释义 |
hoisevt. 1. hoist,pull up升起,扯起。 △R.III.4.4.527 (526):“He,mistrusting them,/ Hoised sail,and made hiscourse again for Brittany.” (They were Richard’smen,not Buckingham’s,tryin g to decoy Richmond a-shore.)他不相信他们,就扯起船帆又向布列塔尼驶去了。 2. heave away,remove拉开,除去。 △2H.VI.1.1.168(167): “Cousin of Somerset,join you with me (i.e.lfyou join with me),/And all together,with the Dukeof Suffolk,/ We’ll quickly hoise Duke Humphreyfrom his seat.”萨默塞特堂弟,只要你跟我在一起,再加上萨福克公爵,大家联合起来,我们很快就会把亨弗雷公爵从他的地位上拉下来。 hoise[hɔiz]=hoist[hɔist]v.& n.升起,举起,即起/n.升起,举起,起重机,升降机 ◇ hoist up升起 hoist with one’s own petard自食其果,害人害己 ‖ hoisting adj.升起的/n.升起,举重 hoister n.起重机,起重机司机 hoist-away n.起重机 hoistway=hoisthole n.货物起卸口 |