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单词 heat


1. fire火。
△ Oth.5.2.12: “Promethean heat”.i.e.divine fire。普罗米修士之火;神火。
△Gent.2.4.193(192):“Even as one heat another heat expels.”正像一团火可以排除另外一团火。(按:古时传说,以火灸烧伤之处可以排出伤处的内在之火。)
2. fire of passion怒火。
△1H.IV.1.3.139: “Whostruck this heat up after I was gone?”在我走之后,是谁惹起了这场怒火?
3. anger愤怒。
△Ham. 3. 4. 3: “And that your Gracehath screened and stood between / Much heat (i.e. the king's anger) and him.”而且娘娘已经回护了他,替他居中挡开了不少的怨怒。
4. fire of passion,excitement,inflamed sexual passion情火,炽热的情欲。
△Ado.4.1.41:“She knows the heatof a luxurious bed;”她已经领略过淫乱的床笫上的滋味。
△Oth. 1. 3. 265 (263): “Nor to comply with heat,”i.e. Nor to satisfy the inflamed sexual heat. 也不是为了满足炽热的情欲。
5. normal heat of the body 正常体温。
△Tw.1.5.139(132):“One draught above heat makes him a fool,”多喝一口酒,使他发烧,就会变成一个傻瓜。
6. hot weather,summer热天,夏天。
△Tw.1.1.26(25): “till seven years’ heat,”i.e. for seven summers.除非再过七次夏天。
7. quality of being hot in the mouth辣。
△H.V.3.7.21 (20):“And of the heat of the ginger.”而且像姜一样火辣。
8. ardour,excitement,hot surge 热切,兴奋,热潮。
△1H.IV.1.1.59:“For he that brought them (i.e.the news),in the very heat / And pride of their cont-ention did take horse,”因为报消息的人是在他们鏖战正紧的时刻上马飞奔而来的。
9. heat or climax of a battle,urgency of pursuit战斗高潮,紧急追击。
△ 2H. IV.4.3.27 (24):“The heat is past,”激战已经过去。
10. urgency紧急。
△Oth.1.2. 40:“It is a business ofsome heat.”这是一件相当紧急的事。
in the heat: while the iron is hot,at once趁热(打铁),立即。
△Lr.1.1.312 (308):“We must do something,and i’the heat.”我们要立即行动,趁热打铁。 take the heat: catch fire,i.e. grow angry着火,(指)发怒。
△2H.IV. 2.4.325 (297):“he will drive you out of your revenge and turn all to a merriment,if you takenot the heat.”i.e.if you do not strike while the iron is hot; if you do not grow angry at once. 你要不趁热打铁(发一顿脾气),他就要把一切化为一场玩笑,使你没法报复。


vt. make hot,warm使热,使暖和。
△2H.VI.5.1.159:“Nay,we shall heat you thoroughly anon.”(heatyou: make you hot in the fighting.) 不,我们马上就要叫你热得受不了。
heat one’s blood: make angry,anger激怒,惹…生气。
△L.L.L.1.2.33 (29):“thou heat’st my blood.”你招我生气。




◇ heat up加热
in the heat of在…最激烈的时候
in the heat of performance在演出最激烈的时候
‖ heat burn灼伤
heat colour暖色,热调
heat death热寂说
heat filter隔热滤镜
heat insulation绝热
heat radiation热辐射
heated cabin加温舱
heated container绝热集装箱
heat-apoplexy n. 中暑
heat-labile adj.保温的
heat-resisting adj.耐热的
heat-resistor n. 耐热器
heat-stable adj. 耐热的
heat-stroke n. 中暑
heat-treat v.对…进行热处理
heater n.加热器





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