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单词 decent
decent/′di:snt/ adj

(1) 1) 合适的,体面的,像样的(reasonably right or proper; acceptable):a(very)~price/book/job (非常)合适的价钱/书/工作;provide~equipment/housing/clothes/clothing for sb 为……提供像样的设备/住房/衣服/衣服;That was the only~thing I could do in the situation. 在那种情况下我只有那么做才合适。〖同〗 proper, suitable, fitting, appropriate; 〖反〗indecent, improper, unsuitable, inappropriate; 2) 得体的,恰当的,文雅的(not likely to cause shock shame or embarrass to others; morally correct or acceptable):Are you~? 你的衣服穿好了吗?(我可以进来了吗?) I don't think that low-cut dress is exactly~. 我认为那套领口开得很低的裙装不雅观。Keep your language~. 说话要文雅。a~manner/behaviour/story 得体的举止/表现/故事;Never tell stories that are not~. 决不要讲庸俗的故事。It's not~to laugh at a funeral. 在葬礼上大笑是不合适的。He's being very~about the whole affair. 他对这件事情表现得很得体。〖反〗indecent;

(2) 满意的,相当好的(satisfactory;(of) fairly good(quality))(infml):a~wage/salary/living/lunch/meal/dress/rest 不错的工资/薪水/生活/午饭/饭菜/衣服/休息;a~standard of living/bottle of wine 满意的生活水平/一瓶不错的葡萄酒;~marks/conditions/firms 相当好的成绩/条件/商号;〖同〗satisfactory;〖反〗unsatisfactory;

(3) 正派的,规矩的(honest and respectable; accepted in polite society):~people/folk/fellows/citizens正派的人/人们/人/公民;He is a thoroughly~man/headmaster. 他是一个非常规矩的人/校长。come from a~family 出身于正经人家;

(4) 体贴(周到)的(kind; nice; considerate):Everyone's been very~to us since the accident. 事故发生后大家一直对我们很体贴。It's very~of you to look after my children/to drive me to the station/to come and see me. 真难为你照看我的孩子们/开车送我去车站/来看我。

→′decently adv 像样地,得体地,不错地;′decency n 合适,得体





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