hoopvi. whoop,cry out in wonder,shout with aston-ishment高叫,惊叫。 △H.V.2.2.106: “As two yoke-devils sworn to either’s purpose./ Working so grosslyin a natural cause / That admiration did not hoop atthem;” i.e. Working so obviously for a purpose sonatural to them that they aroused no outcry of aston-ishment. 就像套在一只轭上、发誓合作的两个魔鬼,公然为一个不言而喻的共同目的而工作,因此“惊奇”也就不必向它们大喊大叫。 hoop[hu:p]n.环箍,环,圈v.环绕,加箍 ◇put sb. through the hoops经受磨炼 ‖ hoop skirt有裙环的女裙 hooping n.环箍 hoopman n.篮球运动员 hoopster[ˈhu:pstə(r)]n.篮球运动员 |