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单词 death
death/deθ/ n

(1) 死(亡)(act of dying) [C]:die a worthy/natural/cruel/miserable/painless~死得其所/寿终正寝/暴死/惨死/毫无痛苦地死;There have been very few(several)~s from drowning/explosion this year. 今年淹死者/炸死者极少(有好几个)。There were another three~s. 另外还有三起死亡。(car accident/food poisoning)cause many~s(车祸/食物中毒)造成多起死亡;His~was a shock to her. 他的死对她是个打击。be afraid of/fear~怕死; the day/the hour of sb's~某人死的日子/时辰;after the~of one's parents父母死后;〖同〗dying, passing;〖反〗life;

(2) 死亡(状态)(state of being dead) [U]:burn/starve/stab/put/shoot sb to~把某人烧死/饿死/刺死/处死/射杀;sentence sb to~判处某人死刑;drink/work oneself to~酗酒而死/把自己累死;be tired/sick/bored/scared/frightened to~累死/恶心死/厌烦死/吓死/吓死;bleed/freeze to~流血致死/冻死;fight to the~战斗到最后一口气; cause/escape~致死/死里逃生;eyes closed in~死而瞑目;as still as~死一般寂静;remain true until~至死忠诚;Her face looked calm in~. 她死时面部表情安详。pretend~装死; be sick to~of waiting 等得着急了;~certificate/rate/penalty/row/house/duty 死亡证书/死亡率/死刑/死牢/死牢/遗产税;〖同〗stop, end;

(3) 死神(power that destroys life pictured as a skeleton) [U](通常大写):D~is often pictured as a skeleton carrying a scythe. 死神常常被画成手握长镰的骷髅。

(4) 毁灭,消亡,结束(complete end or finish of sth(not alive)) [U]:The failure (defeat) meant the~of all his hope/his plans/his dreams. 这失败(失败)意味着他全部希望/计划/梦想的破灭。the~of capitalism/civilization资本主义的灭亡/文明的结束;

be at death's door 临死:He's at the~'s door, I'm afraid. 恐怕他就要死了(到了鬼门关了)。

be the death of sb 1) 是……的死因,使送命:Drinking too much/Smoking too much/The old motor-bike/His temper will be the~of him. 酗酒过度/抽烟过凶/那辆旧摩托车/他的脾气会使他送命的。You will be the~of him. 你会使他送命的。 2) 使极度担忧:That child will be the~of me. 那孩子真让我担心死了。

←die v;

→′deathbed n 临死时睡的床;′death-blow n 致命的打击;′death-trap n 死亡陷阱;′deathlike adj 死一般的;′deathly adv 死一般地;′deathless adj 不死(朽)的;′death-toll n 死亡者名单





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