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glossn. 1 . lustre of the surface,superficial lustre 表面的光彩。 △Ado.3.2.6:“the new glos s of your marriage,”你的新婚的光彩。 △1H.VI.4.4.5: “The over-daringTalbot / Hath sullied all his gloss of former honour / By this unheedful,desperate,wild adventure.”过于大胆的塔尔博特,由于他这一次鲁莽的、孤注一掷的疯狂冒险,已经使他往日的荣誉黯然无光。 2. fair appearance,speciously fair appearance or show美好的外表,华而不实的外貌或表现。 △Oth.1.3.226:“Youmust therefore be content to slubber the gloss of yournew fortunes”,所以你只得糟蹋掉你这新婚的光鲜装束。 △L.L.L.2.1. 47: “The only soil of his fair virtue’sgloss,”在他的美德的华丽外表上的惟一污点。 △Mac.1.7.34:“Which would be worn now in their newestgloss,/ Not cast aside so soon.”(An image of cloth-ing) Which (= his reputation,like a suit of clothing)should be worn now,while they are still new andshining. (对好名声,要像衣服一样)应该乘它光彩崭新就穿在身上,不要这么快就抛弃掉。 △H.VIII.5.3.71 (5.2.106):“Your pain ted gloss discovers,/ To men that under-stand you,words and weakness.”对于了解你的人们来说,你那华而不实的外貌足以揭穿你的空话和虚弱。 Phrases: flattering gloss: attractive,fair semblance 讨人喜欢的美好外表。 △2H.VI.1. 1. 164(163):“I fear me,lords,for all this flattering gloss,/ He will be found a dan-gerous Protector.”诸位,尽管他有这么一副讨人喜欢的美好外表,我担心他早晚会成为一个危险的护国公。 set a gloss upon: give a fair appearance to 给…加上美丽的外表。 △1H.VI.4.1.102: “For though he seemwith forged quaint conceit / To set a gloss upon hisbold intent,”因为,虽然他好像要用虚伪的花言巧语来掩饰他那狂妄的意图 gloss(1)[glɔs]v.评注,注解,曲解,法律原本注释,掩盖 ◇ gloss over掩饰…,敷衍了事 put a gloss on掩盖 ‖ glossy adj. 似是而非的 glossily adv. /glossiness n. glossary n.词汇表,术语表,术语汇编 glossarist n.词典编辑者 glossarial adj.词汇的 glossographer[glɔˈsɔgrəfə]n.注释者,注解者 glossography n.注释(评注)/glossator[glɔˈseitə]=glossarist n.评注者,注解者,注释者
gloss(2)[glɔs]v.发光,上光 ‖ glossy adj.光滑的,光亮的,发光的n.光面相纸 |