释义 |
hildingn. (term of contempt) good-for-nothing,lowcreature,jade,baggage,worthless girl (蔑称)无用的东西,贱人,贱妇,粗野女子,小贱人。 △Shr.2.1. 26: “Forshame,thou hilding of a devilish spirit,”可耻呀,你这恶鬼一样的贱人。 △ Rom.2.4.45 (42): “Helen and Herohildings and harlots,” 海伦和希罗只好算是贱妇娼妓。 △Rom.3.5.169 (168):“Out on her,hilding!”好不要脸,小贱人!
hildinga. 1. worthless,mean,good-for-nothing无足轻重的,低劣的,无用的。 △ H.V.4.2.29: “To purge this field ofsuch a hilding foe;”把这些不堪一击的敌人从战场上清除掉。2. mean,base,contemptible低劣的,卑贱的,可鄙的。 △2H.IV.1.1.57:“He was some hilding fellow thathad stolen / The horse he rode on,”他准是个什么卑鄙家伙,连他骑的那匹马也是偷来的。 hillo,ho. ho: (loud exclamation to give notice of be-ing near) Hallo there. (向人招呼的叫喊)喂,嗬,嗬! △Ham.1.5.115:“Hillo,ho,ho,my lord.”喂,嗬,嗬,殿下。 |