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单词 had


vb. would have就有。
△H.V.4.1.298 (278):“sucha wretch,/ Winding up days with toil,and nightswith sleep,/ Had the forehand and vantage of aking.”这样一个可怜虫,白日劳苦,夜晚安眠,他所占的上风和优势并不亚于一位国王。


vb. aux.
1. would要,肯,就。
△H.V.3.7.64 (57):“I had ratherhave my horse to my mistress.”我宁愿把我的马当做我的情妇。
△H.V.3.7.66 (59): “I had as lief have mymistress a jade.”我宁愿把我的情妇当做一匹不值钱的马。
2. would have就要,便要,可能会,才算。
△Ham.1.1.91:“which had returned / To the inheritance of Fortin-bras,”它就要归属于福丁布拉斯所有。
△1H.IV.3.2.42:“Opinion,that did help me to the crown,/ Had stillkept loyal to possession,”那曾经帮助我获得王冠的公众舆论,恐怕定会仍然效忠于原来的王冠拥有者。
△2H.IV.4.2.88:“This had been cheerful after victory.”要是在胜利之后再欢呼,那才算高兴。
△2H.VI.2.1.44: “Had notyour man put up the fowl so suddenly,/ We had hadmore sport.”假如你手下的人没有把那只鸟突然惊起来,我们就还会多玩一阵子。
△3H.VI.2.2.160: “Hadst thou beenmeek,our title still had slept,/ And we,in pity ofthe gentle king,/ Had slipped our claim until anotherage.”如果你温顺一点,我们对王位的要求原会暂时不提,我们为了可怜这个性格柔和的国王,原会把我们的要求推迟到下一代。
△H.VIII.4.2.123(122): “That gentle physic given intime had cured me; / But now I am past all comfortshere but prayers.”这服有效良药,倘若下得及时,倒能把我治好;但是现在一切安慰对我都无济于事了,只有向上天祈祷了。
△H.VIII.4.2.153 (152): “If heaven had pleased tohave given me longer life / And able means,we hadnot parted thus.”如果上天肯赐给我更长久的寿命和足够的财力,我们也许会不至于这样就分别了。
3. would have,may have或许曾经,也许早已。
△L.L.L.5. 2. 323 (322): “Had he been Adam,he had temptedEve.”如果他是亚当,他准会把夏娃引诱。
△Gent.2.4.89(88): “Had come along with me”,i.e. would havecome along with me. 本想和我一起来。
△1H.IV.1.3.71:“Whate'er Lord Harry Percy then had said”,无论哈利·波西爵爷当时或许曾经讲过什么。
△1H.IV.5.3.14:“O,Douglas,hadst thou fought at Holmedon thus,/ Inever had triumphed upon a Scot.”啊,道格拉斯,要是你在霍姆登也这样打仗,我大概绝不可能战胜一个苏格兰人。
△H.V.1.1.1:“that self bill is urged / Which in theeleventh year of the last king's reign / Was like,andhad indeed against us passed,”那一项专跟我们过不去的议案又提出来了,就是在先王治下第十一年那时候很可能通过,而且也许肯定已经通过的那个议案。
△R.III.5.3.331 (330):“Who,but for dreaming on this fond exploit,/ Forwant of means,poor rats,had hanged themselves.”这些可怜的鼠辈,穷得无以为生,若不是梦想着这一次的愚蠢冒险,恐怕早就自己上吊了。
had been: would have been大概会,可能会。
△Oth.5.1.24: “That thrust had been mine enemy indeed,But that my coat is better than thou think'st.”这一击倒真会致我死命,幸亏我这铠甲比你想的要结实得多。
had done: would have done就会干。
△Mac.2. 2. 14(12): “Had he (i.e. Duncan) not resembled / My fa-ther as he slept,I had done 't.” i.e. I would havedone it myself. 要不是他睡得像我的父亲,我早就自己动手了。had liked: were likely 很可能。
△Ado.5.1.115:“Wehad liked to have had our two noses snapped off withtwo old men without teeth.”我们两个人的鼻子差一点被两个缺牙的老头子给咬掉了。
had need: would do well to,ought to,must最好,应当,应该。
△Tw.2.3.201 (182):“Thou hadst need sendfor more money.”你应该再多取一些钱来。
had you: even if you had即使你…
△Lr.4.7.30 (29):“Had you not been their father.”i.e. Even if you hadnot been their father. 即使你不是她们的父亲。





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