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单词 go


1. walk走。
△Gent.4.2.19:“love / Will creep inservice where it cannot go.”情人献殷勤,不敢公然走过去,只好偷偷溜进去。
△Lr.1.4.135(121):“Ride more thanthou goest,”骑马多来走路少。
2. accord符合。
△Lr.4.7.5:“All my reports go withthe modest truth,”我的报告完全符合实情。
△1H.IV.2.3.88(83):“but if you go一”但是如果你离去的话——
4. ❶pass as true money,have currency,be accepted作为真货币使用,流通,被接受。
❷travel on foot,walk走路,走。
△2H.IV.1.2.191(167): “and yet in some re-spects I grant I cannot go.”但是我承认,在某些方面我走不通(双关:不能流通)。
Phrases & Expressions:
fain to go: obliged or forced to walk不得不步行。
△2H.VI.4.2. 175(162): “And good reason,forthereby is England mained and fain to go with astaff,”大有理由,因为这么一来英国就成了残废,只好拄棍行走。go about: ❶attempt,take in hand,undertake,en-deavour,set oneself to,contrive试图,承担,着手,尽力,开始做,设法。
△Ado.4.1.64:“I stand dishonoured,thathave gone about / To link my dear friend to a com-mon stale.”我自己的脸也丢尽了,因为我竭力撮合我的好朋友和一个下贱的娼妇结婚。
△Mid.4.1.213(206): “Man isbut an ass,if he go about to expound this dream.” 如果有人想解释这个梦,他便是个蠢驴。
△Lr.4.4.23:“O dearfather,/It is thy business that I go about;”啊,亲爱的父亲,我现在做的事,完全是为了你。
△2H.VI.2.1.145(142):“Alas,master,I am not able to stand alone; /You go about to torture me in vain. ”唉,老爷,我自己站都站不起来,你再拷打我也没用。
△H.VIII.1.1.130: “Andlet your reason with your choler question / What ’tisyou go about.”让你的理智跟你的怒气讨论一下你正要去做的究竟是怎么一回事。
❷turn aside,turn back走开,走回去。
△Mac.3.3.11: “His horses go about.” i.e. turnback to the castle stables. 他的马已经牵回去了。
go about to: make it one's object to...,endeavourto,try to立志要…,努力要…,想要…
△H.V.4.1. 215(199): “You may as well go about to turn the sun toice with fanning in his face with a peacock’s feather.”你最好还是拿一根孔雀毛去扇太阳,努力把太阳扇得结冰吧。
go about with: circumvent,outmanoeuvre用计胜过,用谋略制胜。
△Ado.4.2.29(26): “but I will go about with him. ”可是我会想办法制服他。
go alone: walk unaided,walk without a crutch独自走路,不需他人搀扶或拄拐杖走路。
ever he go alone again,I’ll never wrestle for prize more.”倘若他还能独自走路,我以后就再也不跟人摔跤争奖了。 go along: ❶come with me (us) 来吧。
△Mid.1.1.123:“Demetrius and Egeus,go along. ”狄米特律斯和伊吉斯,来吧。
❷come along with me(us); join me (us)跟我(我们) 一道走;和我(我们)在一起。
△3H.VI.4.5.25:“Huntsman,what sayst thou? Wilt thou go along?”猎人,你怎么说? 你愿意跟我们一道走吗? go along by: (conflation of “go along with” = agree with +“go by”=proceed)guide one’s steps by按照…进行。
△H.VIII.1.1.150: “I am thankful to you,and I’ll go along / By your prescription;”我很感谢你,我定要按照你的劝告行事。
go along with: agree with,approve of,support赞同,赞成,拥护。
△Ham.1.2.15:“which have freely gone /With this affair along.”此事多承充分赞助。
go anticly: go about fantastically dressed,wear fantastic fashions打扮得奇奇怪怪,穿着怪里怪气的时髦服装。
△Ado.5.1.96:“Go anticly,show outward hideousness.”打扮得怪里怪气,露出叫人憎厌的样子。
go before: anticipate抢…之先,占…之先。
△As.4.1145(139):“There’s a girl (= a girl who) goes before the priest.” i.e. who says she will marry Orlando before the priest has asked her. 这个姑娘不等牧师问,就抢在前面说了。
go better: go more quickly. go faster 走得更快。
△Mac.3.1.26(25): “Go not my horse the better.” i.e. If my horse does not go more quickly; unless it goes faster. 如果我的马不能跑得更快;除非我的马能跑得再快些。
go beyond: overreach超越,智胜。
△H.VIII.3.2.409(408):“The King has gone beyond me. ”国王先下手为强了。
go by: ❶walk by the light of在…的光亮之下走路。
❷ tell the time by根据…辨别时间。
△1H.IV.1.2.15(13):“for we that take purses go by the moon and the seven stars,”因为我们这种抢钱为生的人只在月亮和七星的光下走路(又译:只靠着月亮和七星来辨别时间)。
go even: accord,agree符合,一致。
△Tw.5.1.249(239):“as the rest goes even,”既然别的一切全都符合。 go far: go a long way in praise,exaggerate赞美过分,夸大。
△H.VIII.1.1.38:“O,you go far. ”啊,你赞美得过分了。
go for: be entered as,pass as被登记为,被当做。
△Mac3.1.92(91): “Ay,in the catalogue ye go for men,” i.e. Yes,in the list of things of nature you pass as men. 嗯,按总类来说,你们总算被当做是人。
go forward: ❶go on,continue,continue in one’s course,do not stop继续前进,继续,继续自己的行动方针,不停止。
△2H.VI.4.2.138(126):“But angry,wrathful,
and inclined to blood,/ If you go forward ; therefore yield,or die. ”如果你们继续作乱,国王就要震怒,大发雷霆并且不惜使你们流血;所以你们快快投降,否则就是死路一条。
❷ come to pass,take place,be carried out发生,产生,实现。
△3H.VI.3.3.58:“If that go forward,Henry’shope is done.”如果这事实现,亨利的希望就完了。
go hard: ❶ fare ill; be trying,be perplexing 不顺利,不妙;恼人,令人困惑。
△Gent.1.1. 86(85): “It shall gohard but I’ll prove it by another.”我若不能提出另外论据来证明,那才算糟糕呢。
❷ be serious 严重了。
△Shr.4. 2.80: “that goes hard,”这话就严重了。
❸turn out badly 结果不妙。
△Ham.3.4.207: “and it shall go hard”,结果才算不妙。
go hard but...: introducing a statement of what will happen unless prevented by overwhelming difficulties除非天塌下来,一定…
△2H.IV.3.2.357(329): “and ’t(= it) shall go hard but I'll make him a philosopher's two stones to me.” i.e.I will assuredly,etc. 说什么我也要把他变得比哲人之石还要贵重两倍,供我使用。
go in,join 参加。
△1H.IV.1.3.293 (292): “Cousin.farewell! No further go in this / Than I by lettersshall direct your course.”侄儿,再会! 不要轻举妄动,只用等我的信指示你如何进行。
go in the song: join with you in your song,sing in harmony with you 跟你一同唱歌,和你协调一致地唱歌。
△Ado. 1. 1. 193(185): “Come,in what key shall a man take you to go in the song?”喂,究竟要唱什么调子,才能和你协调一致地唱在一起呢?
go near: be almost 差不多要。
△ Ado.4.2.25(22):“it will go near to be thought so shortly.”不久也就要差不多如此认定了。
go near to: almost succeed in (doing something)差不多可以(做到…)。
△ Mid.5.1.296 (289): “go near to make a man look sad.”差不多可以使一个人面带悲哀的样子。
go off: ❶ fire off,discharge,i. e. effect a seminal ejaculation 开火(带有猥亵暗示)。
△2H.IV.2.4.144(136):“No more,Pistol,I would not have you go off here.”别再闹了,皮斯多,我不准你在这里放枪走火。
❷ die. be kill ed死,被杀。
△Mac.5.7.65(5.9.2):“Some must go off;
and yet,by these I see,/ So great a day as this ischeaply bought.”i.e. by the great number of thanesand soldiers that are present,such a great victory asthis is cheaply won. 有些一定是阵亡了;但是就我眼前所见的这些人说起来,像这样的一场大胜仗总算赢得十分便宜。
go out: go to the wars,march as a soldier,take the field 去打仗,当兵开走,上战场。
△2H.IV.3.2. 127(114):“You need not to have pricked me,there are other
men fitter to go out than I.”你不必再挑选我了,别人比我还适宜去打仗。
go sore: be in pain 疼痛。
△Com.3.1.65: “If you went in pain,master,this ‘knave’ would go sore.” i.e. If you were in pain ,then this knave she mentions would be in pain; she means you. 大爷,您要是有了毛病,这个“混蛋”就要不舒服了。(意即:她骂的就是您。)
go thy ways: ❶ be on your way,away with you 走开吧,去你的吧。
△1H .IV.2.4.142(127): “Go thy ways, old Jack,die when thou wilt;” i.e. nobody cares about me whether I die or not. 去你的吧,老杰克,什么时候想死你就死吧。
❷ go away 走开。
△Ham.3.1.134(128):“Go thy ways to a nunnery.”你去进尼姑庵吧。
go to: ❶ (expression of impatience) come,come; enough of that (表示不耐烦)行了;够了。
△2H.IV.2.2.42(37): “Go to,I stand the push of your one thing that
you will tell.”行了,把你要说的那件事说出来吧,我招架得住。
△2H.IV.3.2.129(116):“Go to,peace,Mouldy,youshallgo. ”够了,别说了,霉头,你必须去。
△3H.VI.4.1.89:“Go to, we pardon thee;”好了,恕你无罪。
△Shr.5.1.139(135):“Fear not,Baptista,we will content you,go to;”不必担心,巴普蒂斯塔,我们会使你满意的,算了吧。
❷(used to express remonstrance) come,come (表示规劝)行了,算了。
△Tw.3.4. 107(95):“Go to,go to; peace, peace,we must deal gently with him.”好了,好了;别闹了,别闹了,我们一定要对他有礼。
△Gent.2.1. 15(14):“Go to,sir;”好了好了,小子。
△Mer.1.3.116 (115):“Go to then,you come to me,and you say,”这倒罢了,你现在又跑来见我,对我说。
△Lr.3.3. 8:“Go to; say you nothing.”得了,你别说什么。
❸ (expression of contempt, disapproval,rebuke or protest) away with you,get along with you,go away,come,enough (表示蔑视、非难、斥责或抗议)去你的,走开,去去,行了,够了。
△Tw.1.5. 44(41):“Go to.y'are a dry fool.”去你的,你是个枯燥无味的傻子。
△ Tw.4.1.3:“Go to,go to,thou art a foolish fellow.”去,去,你是一个傻瓜。
△Ado.4. 2. 89(82):“andone that knows the law,go to,and a rich fellow en-ough,go to,and a fellow that hath had losses,”我是一个懂法律的人,这且不说,我还是颇有几个钱的人,这且不说,我自然也碰到过坏运气。
△Ham.3.1.155(146):“Go to,I'llno more on't.”i. e. Away with you! I will have nomore of it. 去你的吧,我再也不敢领教了。
△Mac.5.1.50(46):“Go to,go to; you have known what you shouldnot.”够了,够了! 你已经知道了你不该知道的事。
△2H.IV.3. 2. 246(228): “Go to,stand aside.”算了,站在一边。
△H.V.2.1.83(79):“and—pauca,there's enough./ Go to. ”而——简言之,这就够了。去你的吧。
❹ (expression of derision and disbelief) nonsense; don't tell me (表示嘲弄或不信)胡说;别说了。
△Ham.1.3.112:“Ay,fashionyou may call it. Go to,go to.”对,态度,那不过是逢场作戏罢了。得了,得了。
△1H.IV.3.1.157(156): “I cried‘Hum’,and ‘Well,go to’,”我只是“哼”了一声,又说“行了,别说了”。
❺ (expression of exasperation or rebuke)behave yourself; do as you are told (表示恼怒或斥责)放规矩点;听话。
△Rom.1.5. 81(77): “I say he shall,goto ! / Am I the master here,or you? go to!”我说要容忍他,放规矩点,在这里我是主人,还是你是主人? 放规矩点!
❻(phrase of encouragement) come on; come now; geton with it; there you are; so there 好;好吧;说(干)下去;这就对了;行啊。
△Rom. 2.4.198 (184): “go to,I sayyou shall.”别客气了,我要你收下。
△As.4.1.135(130):“Go to ! Will you,Orlando,have to wife this Rosa-lind?”好吧! 奥兰多,你愿不愿娶这个罗萨琳为妻?
△Tw.2.5.170(155):“Go to,thou art made,if thou desirest tobe so,”好,只要你愿意这样,你就可以出头了。
△Wiv.1.4.161(154): “But for you— well— go to.” 至于讲到你——嗳,尽管放心吧。
△Oth. 3. 3.208: “Why,go tothen. ”嘿,这就对了。
△Oth.4.1.115 (114):“Go to,well said,well said,”说下去,很好,很好。
go to church: marry 到教堂结婚。
△Ado. 2.1.372(355): “County Claudio,when mean you to go to church?”克劳狄欧伯爵,你打算什么时候到教堂举行婚礼?
go to it: ❶ come together to fight 打了起来,动手。
△Rom.3. 1. 178(172): “And to’t they go like lightning,”于是他们像闪电一般打斗起来。
❷ go to (one's)death,die,perish 走向死亡,死,死去。
△Ham.5.2.56:“So Guildenstern and Rosencrantz go to't.”那么吉尔登斯丹和罗森克兰兹是送死去了。
❸ copulate 交媾。
△Lr.4.6.115(112):“The wren goes to't,”鹪鹩也在交尾。
△Lr. 4.6. 125(122): “The fitchew nor the soiled horse goes to't / With a more riotous appetite.”其实干起那件事来,她比臭猫或喂饱了春草的骚马还更要放荡、更有滋有味哩。
go under: pass for被看做,被认为。
△Ado.2.1.214(205):“it may be I go under that title because I ammerry.”也许是因为我喜欢开玩笑,所以才被看做那样的人(又译:才给我一个那样的称号)。
go we: let us go让我们走吧。
△3H.VI.3.2.121:“Andgo we,brothers,”二位贤弟,我们走吧。
go with:
△agree with,accord with 与…一致,与…符合。
△Lr.1.1.107(105): “But goes thy heart withthis?”这可是你的心里话吗?
❷be pregnant with怀孕。
△2H.IV.5.4.10(8): “an the child I now go with domiscarry,thou wert better thou hadst struck thymother.”要是我怀着的这个小孩流产了,你还不如去打你自己的亲妈。
△H.VIII.5.1.19(20): “The fruit she goeswith / I pray for heartily.”我衷心为她所孕育的果实而祈祷。
go withal: accord with与…符合。
△Ham.1.3.27:“which is no further / Than the main voice of Denmark goes withal.”那是只能与丹麦国内的普遍舆论相符合的。


◇as far as it goes就此而论
at one go一举,一气
be going strong兴旺,繁荣
go aboard上船
go about从事,干,起劲,流传
go about making inquiries访查
go abroad出国
go according to seniority论资排辈
go across跨越
go after追求
go against违反,反对,不利于
go against the state’s interests触犯国家利益
go ahead前进,进展,继续下去
go all out全力以赴,鼓足干劲
go all the way完全一致
go aloft起飞
go along进行下去,前往
go along for the ride逢场作戏
go a long way大有帮助,大有作用
go along with同意,赞同
go along with an army随军
go and live as a dependent投靠
go angling垂钓
go ape反应失常
go around a defender绕过防守队员
go around复飞
go astray迷路
go at努力从事,进攻
go at full gun全速前进
go at it争论
go back回去,追溯到
go back on食言,违约
go back on one’s word失信
go back to one’s word赖账
go backwards倒退
go bad变质
go bail for担保
go bankrupt破产
go behind进一步斟酌
go beyond超出,越出
go beyond the year跨年度
go blind失明
go broke破产
go by走访
go by the board落水,被丢弃
go by the book公事公办
go deep into深入
go down被击倒,大学毕业,着陆,坠落,发生,发生,下沉,垮台,咽下,下跌
go down in history载入
go down in price落价
go downwind顺风飞行
go dry忘记台词
go far大有前途,成功
go five打满五局
go for按定价出售,袭击
go for broke全力以赴,冒险
go for nothing没有作用,徒劳
go forth向前去,被发表,被分布
go forward前进,发生,上进
go from bad to worse每况愈下,越来越坏
go getter有进取心的人
go halves平分
go hard with sb.使某人为难
go haywire反应失常
go home to visit one’s family or relatives探亲
go hunting自由取镜头
go in出去参加
go in for从事于,酷爱,追求,参加
go in the drink水上迫降
go in the tank故意输掉
go into参加,探究,进入,仔细检查
go into a huddle密商
go into action开始行动
go into battle投入战斗
go into business经商
go into details详述
go into exile流亡,逃亡
go into hiding躲藏起来
go into operation开工
go into operational service开始服役
go into particulars详细论述
go into the red出现赤字
go it拼命干,奔撞,放荡
go it alone单干
go legit上演纯正戏剧
go long做多头
go near to几乎,接近于
go no go起飞或不起飞,发射或不发射
go off爆炸,开始,进行,退场,因故耽误一场表演
go off(over) with a bang很成功
go off one’s head精神错乱,疯狂
go off the air停止广播,停止搜索空中敌人,关机
go off the curve出弯道
go off the hand grip放开扶手
go off with拿走,抢走,拐走
go on继续下去,发生,进行,时间过去
go on a punitive expedition征伐
go on business出差
go on duty上岗
go on for接近,快要
go on sale出售
go on the back翻转
go on the scamp趁火打劫
go on the streets卖淫
go on trips to different scenic spots游山玩水
go on with继续
go one’s own way 一意孤行,固执己见
go one’s round按户投递,出价,巡逻
go one’s way各自为政
go out出去,熄灭,停止工作
go out of business停业,歇业,清算
go out of play球出界
go out of use被废弃
go over转变,仔细检查,温习
go over a draft审稿
go over a manuscript审稿
go over big走红,大受欢迎
go over examination paper阅卷
go over the hill开小差
go over the top采取断然措施,超过限额
go overboard for过分爱好,狂热
go past the opponent越过对方
go public公开上市,股票上市
go round and round周而复始
go sb. better胜过
go scot free未受处罚,安然逃脱
go short (of)缺乏,卖空
go sightseeing观光
go slow怠工
go strong体力强健,情况良好
go the limit赛完全局
go the pace飞快地走,挥霍,放荡
go the round巡回,巡逻
go the rounds of the wards查房
go the same way同路
go the way of all flesh逝世
go the whole hog彻底地干,完全接受
go through a gate通过水门
go through customs过关,办理海关手续
go through经受,仔细检查
go through fire and water赴汤蹈火
go through the formalities履行手续
go through the mill经受磨炼
go through the motions走过场
go through the net穿过网
go through with做完,完成,贯彻
go to a doctor就诊
go to a grass-roots units下基层
go to all (any) length尽一切可能,不吝惜财力
go to bat for sb.为某人出力,替某人辩护
go to class上课
go to court打官司
go to extremes走极端
go to for shelter投奔
go to law诉讼,打官司,诉诸法律
go to law against sb.告状
go to market上市
go to one’s post赴任
go to one’s post上岗
go to pieces崩溃,瓦解
go to pot垮掉,破产,萧条,衰落
go to press付印,付排
go to rack and ruin陷于毁灭,被破坏掉
go to ruin朽坏了
go to sb.’s aid来帮助某人
go to sb.’s place入户
go to school求学,就学,上学
go to study abroad at one’s own expense自费留学
go to the bad堕落,得病
go to the dogs (devil)堕落,毁灭
go to the length of甚至
go to the police and confess投案自首
go to the root of the matter寻根究底
go to the wall失败,败北
go to town寻欢作乐,进城,飞黄腾达
go to war开始作战,参军
go to waste浪费掉,付诸东流
go to work上班
go to work but not exert one’s strength出工不出力
go to your mark各就各位
go under沉没,死,失败,屈服,破产,下降
go up in smoke化为乌有,烟消云散
go up the line离开后方去前线
go up to上大学
go up(物价)上涨,起飞
go uphill上升
go well with =go well together相配,协调
go with采用,选用
go with a swing顺利进行
go with the flow跟着感觉走
go with the stream随波逐流,随大流
go with the time随大流,赶时髦
go without saying不言而喻,显而易见
go wrong出毛病,失败,失灵,走错路
going and coming来来住住,左右为难
have a go (at) no go没有用,不成功,不允许,不停
not go any where =never go anywhere隐居
on the go活跃着,忙个不停,衰败
be going strong兴旺,繁荣
be going to do sth.计划,打算做…/in going order运转正常
‖ go-around accident复飞事故
go-around equipment复飞设备
go-around system复飞系统
go begging无销路
go-go fund投机基金
go int o (enter) full operation全面投产开工
go into business下海
go-no-go check发射与否的检查
go-no-go distance起飞决断点距离
go-no-go marker起飞决断标志
go private国营公司私有化
go public公开招股
go round复飞
go scat破产
go security作保
go shares分担,合伙经营
go short卖空
go solo单飞
going abroad for training国外培训
going concern持续经营,继续经营,盈利企业
going for ostentation and extravagance讲排场
going on the track of sound progress走上良性发展的轨道
going price现行价格
going private股票不公开上市
going public股票公开上市,公开化,公众投资
going rate现价,现行工资率,现行汇率
going short卖空
go-ahead n.许可
go-between n. 中间人,中间环节,媒人
go-by n. 不理睬
go-cart n.手推车,学步车
go-devil n. 冲棍,手推车,运石车
go-down n.仓库,货栈
go-getter n.火箭自动制导的控制装置,能干的人,干将
go-go adj.活跃的,最时髦的,最现代化的,投机的,买空卖空的
going adj.出发的,运转中的,流行的,现有的,进行中的
go-off n.爆炸开始,出发
go-round n.巡回演出,表演
go-slow n.怠工
go-stop n.交通信号
got-up adj.人工的,假的
goer n.行人,活跃的人
going adj.运转中的,流行的,现有的n. 出发,进展,情况,工作状况
gone adj.过去的,无可换回的,消失的
◇be far gone非常疲惫,程度很深
be gone on倾心爱…/ past and gone一去不复返





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