hearvt. listen to,lend ear to 倾听,听。 △Lr.4.2.19:“Ere long you are like to hear /… / A mistress'scommand.”你不久也许就得听从一位女将军的命令。 △Ado.1.3.6 (5):“You should hear reason.”你应该听从理性。 △H.V. 1.2.156:“For hear her but exampled by her-self:”,因为,请听一听她为自己所提供的前例吧。 △ 3H.VI.4.8.16:“Men well inclined to hear what thoucommand’st;”那些非常愿意听你的指令办事的人。 ~vi.learn. be told. receive information 得知.获悉。 △Ado.4.1.193 (191):“if they wrong her honour.The proudest of them shall well hear of it.”如果他们损害了她的名誉,我要和他们当中最尊贵的一个把理讲清楚(又译:我要跟他们当中最尊贵的一个拼命去)。 Phrases: dost thou hear: listen to me 听着。 △ Gent.1.1.99(94):“But dost thou hear? gav’st thou my letter toJulia?”我且问你,你把我的信送给朱丽亚没有? hear ourselves: talk and listen to each other. confer 彼此交谈,商议。 △Mac.3.4.31 (30):“Get thee gone;to-morrow /We’ll hear ourselves again.”去吧,明天我们再谈。 hear without warning: take to themselves ears unex-pectedly悄悄偷听别人谈话。 △Mid.5.1.212 (208): “Noremedy,my lord,when walls are wilful to hear with-out warning.”没法子,大人,因为墙壁爱悄悄偷听别人谈话。 hear[hiə]v. 听,听见,审理 ◇hear a bird sing私下听人说 hear about听到,听说 hear from收到,从…听到 hear of听到,说起,不考虑 hear out听完 hear reason听从道理,服理 hear say听人说起 hear sb.out听某人把话说完 hear the last of最后一次听到 hear your words of wisdom聆教 not hear of (to)不同意,拒绝考虑 ‖ hearing aid助听器 hearing aid earphone助听器耳机 hearing and listening听与倾听 hearing disturbance (disorder )听觉障碍 hearing impairment 听力损伤 hearing threshold听觉阈 hearing training听觉训练 hearing n. 听讯,审讯,听力(觉),法庭审讯 ◇ out of hearing在听不见的地方 hearer n.听者,旁听者 hearsay n.传闻,小道消息 adj.道听途说的 hearsay evidence传闻证据 |