释义 |
hang(pa.t.& pa.p. hanged in the sense “to execute bythe halter”,else hung) vt. 1. make linger,suspend in mid-action; check,interrupt 使徘徊,使(在行动半途)悬而不决;制止,折断。 △2H.IV4.1.213(211): “And hangs resolved correction in thearm,That was upreared to execution.”这就制止住高高举起的手臂,不能执行决意要进行的惩罚。 2. kill or execute by the halter吊死,绞死。 △Gent.2.5.5(4):“a man is never undone till he be hanged,”一个人要在他被绞死之后才算完蛋。 ~ vi. 1. be suspended,be attached悬挂,附着。 △R.III.1.2.148(147): “Never hung poison on a fouler toad.”(Toads were supposed to be poisonous.)毒液还不曾附着在更丑恶的癞蛤蟆上。 2. fasten. cling抓紧,纠缠。 △Mid.3.2.233: “So hungupon with love.”那样被人追求不舍。 3. cohere,agree,be consistent紧凑,投合,连贯。 △R.III.3.6.4:“And mark how well the sequel hangs togeth-er.”且注意这一连串的事互相衔接得多么紧凑。 4. hover翱翔,徘徊。 △1H.IV.3.1.226(223):“Andthose musicians that shall play to you / Hang in theair a thousand leagues from hence,/ And straightthey shall be here.” (Glendower promises to summonspirits of the air to play the music.)那些将要为你演奏的乐师现在还在离这里千里之外的空中翱翔,他们立刻就要来到了。 5. be executed by the halter被绞死。 △1H.IV.2.1.74(67):“If I hang,I'll make a fat pair of gallows;”如果我被绞死,我得有一双特大的绞架。 6. be executed by the halter; (used as imprecation) bedamned被绞死;(用做咒骂之语)该死。 △1H.VI.3.2.68:“Signior,hang!”先生,该死! Phrases: hang off: let go放开手,松开。 △Mid.3.2.260:“Hangoff,thou cat,thou bur!”放开手,你这只猫,你这个缠人的东西!hang together: hold together (without altogether col-lapsing) 囫囫囵囵地活着(还没有垮掉)。 △Wiv.3.2.13:“Ay,and as idle as she may hang together,for wantof company.”嗳,在家,正闲得百无聊赖,因为没人和她做伴。hang up: ❶let …go hang 让…滚开。 △Rom.3.3.56(57):“Hang up philosophy!” i. e. Let philosophy gohang itself! 让哲学滚开吧! ❷ used as an imprecation 吊起来(用于咒骂)。 △ Com.2.1.67: “Hang up thy mis-tress!”去你妈的太太! hangs a tale: there is a story connected with that.因此引出了故事。 △Shr.4.1.59 (58): “Out of their sad-dles into the dirt,and there by hangs a tale.”他们从马鞍上翻到烂泥里,于是就引出了故事。 hang[hæŋ]v.悬挂,吊 ◇hang back犹豫 hang behind落在后面 hang in the balance (scale)悬而未决,面临紧要关头 hang over威胁 ‖ hanging out the laundry空投伞兵 hanger n.悬挂者,挂钩,吊杆,支架 hang-up n.悬挂
hang[hæŋ]n. (动作的)暂停,中止/v.悬挂,挂画,踌躇,吊,绞死,悬而未决,垂下 ◇hang about (around)闲荡 hang back犹豫 hang behind落在后面 hang fire延迟,犹豫不决 hang in the air未完成,悬着 hang in the balance (scale)悬而未决,面临紧要关头 hang in (on)the hedge(诉讼)悬而未决 hang loose保持镇静,放松 hang on坚持下去,依靠,渴望 hang on sb.’s lips洗耳恭听,说话 hang on to紧紧握住 hang out坚持 hang round闲荡,追随 hang the jury使陪审团因意见不统一而不能决定 hang together符合,联系在一起 hang up挂断,延迟,拖延,抵押,延期 hang upon有赖于 hang up one’s axe洗手不干 hang up one’s hat长期居住,停止不干 not give a hang about毫不在意 ‖ hang paper假造支票 hang stand站立悬垂 hang together连贯 hang up festoons扎彩 hanging apparatus悬挂器械 hanging ball停在斜坡上的球 hanging committee评委会,绘画展览会 hanging ladder悬梯 hanging packing挂式包装 hanging scaffold吊盘 hanging scale悬垂平衡 hanging scroll立轴,挂幅 hanging unit悬吊布景的空间 hanging wing悬吊侧幕 hanger n.绞刑执行者,悬挂者,挂钩,吊杆,支架 hanger bracket悬架 hanger-on n.奉迎者,食客,随从 hanging n. 绞死,绞刑,悬挂 hangman=hangsman n.刽子手 hangout n.(流氓)住所 hang-over n.残余物,残余 hangwire n.炸弹保险丝 |