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单词 defeat
defeat/dɪ′fi:t/ vt [-ed, -ed/ ɪd/]; n

vt (1) 战胜,击败 (win a victory over sb in any kind of struggle; overcome) [T+n T+n+prep]:(army/fleet/enemy) be (badly/soundly)~ed in a battle(军队/舰队/敌人)在战斗中被击败(惨败);(party) be (badly/soundly)~ed in an election(党)在选举中被击败(惨败);be (badly/soundly)~ed at football/chess 在足球赛/棋赛中被击败(惨败);~one's opponents 战胜对手;They~ed our team by three goals (to two). 他们队赢了我们队三个球(以三比二的比分赢了我们队)。The motion was~ed by 60 votes (to 30). 这个动议以60票之差(60票对30票)被否决。The government was~ed by 40 votes (to 20). 这届政府以40票之差(40票对20票)被击败。〖同〗overcome, conquer;〖反〗lose;

(2) 使……迷惑(困扰)(be puzzling for sth) [T+n](infml): This kind of problem always~s me. 这种问题总是使我困扰。The complex sum has~ed many teachers. 这个复杂的运算使许多教师束手无策。His idea has~ed many adults. 他的想法使许多成年人无法理解。Why he stays indoors on such a beautiful day~s me! 这么好的天他竟闭门不出,这使我不解。

(3) 1) 使破灭(落空,失败)(prevent(hopes aims etc) from becoming reality) [T+n]:Our hopes were~ed. 我们的希望破灭了。Moral instruction thus~s its own purpose. 道德教育就这样适得其反。2) 使受挫(阻)(prevent(an attempt a proposal etc) from succeeding) [T+n]:We've~ed moves to build another office block. 我们使兴建另一处办公楼的动议未能通过。(lack of money)~sb's plan/sb's attempt/sb's proposal(缺钱)使某人的计划/企图/提议受挫;

n(1) 1)击败,战胜(act of defeating or state of being defeated) [U]:the~of the losing army 战胜败军; the~by the winning army 被胜利军击败;Napoleon's~at Waterloo 拿破仑在滑铁卢的失败; His~in the last race depressed him. 最后一次赛跑失败令他垂头丧气。Our main aim must be the~of the government in the next election. 我们的主要目的是使政府在下届选举中失败。suffer/admit/lead to~遭受/承认/导致失败;end in/give up in~以失败告终/因失败而认输;consider the possibility of~考虑失败的可能性;〖反〗success, triumph, victory; 2) 失败(example of being defeated) [C]:three wins and two~s for the team 这个队三胜两负;a crushing/serious/military~毁灭性的失败/惨败/军事失败;The team has had two ~s in a row. 这个队一连被击败了两次。Another~will mean the end of the war. 再失败一次就意味着战争的结束。These~s came as a setback for him. 这些失败对于他来说无异于挫折。suffer/avoid another~遭受/避免又一次失败;〖反〗success, triumph, victory;

(2) 破灭,落空(bringing to naught) [U](fig):Losing the scholarship meant~of all her hopes. 没有得到奖学金意味着她所有的希望都破灭了。

→de′featism n 失败主义;de′featist n 失败主义者;

【辨异】1) defeatbeatwin的区别见BEAT;2) defeatconquerovercomesubdue的区别见CONQUER。





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