idean. image,likeness形象,肖像。 right idea: very image,exact image一模一样。 △R.Ⅲ.3.7.12:“Withal,I did infer your lineaments,/ Beingthe right idea of your father,”此外,我还提到你的相貌,长得同你父亲一模一样。 idea[aiˈdiə]n.主意,心思,构想,思想,想法,概念,理念,观念,(音乐) 主题,计划,理性概念,绝对真理 ◇bounce one’s ideas off sb.了解他人对自己的意见和看法 get the idea that认为 go about drumming up support for an idea游说 go about selling about an idea游说 have an idea=have the idea认为,觉得 have any idea知道,了解 have no idea不知道,不了解 ‖ connate idea先天观念 fixed idea固定观点 idea art概念艺术 idea content观念内容 idea force观念力 idea generation创意的产生 idea man创意丰富的人 idea man谋士 idea naming观念命名 idea of beauty美的概念 idea of beyond来世表象 idea of collective集体观念 idea of future来世观 idea of God神的观念 idea of history历史观 idea of imagination想象表象 idea of marriage婚姻观 idea of perception感觉表象 idea of power standard权本位 idea of prime mover原始致动者观念 idea of reference介入观念 idea of the other world来世表象 idea of the world beyond来世表象 idea of virtue道德观念 mistaken idea错误思想 ideas about the future未来观 ideas for new products新产品创意 ideas of distortion and falsity歪曲与错误的思想(观点)/ideas of ideas观念表象 ideas of reflection 反思的思想 idea-screening process 创意筛选过程 idead=ideaed adj. 主意多的 ideaman n. 谋士 ideation n.构思能力,构思过程,观念作用,观念化 ideational adj.概念的,观念的,构思的 ideational culture理念文化 ideational function概念功能 ideational learning观念学习 ideational system理念体系 ideational types观念型 ideational theory of meaning意义的观念作用理论 |