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单词 give


1. grant,allow答应,许可。
△Ham.1.5.142:“Give meone poor request.”请答应我一个小小的请求。
2. yield放弃。
△Tw.2.5. 198(180): “I will not givemy part of this sport for a pension of thousands to bepaid from the Sophy.”即使波斯王给我一笔几千块钱的恩俸,我也不愿放弃参加这一场玩笑。
△3H.VI.1.4.15:“Charge! and give no foot of ground!”冲啊! 一尺阵地也不要放弃!
3. misgive,cause to suspect,suggest使疑虑,使猜想,暗示。
△H.VIII.5.3.109(5.2.144): “My mind gaveme,”i.e. I had a misgiving.我心里早就揣想。
4. communicate,tell传达,告诉。
△1H.IV.4.4.11:“AsI am truly given to understand,”据我被确实告知的消息。
5. display展示。
△1H.VI.1.5.29: “Renounce yoursoil,give sheep in lions’stead.”放弃本土,拿绵羊来代替狮子。
6. show or display as an armorial bearing展示…作为纹章标记。
△Wiv.1.1.16: “They may give the dozenwhite luces in their coat.”他们可以拿出那有十二条梭子鱼的纹章给你看。
7. assign,call指定,称呼。
△Rom.4.5.116(114): “Iwill give you the minstrel.”我要叫你是卖唱的。
△Rom4.5.117(116):“Then will I give you the serving-crea-ture.”那么我就叫你是伺候人的奴才。
8. attribute,put upon把…归咎于,把…加于。
△H.VIII.3.2. 263(262):“the fault thou gavest him.”你所加在他头上的罪名。
9. set设置。
△3H.VI.2.2.119:“I prithee give no lim-its to my tongue.”我请你不要对我说话做出限制。
10. give(a bride) away in the ceremony of marriage,express consent to her marriage(在婚礼上)将(新娘)引交(给新郎),同意(新娘的)婚事,为(新娘)主婚。
△As.3.3.71(67):“Is there none here to give the woman?”这里没有人做主把这个女人嫁出去吗?
△As.3.3.77(71): “Pro-ceed,proceed,I’ll give her” 进行吧。进行吧。我来为她主婚。
Phrases and Expressions:
give a dog and in recompense desire my dog again:This refers to a story of Queen Elizabeth I,told inJohn Manningham’s Diary (March 26,1603): “OneDr. Bullein,the Queen’s kinsman,had a dog whichhe doted on,so much that the Queen understanding ofit requested he would grant her one desire,and heshould have what soever he would ask,She demanded his dog: he gave it,and‘Now,Madam,’ quoth he,‘you promised to give me my desire.’‘I will,’quothshe. ‘Then I pray you give me my dog again.’”此语指当时曼宁汉1603年3月26日的日记中所记载的关于伊利莎白一世的一件逸事:“有布伦博士者,乃女王之族人,蓄有爱狗一,女王知其然,乃与彼要约,曰,如彼能应允女王某 一要求,则彼可任意要求一事,女王亦无不应允。女王索其爱狗,彼不得已予之,彼旋曰:‘陛下亦适曾允我一事。’女王曰:‘然。’‘然则请返还余之爱狗。’”
△Tw. 5.1.7(6):“This is to give a dog and in recom-pense desire my dog again.”这等于是,送我一条狗,而又索还这条狗以为报偿。
give and take: exchange blows有来有往,打必还手。
△R.III.5.2.6:“We must both give and take,mylovinglord. ”我们总得有打有还,亲爱的主上。
give away: ❶give up,abandon放弃。
△Oth.3.3.28:“give thy cause away.”把你的事情放弃。
❷pass along, announce 传递,宣布。
△1H.IV.5.5.32:“I thank your Grace for this high courtesy,/ Which I shall give away immediately.”我感谢殿下让我去办这件高尚的好事,我立刻就去宣布。
give back: retreat,stand back退后,往后站。
△Gent.5.4.126: “Thurio,give back,or else embrace thy death;”修利欧,退回去,否则你就得死。
give edge unto: make sharp,stimulate,call into ac-
△H.V.1.2.27: “whose wrongs gives edge unto the swords / That make such waste in brief mortality.”他的肆意妄为发动了刀兵,使生命本来短暂的世人更遭受一番摧残。
give fire: shoot射击。
△2H.IV.2.4.195(182): “Fear we broadsides? No,let the fiend give fire.”我们怕什么排炮齐发? 不,让魔鬼开火吧。
give from: deprive (someone) of (something) 剥夺…的…
△Lr.1.1.127(125):“So be my grave my peace, as here I give / Her father’s heart from her.”现在我既已对她取消了父亲的慈爱,就让我的坟墓做我的安息之所吧。
give ground: move backwards,recede,yield退后,让步。
△Tw.3.4.338(304):“Give ground if you see him furious.”要是你看他很凶,就让步。
give him (a horse) head: let him go as he chooses信马由缰。
△Shr.1.2.252(247): “Sir,give him head,I know he’ll prove a jade.”先生,放开缰绳让他跑,我知道他会证明自己不过是一匹驽马。 give horns: ❶attack with horns用角抵人。
❷make your husband a cuckold使你的丈夫戴绿帽子。
△L.L.L5.2.253(252):“Will you give horns,chaste lady? Do not so. ”贞洁的小姐,难道你要用角抵人(双关:让男人生角——戴绿帽子)吗? 不要这样。
give in charge: command命令。
△2H.VI.2.4.81(80): “So am I given in charge,may’t please your Grace.”启禀殿下,我奉有这样的命令。
give it out: report,declare,assert报告,宣称,断言。
△1H.VI.4.3.3: “They are returned,my lord,and give it out / That he is marched to Bordeaux with his power / To fight with Talbot.”大人,他们已经回来了,报告说他率领军队已经开到波尔多,与塔尔博特作战。
give it you soundly: pay you back soundly,punish you thoroughly结结实实回敬你(们),彻彻底底惩罚你(们)。
△Rom.4.5.113(112):“I will then give it you soundly.”那么我就要好好给你们一顿。
give leave: leave us alone请走开。
△Rom.1.3.7:“Nurse,give leave awhile.” i.e.leave us alone for a while. 奶妈,请你暂且走开。
give out: ❶proclaim,declare,report,declare falsely宣布,宣告,报道,谎称。
△Ham.1.5.35: “’Tis given out
that,sleeping in my orchard,/ A serpent stung me,”人家宣布说,我在花园里睡觉时,一条蛇把我咬了。
△Oth.4.1.116(115):“She gives it out that you shall marry her.”她向人家说你要娶她。
△Oth.4.1.129(127):“This is the monkey's own giving out.”这是那猴子(指比恩卡)自己说的。
△R.III.4.2.56:“I say again,give out / That
Anne,my queen,is sick and like(i.e. likely) to die. ”我再说一遍,对外宣布说我的王后安病得就要死了。
△Ado.2.1.218(209): “and so gives me out.”把我说成那样。
△Mac.5.7.36(5.8.7):“thou bloodier villain / Than terms can give thee out!”你这个言语无法形容的血腥的恶棍!
△Tw.3.4.205(184):“for the behaviour of the young gentleman gives him out to be of good capacity and breeding;”因为这位青年的举止表示出他是一个有才智有教养的人。
△Oth.3.3.209:“She that so young could give out such a seeming / To seel her father’s eyes up,”她那么年轻,就能装出那么一副样子,把她父亲的眼睛都蒙蔽住了。
△2H.IV.4.1.23:“The just proportion that we gavethem out. ”这正是我们估计他们的人数。❶give up,sur-render放弃,交出。
△2H.VI.4.8.27(25):“I thought yewould never have given out these arms till you had re-covered your ancient freedom.”我原以为你们不等到恢复了你们往昔的自由绝不会放下武器的。
△Mac.4.3.191: “An older and a better soldiernone / That Christendom gives out.” i.e. There isnone that the Christen world declares to be a betterand more experienced soldier. 整个基督教世界再也找不出一个比他更老练、更好的军人了。
give over: ❶give up,abandon,desert丢弃,放弃。
△Wiv.4.6.1:“talk not to me,my mind is heavy; I will give over all.”别跟我说话,我的心情沉重;我以后万事不管了。
△Oth.4.2. 200(197):“If she will return me my jewels,I will give over my suit”,要是她把我的珠宝退还给我,我愿意放弃我的追求。
△1H.IV.1.2.106(95): “I must give over this life.”i.e.give up this way of living. 我一定得放弃这种生活。
△1H.VI.1.2.125:“Shall we give over Orleans,or no?”我们是不是要放弃奥尔良,嗯?
❷give in,yield,give up 让步,屈服,放弃。
△2H.IV.1.1.164:“the which (= which),if you give o’er / To stormy passion,must perforce decay.”如果你一味陷入狂暴的悲痛之中,你的健康就一定会衰弱下去。
△2H.IV.2.3.5:“I have given over,I will speak no more;”我已经绝望了,什么话我也不愿说了。
△Ham.3.2284(268):“Give o’ er the play.”戏停演了吧。
△Shr.1.2.106(105): “To give you over at this first encounter.”匆匆相会,又要向你告别了。
give place: ❶yield让步。
△Tw.2.4.126(124):“My love can give no place,”我的爱情不能让步。
❷yield to…向…让步。
△L.L.L.3.1.71(68): “Most rude melancholy,valour gives thee place.”最粗暴的忧郁症,勇气也不敢和你碰。
△Tw. 24.81(79): “Let all the rest give place.”i.e. Leave us, all the rest of you. (The Duke wants to talk to Viola alone.) 其余的人都退出去吧。
give seals: confirm by deeds用行动证实,付诸行动。
△Ham.3.2.424(399):“To give them seals never my
soul consent. ”(Hamlet does not mean to put his harsh words into action. )我的心灵决不容许把这些话付诸实行。 give the bucklers: yield the shields,acknowledge oneself beaten,admit defeat交出盾牌,承认自己打败,认输。
△Ado.5.2.16:“And so I pray thee call Beatrice; I give thee the bucklers.”请你去叫贝特丽丝来吧——我认输了。
give the impression: seal盖印于。
△Ham. 5. 2. 52:“Subscribed it,gave’t the impression,”i.e. sealed it.签了字,盖了印(安放在原处)。
give the lie: call one a liar斥…说谎。
△Mid.3.1.142(135):“Who would give a bird the lie,”谁愿意告诉这只鸟儿是在说谎呢?
give up: deliver,render交付,献出。
△Oth.3.3.466(465):“Witness that here lago doth give up / The ex-ecution of his wit,hands,heart,/To wrongedOthello’s service!”作证吧,伊阿古在这里愿把他头脑、手、心的作用都交付出来,为受欺的奥瑟罗效劳!
△R.III.1.4.193(184): “What lawful quest have given their verdictup/Unto the frowning judge?”可有什么合法的陪审团把他们的裁决提交给相貌阴森的法官?
give way: stay out of way,make way走开,让开。
△Tw.3.4.220(197): “Give them way till he take leave,”我们躲开,等他告辞。
give way to: ❶give scope to,be propitious to,fa-vour给…机会,对…有利,有助于…
△H.VIII.3.2.15:“though now the time/Gives way to us.”虽然现在时机对我们有利。
❷humour,not to resist,allow迁就,听任。
△Ado.4.1.158(156): “I have only been silent so long,And given way unto this course of fortune,/By noting of the lady.” i.e. I have kept silence so long,allowing these events to take their free course,only because I have been occupied in observing the lady.我所以这样久地保持沉默,听任这件意外变故自由发展,是因为我刚才在这儿一直留心观察这位小姐。
△H.VIII.5.1.143(142):“Be of good cheer,/They shall no more prevail than we give way to.”放心吧,只要我不允许,他们绝不会得逞。
give ye good even: God give you good evening愿上帝赐给你(们)晚安。
△Gent 2.1.108(98):“O,give ye goodeven.”啊,愿上帝赐给你们晚安。
Give you good night: God give you good night 上帝赐给你们晚安,祝你们晚安。
△Ham.1.1.16: “Give yougood night.”上帝赐给你们晚安。
is give: (ungrammatical usage): gave给。
△H.V.4.8.39(36):“that this is the glove of Alencon,that yourMajesty is give me,in your conscience now.”(whenFluellen gets excited,his English grammar becomes even worse than usual.) 这就是阿朗松的手套,是陛下给我的,现在凭你的良心说。


◇give a ball (dance)举行舞会
give a brief account of概述
give a decision against判决对…不利
give a decision for判决对…有利
give a false colour to 歪曲,曲解
give a good account of oneself付清账,为自己辩护
give a finishing touch to对…作最后的润色
give a wide berth to敬而远之
give air to发表
give an edge in climb取得爬高优势
give away送掉,放弃,让步,出卖,泄露,漏泄
give back恢复,后退,交还
give bail被告缴保释金,取保
give bond for为…作保
give convenience to sb.开“绿灯”/ give evidence作证,提出证据,证明
give free rein to…开“绿灯”/ give in屈服,让步,交上,宣布
give in pledge作为抵押
give it the gun加油门
give it to责备,惩罚
give leg bail开小差
give me我宁愿
give off放出,发出
give offence to触怒,得罪
give on to面向,通向
give one a big hand喝彩
give one way to one’s feelings感情用事
give one’s all till his heart stops beating鞠躬尽瘁
give one’s life for献身
give one's regards致意
give one’s self-governing fights to self determination给予自主权
give one’s voice for投票赞成
give oneself away泄露,露马脚
give oneself over to沉溺于
give oneself up投降
give on向着,朝着,付延期交割费
give out发生,发表,精疲力竭,用光
give over放音,使停止
give over to移交给,交给,献给,用于
give play to发挥
give preferential treatment优待
give priorit y to优先
give quarter从宽发落
give sb. a snuff惩罚某人
give sb. best甘拜下风
give sb. credit for为某人提供信用贷款
give sb. his gruel杀死某人
give sb. one’s due公平待人
give sb.tight shoes to wear穿 “小鞋” give shelter to庇护
give tender devotion to眷注
give the case against sb.作出对某人不利的判决
give the green light to …开“绿灯” give the rein to放任自流
give the shaft欺骗
give tit for tat针锋相对
give to the world出版
give up放弃,投降,抛弃,认输
give up as impracticable付诸东流
give up one’s own views and follow others舍己救人
give up the practice of “eating from the same big pot”取消“大锅饭”/give vent to发泄
give way to让位
give what for惩罚,斥责,痛骂
give wings to one’s ideas异想天开
give witness on behalf of sb.为某人作证
be given to喜欢干…/giving punishment more severely从重处罚
‖ give advice or comments指教
give a farewell dinner饯别,饯行
give a good birth and good care优生优育
give aid to the poor and those who are in difficulties扶贫帮困
give a lecture主讲
give alms施舍
give a miss(打台球)故意打一个空球
give-and-take consultation妥协
give an edge占一点优势
give an oral account口述
give and take policy平等互利,平等交换,平等互利政策
give a speech or lecture讲演
give a strained interpretation牵强附会
give away a secret泄密
giveaway programme有奖节目
give back the pay due to补工资
give clearance给予报关
give consideration to both public and private interests公私兼顾
give consideration to two or more things兼顾
give directions指点
give explicit instructions晓谕
give free play to施展
give full play to one’s imagination畅想
give full scope of the theme of our times弘扬主旋律
give ground后撤,后退
give in charity施舍
give lectures讲学
give lessons授课
give more productive enterprises the power to engage in export independently给更多的生产企业自营出口权
give more self-government powers to扩大自主权
give priority to efficiency with due consideration to fairness效率优先,兼顾公平
give shade庇荫
give shoulder让别人蹬肩攀登
give small state-owned enterprises greater freedom放活国有小企业
give sound insulation隔音
give spin to the ball加转
give the bench a run-out让第二阵容队员上场比赛
give the correct time报时
give the dummy做假动作骗对手,声东击西
give the hip臀部阻挡
give the opening quotation开盘
give the warning all the time警钟长鸣
give the whole show away on the spot当场出彩
give the wrongdoer a wayout网开一面
give tick赊销
given capital定额资本
given circumstances 规定情境
given cold-shoulder闭门羹
given data已知资料
given free by the publisher赠阅
given period计算期
given period计算期
given that假设,已知
given touch击中
given value既定价值
giving mate叫杀
giving of body身体后缩,身体缓冲
giving quotation应收汇价,支付汇率
given adj. 已知的,假设的,签订的
givenness n.假设(性)/ giver n.给予者,施主,出钱买股票购买权者
giver of bill期票出票人
giver of option提供买卖特权的人
give-up n.过户





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