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单词 deceive
deceive/dɪ′si:v/ vt [-d, -d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

(1) 欺骗(诈)(make sb believe that sth is true or good when it is not) [T+n T+n+prep(into)]:try to~sb 企图欺骗某人;Don't~yourself that everything is all right. 不要错误地认为一切正常。Don't be~d by appearance. 不要被外表所蒙骗。be~d by sb's innocent appearance 被某人天真无邪的外表所蒙骗;My eyes~d me. 我的眼睛看错了。~sb's hope 使某人失望;~sb by pretending to be a famous movie star/manipulating the accounts 假装是明星/篡改账目来骗某人;~sb with kind words/promises 用好话/保证骗人;(person/appearance)~sb into believing sth/thinking that...(人/外表)骗得某人相信……/认为……;be~d in sb 看错某人了;〖同〗cheat, trick, fool;

(2) 不贞(于配偶)(be sexually unfaithful to(one's wife etc)) [T+n T+n+prep(with)]:~one's wife with another woman 背叛妻子同另一女人有染;~one's fiancé by dating others背着未婚夫与别人约会;

→ de′ceiver n 骗人者;de′ception n 欺骗,受骗;骗局,诡计;de′ceit n 欺骗(诈);骗局,诡计;






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