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gorgeousa. magnificent,sumptuously splendid 华贵的,艳丽夺目的。 △1H.VI.5.3.62:“As plays the sun up-on the glassy streams,/ Twinkling another counter-feited beam,/ So seems this gorgeous beauty to mineeyes.”好似太阳抚弄着如镜的水面,折射回来的波光炫人眼目,这位艳丽夺目的美人儿也照得我眼花缭乱。(章益译文) △ Lr.2.4. 271 (268): “If only to go warm were gorgeous,/Why,nature needs not what thou gorgeous wear'st,/Which scarcely keeps thee warm.” i. e. If it were gor-geous merely to be warm,you would not need thefashionably scanty attire you are now wearing,whichhardly keeps you warm. 如果穿得温暖就算是华贵,那么,你现在这一身华贵的穿着,几乎不能保暖,就是人生所不需要的了。 gorgeous[ˈgɔ:dӠəs]adj.豪华的,才华横溢的 ‖ gorgeously adv. |