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单词 depth
depth/depθ/ n

(1) 1) 深度(distance from top to bottom) [U C通常sing]:the~of the mine/the river/the sea/the truck/the snow/the water 矿/河/海/箱子/雪/水的深度;What is the~of the well? 井深是多少? The~of the well is 10 ft.(The well is 10ft in~.)(The well has a~of 10 ft.)这井深10英尺。At what~does the wreck lie/is coal mined? 船沉/煤埋在多深处? at a~of 10 feet (metres) 在10英尺(米)深处;The bottom of the river cannot be seen because of its depth. 因为水深看不见河底。~bomb/charge 深水炸弹;〖反〗height; 2)(纵向)深度(distance from the surface inwards) [U C通常sing]:the~of a wound/a crack 伤口/裂缝的深度;(bullet) penetrate sth to a~of 10cm(子弹)穿透某物10厘米;(knife) go in to a ~of 5cm(刀子)刺入5厘米;(diver) descend to a~of 100 feet (潜水员)下沉100英尺;3) 厚度(distance from front to back) [U C通常sing]:the~of a shelf/a cupboard 架子/碗橱的厚度;a shelf with a~of 10 inches 10英寸厚的架子;

(2) 1)(颜色)浓(深)度((of colour darkness etc) intensity) [U C]:The~of colour was astonishing. 颜色的厚重令人惊讶。〖同〗deepness; 2)(声音)低沉,雄浑((of voice or musical tone)lowness of pitch) [U C]:the~of a voice/sb's sigh 嗓音的浑厚/叹息的深沉;The~of his voice gives him a good tone for recording. 他浑厚的嗓音使他的录音的音色很美。〖同〗deepness;

(3) 1)(感情)强(炽)烈,(感情)深沉((of feelings) strength or intensity) [U]:the~of one's love (for sb)/one's feeling(对某人)深沉的爱/强烈的感情;have no conception of the~of human misery 对人类的深重苦难毫不了解;2) 睿智(ability to understand or explain difficult ideas) [U]:a writer of great~睿智的作家;The~of his knowledge of philosophy surprised us. 他对哲学的深刻理解使我们惊讶。3) 深奥(刻),渊博(having or showing this ability)[U]:(novel)lack~/have remarkable~/show the author's~of learning(小说)缺乏深度/非常深刻/显示出作者学识的渊博;a novel of great~深刻的小说;

in depth 彻底地;深入地:study/explore a subject in~深入地研究/探索一个科目;a study in~of a poem对一首诗的透彻研究;

in the depth(s) of sth 在……的最深(中心)处:in the~s of the ocean/the sea/the space/the forest 在大洋/海/宇宙/森林的深处;in the ocean~s 在大洋深处;in the~(s) of winter/the country 在隆冬/偏远的乡下;in the~s of despair 在极度绝望之中;in the~s of sb's character/sb's memory 在某人性格/记忆的深处;sink to the~s as a murderer 沦为凶手;

(be/get)out of/beyond one's depth 1)(在/到)超过身高的深水处:He nearly drowned when he drifted out beyond his~. 当他漂到水深没过头顶的远处时差点淹死了。He is out of his~in that part of the pool. 他在池中的那个地方已水深过头了。2)无法理解(fig):If you get him talking on art/When it comes to natural science, he is soon out of his~. 如果你和他谈艺术/当涉及到自然科学,他很快就茫然不解了。I felt rather out of my~during the discussion. 讨论中我感到什么也听不懂。The book is beyond her~. 这本书她看不懂。

←deep adj;

→in′depth adj 深入的





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