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单词 descend
descend/dɪ′send/ v [-ed, -ed/ ɪd/]

(1) 走(落,降)下(come go fall or sink from a higher place or position) [I T+n](fml):~from the stage/the platform走下舞台/平台;~to earth/the bottom of a mine-shaft降到地上/矿井底部;~into a well/the bowls of the earth 下到井内/地球上的洼处;~the stairs/the mountain/the slope/the trail走下楼梯/山/斜坡/羊肠小道;(sun)~behind the hills(太阳)落到山后;(balloon)~in the field(气球)落到田地里;(elevator)~to the ground floor(电梯)降到一楼;(aeroplane)~for a landing(飞机)降下准备着陆;~the river顺河而下;The path~s the hill. 小路顺山而下。〖同〗drop; 〖反〗climb;

(2) 向下倾斜(slope downwards) [I]:The road/walk/field~s steeply (sharply/gradually). 道路/人行道/田地陡峭(急剧/逐渐)地向下倾斜。The path~s to the valley below. 小路通向下面的山谷。The river~s to the sea. 河水流向大海。The hill~s to the lake. 山倾向湖边。〖同〗slope,dip,incline;

(3) 传下((of properties qualities rights) pass by inheritance from father to son) [I+prep(from)]:The person~s from the first French colonists/Napoleon. 这人是最早的法国移民/拿破仑的后代。The house~s from his ancestors. 这房子是他的祖先传下来的。The festival~s from a druidic rite. 这节日是从德鲁伊特教习俗流传下来的。The title~ed through eldest sons/male heirs. 那称号通过长子/男性继承人往下传。The estate~ed to his daughters. 那地产传给了他的几个女儿。

(4) 降临((of night darkness) fall) [I](fml):Night~ed quickly. 夜幕很快降临了。

be descended from 是……的后裔:The family is~ed from Russian stock/royalty/an ancient family. 这家人是俄罗斯血统/皇族的后代/古老家族的后裔。 Man is~ed from apes. 人类是由猿演变而来。

descend on (upon) (v prep) 1) 突袭(vt):(troops)~on (upon) the enemy soldiers/inhabitants/village (部队)突然袭击敌兵/居民/村庄;(police)~on (upon) the thieves' hide-out(警察)突然袭击贼窝;(wolves)~on (upon) the travellers/the flock(狼群)突然袭击旅行者/牲口群; 2) 突然拜访(使措手不及)(vt):Visitors/Our relatives/Thousands of tourists~ed on (upon) us at Christmas. 来访者/我们的亲戚/成千上万的旅游者圣诞节那天突然到来。

descend to (v prep) 沦落,屈尊(vt):~to cheating/begging/fraud/abuse/bad language 卑贱到行骗/乞讨/欺诈/谩骂/说脏话的程度;~to living in one room 屈尊只住一个房间;

→ de′scendant n 后裔;de′scent n下降;斜坡;祖先,血统;突袭;行为沦落





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