guiltya. 1. having incurred guilt by the commission of some offence 有罪的,犯罪的。 △H.VIII.2.1.12: “where to hisaccusations (i.e. the accusations against him) / Hepleaded still not guilty,”在庭上他对于自己所受到的种种控诉,一直表示不服罪。 2. blameable 该受责备的。 △H.V.3.3.43:“guilty indefence,”i.e. blameable for holding out and not surrendering. 顽梗不化,继续抵抗。 guilty of: (used playfully) acquainted with 熟悉(带有调侃之意)。 △L.L.L.1.2. 117 (111): “The world wasvery guilty of such a ballad some three ages since.”大约在三个世纪以前,曾经大大不该地流行过这么一支歌谣。 |