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单词 deliver
deliver/dɪ′lɪvə(r)/ v [-ing/rɪ ŋ/]

(1) 递送,交付(take (letters parcels goods etc) to the places or persons they are addressed to) [I I+prep(to), T+n T+n+prep(to)]:This supermarket~s free of charge/only on Saturdays. 这家超级市场免费送货/只有周六才送货(上门)。We~(goods/your order)to your door. 我们送货上门。The downtown stores do not~to the suburbs. 市中心的商店不向郊区送货。(postman)~letters(邮差)递送信函; (courier)~papers(信使)递送文件;(store)~groceries(商店)递送食品杂货;When will the parcel/message be~ed? 邮包/消息何时送到? My post was~ed early in the morning. 我的邮件一清早就送到了。~goods to a customer/packages to the purchaser/checks to a bank/sb's order to his door 把货物递送给顾客/包裹递送给购货人/支票递送到银行/某人的定货递送上门;~a message to a friend/an ultimatum to a country 把口信捎给一个朋友/最后通牒递交一个国家;~sth to the wrong address 把……送错了地址;〖同〗carry,bear,bring,convey,transfer,give over,hand over;〖反〗keep, hold;

(2) 移交,交给(give into another's possession or keeping; give up; hand over; surrender) [T+n T+n+prep(to), T+n+adv(up/over)](fml):~(up) a fortress to the enemy/a prisoner to the police/a criminal to the authorities 把要塞移交给敌人/囚犯交给警察/罪犯交给当局;~(over) one's property to one's children 把财产交给孩子们;~over the keys to the citadel 移交城堡的钥匙;~oneself to justice/charge of one's office to one's successor自首/把办公室的职权移交给接任者;〖同〗transfer;

(3) 1) 助产,使分娩(assist a mother in giving birth to (a child)) [T+n T+n+prep(of)]:The doctor (midwife)~ed Mrs Jones (of twins/triplets) 大夫(助产士)给琼斯夫人接生了(一对双胞胎/三胞胎)。She was~ed of a healthy boy. 她生下一个健康的男孩。The nurse will~you safely in your own home. 护士将在你自己家中为你安全接生。2) 接生(assist in the birth of) [T+n]:The doctor (midwife)~ed her baby/her child/a set of twins. 大夫(助产士)给她的婴儿/她的孩子/一对双生子接生。Her daughter was~ed in hospital. 她女儿是在医院接的生。3) 生产(give birth to) [T+n]:She~ed twins at 4 a.m. 她早晨4点生下一对双生子。

(4) 发表(state sth) [T+n(oneself)+prep(of)](fml):~oneself of his opinion/a judgement发表自己的意见/一种看法;~oneself of a host of fine sentiments表示出许许多多美好的感情;

(5) 发表(讲话,演说),陈述(give a lecture speech etc; utter or pronounce) [T+n T+n+prep](fml):~a verbal protest 发表口头抗议;~a speech/a talk/a report/a lecture on philosophy (to a society)(向协会)就哲学发表演说/讲话/作报告/演讲;〖同〗say,proclaim;

(6) 使摆脱,解(拯)救(set free; liberate; save; rescue)[T+n T+n+prep(from)]:~sb from bondage/evil/misery/suffering/slavery/danger/the hands of the enemies/the tiresome people 使某人摆脱束缚/邪恶/痛苦/苦难/奴役/危险/敌人的魔掌/那些讨厌的人;~sb from prison 释放某人出狱; Only education can~people from fear and superstition. 只有教育才能使人们摆脱恐惧和迷信。〖同〗save,rescue,liberate,free,release;〖反〗enslave,oppress;

(7) 发射,投掷 (throw or launch(sth) in flight; release) [T+n]:~a missile from underground 从地下发射导弹;The pitcher~ed a curve ball. 垒球投球手投了一个弧圈球。〖同〗launch, throw, aim, direct;

(8) 给以(打击)(give(a blowstrike) [T+n T+n+prep]:~a hard blow to sb's jaw 给某人下巴重重的一击;~a series of punches to the challenger 给挑战者一连数拳;~a kick to sb's leg 踢了某人的腿一脚;The boss~ed a sharp rebuke to the group.(fig)老板严厉呵斥了那个小组。〖同〗strike;

(9) 1) 兑现,守诺言(produce what is expected or promised) [I I+prep(on)](infml):He promised to finish the job the next week, and he~ed (on that). 他答应下周把活儿干完,并且说到也做到了。Make sure he~s(on his promise). 一定要他遵守诺言。2) 达到(……的水准)(achieve(a level of performance)) [T+n]:(new model)~speed and fuel economy(新的型号)又快又省油;~improved sales figures提高销售数额;

(10)争取支持,拉选票(bring(votes influence etc) to the support of a political movement a person trying to get elected etc) [D+n+n D+n+prep(to), T+n]:~sb all one's support 全力支持某人(竞选);

→ de′liverance n 解救;de′livery n





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