girdlen. 1. waist-belt腰带。 △1H.IV.3.3.169(151):“Nay,an Ido. I pray God my girdle break.”(Proverb: “Ungirt.unblessed.”) 不,我要是那样的话,就祈求上帝让我的腰带断了吧。(按:英谚云“无腰带,福不来”。) 2. waist-belt. (fig.) thing that encloses like a girdle,enclosure 腰带,(比喻)围绕物,围墙。 △H.V.1.Prol.19.“Suppose within the girdle of these walls / Are nowconfined two mighty monarchies,”i.e.The audienceis asked to imagine that two great kingdoms(Englandand France) are shut in within the encircling walls ofthe theatre.请假想在剧场的墙壁围绕之内圈住了两个强大的王国。
girdlevt. 1. encircle环绕。 △H.V.5.2.348(321): “for they areall girdled with maiden walls that war hath never en-tered.”因为这些城市都有“处女墙”环绕着,从未让战争侵入过。2. embrace拥抱。 △R.III.4.3.10: “ ‘Thus,thus.’quoth Forrest,‘girdling one another / Within theiralablaster innocent arms.’”弗来斯特说,“这样,这样,他们用两双雪白的纯洁无瑕的手臂互相拥抱着”。 girdle[ˈgə:dl]n.带,带状物v.束,包围,围绕 ‖ girdle traverse横过山坡 girdling n.束腰 |