释义 |
helpn. 1. cure治疗。 △Com.5.1.160: “Let him be broughtforth,and borne hence for help. ”让他能够出来,由我带回家去疗养。 △2H.VI.4.7.95 (90): “Ye shall have ahempen caudle,then,and the help of hatchet.”你就要喝一碗大麻粥,然后再受到斧头的治疗。 2. relief,remedy解救,补救办法。 △Mac.4.3.186:“Now is the time of help:”i.e.Now is the momentfor the remedy. 现在正是挽救的时机。 △Gent.3.1.243(244): “study help”,i.e. devise a remedy. 想出补救办法。 △2H.VI.2.4.67: “Thy greatest help is quiet,gentle Nell.”好耐儿,你的最好的办法是默默忍受。 at help: favourable有利的,顺利的。 △Ham.4.3.47(44): “The bark is ready,and the wind at help,”船已经备好,风向也顺利。
helpvt. 1. cure治愈。 △Lr.4.4.10:“He that helps him takeall my outward worth.”谁能将他治好,我身外的全部财产都让他拿去。 2. solve; prevent 解决;阻止。 △Rom.4.1. 54: “Andwith this knife I'll help it presently.”用这把刀我就可以解决一切。Phrases: help me to my horse: ❶help me to find my horse帮我找到我的马。 ❷help me to mount my horse as an ost-ler(像马夫一样)扶我上马。 △1H.IV.2.2.46 (40): “Iprithee,good prince Hal,help me to my horse,goodking's son.”我求你了,好哈尔王子,帮我把马找来吧,好王子。(按:福斯塔夫用❶义,下面王子故意理解为 ❷义。) help...to: get for... 为…弄到。 △Tw. 4. 2. 89 (81):“help me to a candle,and pen,ink,and paper.”你帮忙给我拿一枝蜡烛、笔、墨水和纸。 △Tw.4.2. 124(113):“Iwill help you to 't.”我就给你拿来。 help[help]v.帮助,援助,扶助,培育,促进,助长,防止,阻止 ◇ cannot help but不得不…,忍不住…cannot help it没办法 cry for help求救 help in帮助干… help out帮忙 help sb. in sth.帮助某人各项工作 help sb. into搀扶某人进入 help sb. up把某人扶起 help with sth.帮助干…/with the help of在…的帮助下 ‖ help advanced units扶持先进 help alleviate their hardships关心群众疾苦 help and education帮教 help and educate delinquent juvenile帮教工作 help each other互助 help each other and make mutual concessions互助互让 help in the mess kitchen帮厨 help reference page援助参考页 help-seeking behaviour求助行为 help supply each other’s needs互通有无 help the poor areas with science and technology科技扶贫 help the poor get rich扶贫致富 help the poverty stricken families to prosperity扶贫致富 help the wounded and rescue the dying救死扶伤 help wit h farm work帮工 helping center救助中心 helping hand助手 helping professions辅助性专业 helping relationship协助关系 helping teacher辅导教师 helpfully adv. helping n. 帮助,协助 helpfulness n.有益性 helpline n.求助热线 helpmate n.助手 helpmeet n.合作者,伙伴 |