释义 |
garnishn. garb,garment,dress 服装,衣服。 △ Mer.2.6. 44:“So are you,sweet,/ Even in the lovely garnish of a boy.”亲爱的,你穿了这一身漂亮的男装,已经把自己遮掩起来了。
garnishvt. 1. embellish,adorn 美化,装饰。 △H.V.2.2.134:“Garnished and decked in modest complement,”风度温文尔雅,完美无瑕。 2. furnish,equip 配备,装备。 △Mer.3. 5.75 (69):“Garnished like him,” i.e. furnished with words like him. 像他一样“满腹锦绣”。 garnish[ˈgɑ:ni]v. 装饰,伪装,装潢 n. 装饰物 ‖ garnished net 伪装网 garnishing material 伪装材料 garnisher n. 装饰者 garnishment n.伪装物,装饰物 garnishry[ˈgɑ:niʃri]n. 装饰品,装饰 garniture n. 装饰物,摆设 |