释义 |
himpron. 1. he他。 △As.1.1.46 (43): “Ay,better than him(= he whom) I am before knows me.”哼,比在我面前的人认识我还要清楚些。 2. it 它。 △ Mac.2.3.35 (30):“Therefore much drinkmay be said to be an equivocator with lechery: itmakes him.and it mars him; it sets him on,and it takes him off:”(Lechery is personified.)所以,多喝酒,对于淫欲来说,可以说是一个两面派;促成它,又败坏它;鼓动它,又撤消它。 3. himself他自己。 △Shr.Ind.1.76: “to repose himhere.”要在这里休息一下。 △Shr. Ind.1.122:“Who forthis seven years hath esteemed him/No better than apoor and loathsome beggar.”他在七年来一直自以为只是个可怜的讨人厌的乞丐。 △As.1.1.136 (128):“acquit himwell.”i.e.prove himself well,conduct himself well.拿出他自己的本领来。 △Lr.5. 3.215 (214): “threw himon my father,/ Told the most piteous tale of Learand him / That ever ear received,”他扑到我父亲的尸体上,讲出 了关于李尔和他自己的闻所未闻的可怜的故事 △ 1H.IV.1.3.287 (286):“The King will always thinkhim in our debt,”国王总要觉得他欠了我们的债。 △3H.VI.4.3.2: “The King by this is set him down to sleep.”这时候国王怕是已经安静下来想睡了。 △H.VIII. 2. 1.161:“’Tis the Cardinal (i.e. Wolsey); / And merely to revenge him on the Emperor”,这是沃尔西主教干的,只是为了他自己要对神圣罗马皇帝进行报复。 4. itself它自己。 △1H.IV. 3.2.180: “Advantage feedshim fat while men delay.” i.e.❶Those who seizedthe opportunity (= the rebels) increase it while othermen delay; ❷the opportunity gained loses momentumif men delay.要是我们拖延,就给他人扩大了机会;(又译)拖延下去就会把良机错过。 5. for himself为他自己。 △Mac.5.4.5(4):“Let everysoldier hew him down a bough,”让每个兵士都为自己砍下一根树枝。 Him above: God in Heaven天上的上帝。 △Mac.3.6.32:“with Him above / To ratify the work,”加上上帝对此事的允准。 |