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单词 ill


1. misdeed不端行为。
△ Oth.4.3.106 (103):“The illswe do,their ills instruct us so.”我们干的坏事,都是他们的坏事教导出来的。
2. wrong-doing,wickedness坏事,邪恶。
△L.L.L.4.3.124 (122): “Ill,to example ill,/Would from myforehead wipe a perjured note;”罪过,若为罪过提供了先例,就会从我头上抹去背誓的罪名。
△Ado.2.1.161 (153):“Nay,if they lead to any ill,I will leave them at thenext turning.”不,如果他们引导做坏事,那么到下一个转弯,我就要脱离他们了。
△1H.VI.3.3. 64:“When Talbot hathset footing once in France / And fashioned thee thatinstrument of ill,/ Who then but English Henry willbe lord,”当塔尔博特一旦在法兰西站稳了立足点,并且把你变成了作恶的立足点,到那时候还不是英国的亨利来做主子?
3. evil,sin罪恶,罪。
△Rom.4.5.94:“The heavens dolour upon you for some ill;”i.e. for some sin (com-mitted by you). 上天已为你们的罪行而板起了脸。
△ Mac.3.2.55: “Things bad begun make strong themselvesby ill.” i.e. Things which are begun in evil canstrengthen themselves only by further evil. (“Thetyrant’s motto”— J.D. Wilson.) 以不义开始的事情,必须用罪恶使它巩固。
△H.V.4.1.200(186): “’Tis certain,every man that dies ill,the ill upon his own head,theKing is not to answer it.”那是一定的,凡是在罪恶中死去的人,那罪恶该落到他自己的头上,国王不负任何责任。
4. mischief,misfortune,disaster 损害、不幸,灾祸。
△Ham. 3.1.81 (80):“And makes us rather bearthose ills we have / Than fly to others that we knownot of?”(cf.the common saying“Better the harm Iknow than that I know not.”)使得我们宁可忍受目前的不幸,也不敢逃向那未知的灾殃。
△ Mer.2.5.17: “There issome ill abrewing towards my rest,/ For I did dreamof money-bags to-night.”好像有什么不妙的兆头正在酝酿,使我不安,因为我昨夜梦见了钱袋。(按:当时的迷信,认为梦见钱财不吉利。)
5. wrong冤屈。
△1H.VI.2.5.128: “Either to be re-stored to my blood,/ Or make mine ill (i.e.mywrong) th’advantage of my good.”要求恢复我世袭的权利,再不然就把我的冤屈变成对我有利的条件。


1. wicked,evil邪恶的,罪恶的。
△Wiv.3.3.116 (109):“take an ill advantage of his absence.”邪恶地利用了他不在家的机会。
△ Rom.2.4.179(168):“if you shoulddeal double with her,truly it were an ill thing (=e-vil act) to be offered to any gentlewoman,”如果你骗她,那可真是对不起任何好人家姑娘的坏良心事。
△Mac.1.3.130: “This supernatural soliciting / Cannot be ill;cannot be good.”这种神秘莫测的劝诱,不可能出于恶,也不可能出于善。
△H.V.5.2.391 (363):“ill office,”i.e.evilact,malevolent interference. 罪恶的勾当,恶毒的干扰。
△H.VIII.1.3.60: “ill doctrine”,i.e. heresy. 异端邪说。
2. malicious恶毒的。
△H.V.1.2.154: “the ill neigh-bourhood.”邻居的恶意;(又译)恶毒的邻居
3. offensive 冒犯的。
△H.VIII.2.1.32: “he wasstirred/ With such an agony he sweat extremely,/And something spoke in choler,ill and hasty.”他因为痛苦而激动,流汗很多,并且在愤怒中匆匆地说了一些难听的话。
4. not good,bad不好的,坏的。
△Ham. 2.2.110 (111):“That’s an ill phrase,”这个措词不好。
△Ado.2.1.106(101): “for I have many ill qualities.”因为我有很多缺点。
△Ado.2.3.84 (76): “And an ill singer,mylord.”可是唱歌的人太不行了,殿下。
△Rom.5.1.16:“Fornothing can be ill if she be well。”因为只要她安好,一切都不会坏。
△2H.IV.2.1.109 (97): “whereby I told theethey were ill for a green wound?”于是我告诉你这些东西对你的新伤不好,你记得吗?
△2H.IV.5.2.83: “If thedeed were ill,”要是这件事做得不好。
△H.VIII.3.2.142(141): “sure in that / I deem you an ill husband,” 当然,在这方面我认为你不是一个很好的财务管理人。
5. poor,unskilled拙劣的,不熟练的。
△Rom.4.2.3:“You shall have none ill,”i.e. no bad ones.我不会给你找拙劣的。
△Ham.2.2.119(120): “O dear Ophelia,Iam ill at these numbers.”啊,奥菲利娅,我不善于写诗。
6. sick,ailing; grievous,sad有病的,不舒服的;悲痛的,悲伤的。
△Ham.5.2. 222 (212):“Thou wouldst not thinkhow ill all’s here about my heart—but it is no mat-ter.”我想不到我此刻心里多么不舒服;可是这不要紧。
7. ugly丑的。
△L.L.L.2.1.59:“he hath wit to makean ill shape good,”他的聪明可以使丑陋的形貌变成美好。
8. depraved堕落的。
△H.VIII.4.2.43: “Of his ownbody,he was ill,and gave/The clergy ill example.”i.e. he was sexually depraved.他在自身操持方面堕落腐化,给教会人员树立了坏榜样。
ill angel: evil angel,bad spirit 恶天使,恶神灵。
△2H.IV. 1.2.187 (163):“You follow the youngprince up and down,like his ill angel.”你处处跟着年轻的太子,就像他的恶天使一样。
ill chance: misfortune不幸。
△2H.IV.4.2. 81:“A-gainst ill chances men are ever merry,/ But heavinessforeruns the good event.”人就要碰上厄运时总是先觉得高兴,但心情忧郁倒往往是好事的先兆。
ill counsel: bad advice坏主意。
△Tw.5.1.34 (31):“O,you give me ill counsel.”(The Duke takes “doub-le-dealing” in the sense “deceit”.)啊,你给我出的坏主意。ill dealing: evil dealing罪恶勾当。
△R.III.3.6.14:“When such ill dealing must be seen in thought.”看见了罪恶勾当,却只能保持沉默。
ill friend: bad relation坏亲戚。
△R.III.4.4.217:“No,to their lives ill friends were contrary.”不,是因为有坏亲戚跟他们的生命作对。
ill hours: late hours,irregular habits深夜不归,作息无常。
△Tw.1.3.5:“your cousin,my lady,take greatexceptions to your ill hours.”你的侄女,我的小姐,非常反对你这样深夜不归、作息无常。
ill thoughts: bad thoughts坏思想。
△Lr.5.2.9:“What,in ill thoughts again?” i.e. despondent again?什么,又往坏里想了?


1. not well,not rightly,badly不好地,不对地,很差地。
△ Rom. 4.5.75:“O,in this love,you love your childso ill”,啊,你这样的爱,你这样爱你的孩子很不对。
△Lr.2.2.62 (58):“a stone-cutter or a painter could not havemade him so ill,though they had been but two hours at the trade.”石匠或者画匠都不会把他造得这么坏,即使他们对这行手艺才只学了两个钟头。(按: two hours at thetrade,又作 two years o'the trade,“才学了两年”。)
△Lr. 2. 2. 152(145):“The King must take it ill”,国王一定对这事很不愉快的。
△2H.IV. 2. 2. 32 (28): “Howill it follows,after you have laboured so hard,youshould talk so idlely!”在你出力打仗(又译:辛苦工作)之后,竟说出这样无聊的话来,真是太不好了!
△2H.IV.5.5.53(48):“How ill white hairs becomes a fool and jester!”白头发长在一个蠢人和小丑的头上,有多么不相称!
△H.V.41.130(124):“I dare say you love him not so ill towish him here alone,”我敢说你不会这样不爱他,竟希望他个人留在这里。
△3H.VI.2.5.55: “Ill blows the windthat profits nobody. ”(Proverb:“ It is an ill wind thatblows no man good.”) 对人没有利益的风就刮得不好。
△1H.VI.4.1.74: “Let him perceive how ill webrook his treason,”让他明白 一下我们对于他的叛变多么不能容忍。
2. in sin在罪恶中。
△H.V.4.1.200 (186): “'Tis cer-tain,every man that dies ill,the ill upon his ownhead,the King is not to answer it.”那是一定的,凡是在罪恶中死去的人,那罪恶该落到他自己的头上,国王不负任何责任。ill killed: illegally killed 非法杀死。
△Wiv.1.1.85(83):“it was ill killed.” i.e. ❶it was illegally killed.它是死于非命的。(意谓这只鹿是为Falstaff偷杀。)
❷Veni-son drained of blood,because the deer was badlywounded some hours before being killed. (J.D.Wil-son)这只鹿在被宰杀之前就受重伤,失血过多,因而肉质不佳。


(worse[wə:s],worse[wə:st])adj.坏的,不良的adv.坏地,不利地,几乎不n.坏,恶 (pl.) 灾难,不幸
◇be ill off贫困,不幸
do ill作恶
for good or ill好歹
take ill误会,生气
‖ ill blood敌意,憎恨
ill breeding没有教养,粗野
ill feeling反感
ill health不健康
ill intention恶意
ill omen凶兆
ill-being n.不幸,贫困
ill-bred adj.没教养的,鲁莽的
ill-condition n.病态
ill-conditioned adj. 病态的,情况糟糕的
ill-defined adj.不定的
ill-defined concept难定义概念
ill-dispose adj. 存心不良的
ill-effect n. 恶果
ill-equipped adj.装备不良的
ill-fated adj.倒霉的
ill-favoured adj. 其貌不扬的
ill-formed adj.劣构的,站不住脚的,无理由的
ill-founded adj.无事实根据的,无理由的
ill-gotten adj.非法获得的
ill-gotten money黑钱
ill-humored adj.情绪不好的
ill-mannered adj. 没礼貌的
ill-natured adj.性情暴躁的
illness n. 疾病
ill-planned construction盲目建设
ill-posed adj.不适应的
ill-sorted adj. 不相称的,不配对的
ill-timed adj. 不合时宜的
ill-treat v.虐待
ill-treatment n.虐待
ill-will malafides恶意行为





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