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单词 define
define/dɪ′faɪn/ vt [-d, -d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

(1) 下定义(give the exact meaning(s) of (eg words phrases etc)) [T+n C+n+prep(as)]: ~words/terms/parts of speech 给词/术语/词类下定义;Dictionaries not only~words but also show how to use them. 词典不仅给词下定义,而且展示词的用法。~“crisis”as “turning point” 把crisis定义为turning point(转折点);~man as a rational animal/a square as rectangle with four equal sides 把人类定义为理性动物/正方形定义为四边相等的长方形;

(2) 解释,阐明(describe; explain) [T+n T+wh]:~the committee's functions/the position of the government/the powers of the president/the problems discussed/sb's duties 阐明委员会的功能/政府的立场/总统的权限/讨论的问题/某人的职责;His responsibilities were~d for him in his job description. 他的责任在他的工作规定中有说明。~exactly what has changed 确切解释清楚所发生的变化;〖同〗state, describe;

(3) 确定界限,规(限)定(determine or fix the boundaries or extent of) [T+n]:~boundaries (borders) between countries 确定国界;~property (with stakes)(用界桩)确定地产范围;

(4) 显出形状(make clear the outline or shape of) [T+n]:(mountain/tree/house/moving figure) be sharply/clearly/boldly~d against the sky(山/树/房子/移动的人群)明显/清晰/赫然地映衬在天空的背景上;a well-~d profile 轮廓明晰的侧面像;see a clearly~d shape outside the window in a flash of light 在一道闪光中看见窗外一个轮廓分明的东西;〖反〗hide, conceal;

(5) 显示特征(show the character or nature of) [T+n C+n+prep(as)]:Good manners~the gentleman. 高尚行为表现出绅士风度。What~s us as human? 我们人类的特征是什么?

→ de′finable adj 可阐明(确定)的;inde-′finable adj 无法阐明(确定)的;defi′nition n 释义;清晰;阐明;解释





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