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单词 debate
debate/dɪ′beɪt/ nv [-d, -d/ ɪd/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n(1)(正式的)辩论(formal argument or discussion of a question in front of an audience with two or more opposing people or groups and often ending in a vote)[C U]:have/hold/provoke a long (fierce/violent)~against sb (over sth) 进行/举行/引起与某人(就某事)的长时间(剧烈/激烈)的讨论; There will be a long~in Parliament before the bill is approved. 议案通过之前议会将进行长时间的辩论。open the~第一个进行辩论发言;dull Senate/Parliamentary~参议院/议会乏味的辩论; the motion under~正在辩论的动议;〖同〗argument, discussion, dispute;

(2)(一般性)辩论,讨论(argument or discussion in general) [C U]:have/hold a long(fierce/violent)~at college about politics 在大学就政治问题进行/举行长时间(剧烈/激烈)的讨论;cause much public~引起公众广泛的议论;after much~about where they should live/on whether or not the club should admit women members 充分讨论他们应该住在哪里/俱乐部是否应该接纳女会员之后;have a logical mind in ~辩论中思维很有逻辑;〖同〗argument, discussion, dispute;

(3) 考虑(consideration; deliberation) [C]:After much~, I refused their offer. 经过仔细考虑后,我拒绝了他们的提议。〖同〗consideration;

v(1) 辩(讨)论(present and discuss arguments for and against sth) [I I+prep(about), T+n T+wh-inf T+wh T+-ing]:Parliament~d until after midnight. 议会辩论过了午夜。We~d until after the bar closed. 我们讨论到酒吧关门。What is he~ing(about) with them? 他在和他们讨论什么? Lincoln and Douglas~d.(Lincoln~d Douglas.) 林肯与道格拉斯辩论。Parliament~the financial situation. 议会辩论了金融形势。The Senate~the bill. 参议院辩论了那项议案。The House of Representatives~the proposal. 众议院辩论了那提议。They~d the question. 他们讨论了那个问题。~a motion before voting 表决前辩论一议案;We~d whether to go or not/whether we should go or not. 我们讨论去还是不去。We~d closing the factory. 我们讨论子关闭工厂的问题。〖同〗argue, discuss, dispute;

(2) 考虑(consider in one's own mind the arguments for and against sth and try to decide) [T+n T+wh-inf T+wh T+-ing]:~an idea in one's mind 心中考虑一个想法;~where to go on holiday/where one should go on holiday 考虑去哪儿度假;~buying a new car 考虑买一辆新车;〖同〗consider;

→ de′batable adj 可(值得)争论的;de-′bater n 善(好)争论者;






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