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单词 government


1. rule,administration统治,施政。
△2H.IV.4.4.9:“And pause us till these rebels,now afoot,/ Comeunderneath the yoke of government.”停顿下来,等待这些尚在活动的叛徒低头接受王权的统治。
△H.V.2.2.28:“Under the sweet shade of your government.”在陛下的仁政庇护之下。
△R.III.2.3.12:“In him there is a hopeof government,”他的统治还是有希望的。
△R.III.3.7129(130): “we heartily solicit / Your gracious self totake on you the charge / And kingly government ofthis your land.”我们衷诚地恳求殿下亲自负起国王的责任,把你的这个国家统治起来。
2. administration of public affair对公共事务的管理,国政。
△2H.VI.1.3.47(44):“Is this the government ofBritain’s isle?” 不列颠岛的行政管理就是这个样子吗?
△3H.VI.4.6.39: “Now join your hands,and withyour hands your hearts,/ That no dissension hindergovernment.”现在你们携起手来,心也要联合在一起,不要让分歧妨碍国政。
3. control,management,regulation 控制,操纵,调节。
△1H.VI.2.1.63: “Had all your quarters been assafely kept / As that whereof I had the government,/We had not been thus shamefully surprised.”如果你们所有的防守地段都能像我控制的地段那样安安全全地守住,我们也就不会这么可耻地遭到突然袭击。
△Mid. 5. 1. 124(123):“not in government”,i.e. not under control. 没有控制。
4. command指挥。
△1H.IV.4.1.19: “Under whosegovernment come they along?”他们在谁的指挥下开过来?
5. post,office of command,command of an army职位,指挥职务,军队指挥权。
△Oth. 4. 1. 249(237):“Depu-ting Cassio in his government.”叫凯西奥代理他的职务。
6. authority权力。
△3H.VI.4.6.24:“I here resign mygovernment to thee,”我在这里把我的权力交付给你。
7. self-government,self-discipline,self-control,prop-er conduct,discretion 自治,自律,自制,举止得体,谨慎。
△Oth.3.3.256: “Fear not my government.”别担心,我会克制的。
△1H.IV.1.2.30(27):“and let men say webe men of good government.”让人家说我们是很有节制的人。
△1H.IV.3.1.183(182): “Defect of manners,want of government,”没有礼貌,缺乏自制。
△3H.VI.1.4.132:“Tis government that makes them seemdivine,/ The want thereof makes thee abominable.”女人能律己才显得神圣,而你却因缺乏自律而叫人憎恶。
△H.VIII.2.4.136(139): “Thy meekness saintlike,wife-like government.”你那圣徒一般的驯顺,谨守妇道的克制态度。





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