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单词 design
design/dɪ′zaɪn/ v & n

v(1) 设计(图样)(draw the plans for sth esp by means of drawings sketches etc) [I T+nD+n+nD+n+prep(for)]:Who~s better than we do? 谁设计得比我们好?~a car/an engine/a house/a bridge 设计汽车/发动机/房子/桥;~sb a superb studio 给某人设计一个非常好的画室;~dresses/clothes/scenes for a famous theatre 给一家著名的剧院设计服装/衣服/布景;〖同〗sketch,draw;

(2) 构思,设想(think of and plan out in the mind) [T+n T+n+prep]:~a timetable/the perfect crime 设想一个时间表/策划那天衣无缝的罪行;~a curriculum for the third year 为第三学年设计一个课程表;〖同〗plan, project, devise;

(3) 意图;预定(make or intend for a specific purpose or use) [常passT+n+prep(for/as),T+n+to-inf]:The book was~ed for use in college. 这书供大学使用。The nursery is~ed for the baby's use. 托儿所是供婴儿使用的。The scholarship is~ed for medical students. 这奖学金是为医科学生设置的。The dictionary is~ed for foreign learners. 这词典是为外国学习者编写的。The gloves are~ed for extremely cold climates. 这手套是在极其寒冷的气候下使用的。The room was~ed as a children's playroom. 这房间预计作为儿童娱乐室。The course was~ed as an introduction to the subject. 这课程预计作为这一科目的入门。The experiment is~ed to test the new drug. 实验的目的是用来试验这种新药。The fund is~ed to help worthy students. 这项基金是用来帮助优秀学生的。The punishment is~ed to teach him the seriousness of his crime. 惩罚是用来教训他明白自己罪行的严重性。This was not what was~ed to happen. 这不是蓄意酿成的。〖同〗intend, mean, destine;

→ de′signer n 设计者(师);de′signing n 设计(艺术);adj 阴谋的;de′signedly adv有意地;

n(1) 设计(general arrangement or planning(of a building book machine picture etc) [U]:the~of a building 大楼的设计;(machine) be of bad/poor/good ~(机器)设计得不好/糟糕/很好;(building)be poor/modern in~(大楼)设计得不好/新式;a machine of faulty/excellent~设计得有缺点/非常好的机器;

(2) 设计(艺术)(art of making such drawings sketches etc) [U]:study textile/dress~学习纺织/服装设计;a school of dress~服装设计学校;industrial~工业设计;

(3) 设计图(drawing or sketch showing how sth is to be made) [C][N(for)]:~s for a building/a dress/a book/a plane 大楼/服装/书/飞机的设计图样;work from a~根据设计图做;〖同〗sketch, drawing, outline, blueprint;

(4) 装饰图案(arrangement of lines figures or objects as ornamental pattern) [C]:The curtain has a sunburst/floral~. 这窗帘上有旭日/花样图案。a vase with a flower/pretty~(on it)(上面)有花形/漂亮图案的花瓶 a wallpaper~一种壁纸图案;〖同〗pattern;

(5) 企图,打算(plan formed in the mind; intention) [U C]:have a clear~of how the goods should be arranged on the shelf 关于货架上货物如何摆放有明确的设想;do that/be there by~,not by accident 是有意干那事/去那里的,而并非偶然;He left early by~in order to help them. 他有意早走好帮助他们。haves on sb's money/sb's life/sb's job/a young girl 企图谋取某人的钱/害某人的命/夺某人的工作/引诱一少女;haves against the government 图谋反对政府;have a~for becoming a millionaire in ten years 企图十年内成为百万富翁;carry out/frustrate the evil(criminal)~s 实现/挫败罪恶(犯罪)的阴谋;〖同〗intention, purpose, goal, target, end, aim;

【辨异】名词designplanschemeproject都可指做某事的设想。plan(计划)是最普通常用的词,指任何事先设想做某事的方法、安排,如:What are your plans for today? (你今天有什么计划?) scheme(计划)也是非正式用语,既可指纯理论的、可能是不实际的想法,也可指自私的、不诚实的想法(阴谋),如:a scheme to swindle sb(一个欺诈某人的阴谋),a scheme for getting rich quick(一个快速致富的计划);design(企图,阴谋)强调按目的实施的想法,有时是罪恶的、自私的(见(5));project(计划,方案)指建议的、试验性的计划,常常是精心设计的,如:an irrigation project(灌溉方案)。





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