate people教书育人 impartible adj.不可分的,(土地等)不能分割的 impartibility n.impartation n.分给,给予,告知,透露 impartment n. |