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havevt. 1. take 拿。 △2H.IV.5.5.79(74): “Yea,marry,SirJohn,which I beseech you to let me have home withme. ”是,不错,约翰爵士,我求你让我把这笔钱带回家去吧。 2. hold,grasp 握住,抓住。 △Mac.2.1.35: “I havethee not,and yet I see thee still.”i. e.I cannot holdyou,yet I see you all the time. (It is only a vision.)我握不着你,但我总看见你。 3. find,see 找到,看见。 △Tw.3.3.42: “There shallyou have me.”你可以到那里去会我。 4. understand 了解,懂。 △Ham.2.1.68 (65):“Youhave me,have you not?”你懂得我的意思了吧? 5. assert to be 断言…是。 △1H. VI. 3.1.29:“If I werecovetous,ambitious,or perverse,/ As he will haveme,how am I so poor?”如果我真是像他说的那样贪婪、野心勃勃或者乖僻成性,我怎么会这样贫穷? 6. classify,understand 把…归类,理解。 △1H.IV.3.3.143 (127): “Why? She's neither fish nor flesh,a manknows not where to have her.”为什么? 她既不是鱼又不是肉,一个人简直不知道该怎么看待她。 7. take advantage of,get the better of 占…的便宜,占…的上风。 △1H.IV. 3.3.146 (129): “Thou or any manknows where to have me,thou knave,thou.”你或是任何人都知道在什么地方占我的便宜,你这无赖。 8. conduct,attend 引导,侍候。 △ Mid. 3. 1. 178 (171):“To have my love to bed and to arise;”好(用火)照着我的爱人安睡与起坐。 ~ vb.aux. have been 曾经是。 △H.VIII.3.2.193 (192):“that am,have,and will be —”,我现在如此,过去一直如此,将来也仍然如此。 Phrases & Expressions: have after: let's pursue or follow 让我们追上去;让我们跟随着。 △Ham.1.4.89: “Have after.”i.e.Let's afterhim. 让我们跟上去。 have at: here's a stroke or blow at ...,here's for...,here goes! look out! 接打吧! 打来了! 照打! 小心吧! △2H.IV.1.2.219(192):“and he that will caper withme for a thousand marks,let him lend me the money,and have at him!”谁要是愿意赌一千马克跟我比赛跳舞,就让他先把那笔钱借给我,然后就叫他防备着吧! △H.V.3.7.134(119): “Have at the very eye of that proverb”. 让我拿一句话来打中你这句俗话的要害。 △3H.VI.2.4.11: “And so,have at thee!”好,你看剑吧! have at him: let me at him 让我去跟他斗。 △2H.VI.4.2.132(120): “Rise up,Sir John Mortimer,Now have at him!” 起来吧,约翰 · 摩提麦爵士,现在我去跟他斗! △H.VIII.2.2.84 (83):“If it do(i.e.continue),/ I'll venture one (i.e.one thrust): have at him!”如果长此下去,我可要冒险出击,跟他干了! have at thee: here I come at you,attack you你照打吧,看剑,照打。 △Rom.1.1.78 (72): “Have at thee, coward!”看剑吧,胆小鬼! △2H.VI.2.3.93 (89): “andtherefore,Peter,have at thee with a downrightblow!”所以,彼得,你小心我给你迎头一击! have at ye: here goes! look out! be prepared! 来了!留神吧! 你们准备好吧! △H.VIII.5.3.113 (5.2.148):“Now have at ye!”现在你们留神吧! have at you: ❶I shall come at you; be on your guard你应战吧;你招架吧。 △Shr.5.2.45:“Have at you for a bitter jest or two!” 当心,我还得对你说 一两句笑话! △H.VIII.3.2.310 (309): “I had rather want those(i.e. manners) than my head,Have at you!”我宁愿失礼,也不愿丢掉脑袋。你听着吧! ❷I will begin,I will address you我就要开始了,我就要说了。 △L.L.L.4.3.290(286): “Have at you then,affection's men-at-arms.”那么,听我道来,爱情的战士们。 have at you with: here I come at you with,I will attack you with我要用…来攻击你,你招架我的… △Rom.4.5.126 (123):“Then have at you with my wit!”那么就招架我的机智! △Com.3.1.51:“Have at you with a proverb”,让我给你说一句俗话。 have away: get rid of除去。 △2H.IV.3.2.199(185):“We will have away thy cold,”我们会治好你的风寒。 have I: i.e. just as sure as I have就像我有…那样确实无疑。 △2H.VI.5.1.10:“A sceptre shall it have,have I a soul,”我的手一定要执掌王杖,就像我有一个灵魂那样确实无疑。 “Have I caught my heavenly jewel?”: This line is from the opening of the second song in Philip Sidney's“Astrophel and Stella”. “我可抓住了我那天上的明珠?”——引自锡德尼十四行组诗《阿斯特罗菲与斯苔拉》的第二歌首句。 △Wiv.3.3.45(43). have... in hand: deal with 与…交往,与…打交道。 △Tw.1.3.69 (64): “Fair lady,do you think you have fools in hand?” i.e.you are dealing with fools?好姑娘,你以为在你手边的尽是些傻瓜吗? (按:下边对话中,围绕hand一词逗嘴。) have it full: be well answered,have got back as good as you gave受到了充分的回敬。 △Ado.1.1.114 (109):“You have it full,Benedick.”你挨了重重的一击,班尼狄克先生。 have more lives: kill more lives 杀死更多的人。 △3H.VI.1.1.96:“I'll have more lives / Than drops of blood were in my father's veins. ”我要使得比我父亲血管里的血滴更多的人丧掉性命。 have nothing with: have nothing to do with: do notunderstand与…无关:(又解)不懂。 △Ham.3.2.101(96):“I have nothing with this answer,Hamlet.” i.e.Your answer does not apply to what I said.你这种回答与我毫无关系(又译:我完全不明白你的话。),哈姆雷特。 have to it afresh: continue the strife or rivalry anew再重新开始我们的争斗。 △Shr.1.1.142(139):“and thenhave to 't afresh.”然后我们再重新敌对起来。 have with thee: I'll go along with you; let's go我要跟你一起走;我们走吧。 △1H.VI.2.4.114: “Have withthee,Pole,Farewell,ambitious Richard.”我们一 起走吧,蒲尔。再会,野心勃勃的理查。 △L.L.L.4.2.153(146):“Have with thee,my girl. ”一起走吧,我的姑娘。 have with you: ❶I'll go with you;come along withme我跟你走;跟我来吧。 △Oth.1.2.53:“Have withyou.”i.e.Yes,Let's go. 好,走吧。 △R.III.3.2.89(90):“Come,come;have with you. ”来,来,我跟你一起去。 ❷let us go together;let's go. 让我们一起走吧;我们走吧。 △As.1.2.273 (256): “Have with you,— Fareyou well.”我们走吧。再见。 have[hæv]v.有,具有,吃,喝,经历/n.(pl.)富人,富国 ◇have got to=have to必须,不得不 have had it受到致命打击 have it out解决 have on穿着 have only to ...to...只要…就能…/have to do with与…有关 ‖ have a common boundry搭界 have a common goal志同道合 have a farewell talk叙别 have a good start开局良好 have a load on one’s mind背包袱 have a ready market适销对路 have a rise in social status身价百倍 have a style of one’s own自成一体 have a successful career得志 have a tacit understanding心照不宣 have a talk面谈 have an ace up one’s sleeve胸有成竹 have an audience with a sovereign朝见 have an informal discussion座谈 have bad luck倒运 have bats in the belfry 德才兼备 have full-management authority自主经营 have great originality匠心独运 have high aspirations but little ability志大才疏 have holidays by turns轮休 have jurisdiction over管辖 have on way not走投无路 have only a hazy notion似懂非懂 have only oneself to blame咎由自取 have ready plans to meet a sitaution胸有成竹 have regulations to abide by有章可循 have stage fright晕场 have sth.custom-made定制 have sth. to do with搭界 have sth. all to oneself独占 have the courage to think and act敢想敢干 have the right to claim repayment from the debtor有权向债务人追偿 have to twist arms to get business to advertise拉广告 have unexpected result爆冷门 have unusual courage and resourcefulness胆略过人 have won fame both at home and abroad驰名中外 having been checked and accepted by the government通过国家验收 having talent but no opportunity to use it怀才不遇 having unrecognized talents怀才不遇 has为have第三人称单数现在式,had为 have的过去式和过去分词 ◇can be had能买到,能弄到 had bette最好 had best最好 had rather...than...与其…不如…,宁愿…不愿… have-not n.穷人,穷困 having n.(pl.)所有物,财产 |