释义 |
gamestern. 1. gambler 赌徒。 △L.L.L.1.2.45(42): “You are agentleman and a gamester,sir.”您是一位绅士,也是一位赌徒。 △Shr.2.1.394 (400): “young gamester,yourfather were a fool / To give thee all,”年轻的浪子,你的父亲把一切都给了你,简直是个大傻瓜。 △Wiv.3.1.37:“Keep a gamester from the dice,and a good studentfrom his book,and it is wonderful.”让一个赌徒不摸骰子,一个学者不摸书本,那才是怪事哩。 2. one who plays for stakes,player 为赌注而比赛的人,选手。 △H.V.3.6.121(112):“for when lenity and cruel-ty play for a kingdom,the gentler gamester is the soo-nest winner.”因为当宽厚和残暴在为一个王国而竞争的时候,总是温和的宽厚最先赢得胜利。 3. athlete,one ready for a match; one sowing wildoats 运动员,跃跃欲试的竞技者;荒唐小伙子。 △As.1.1.172(163):“Now will I stir this gamester.”现在我要去挑拨这个好斗逞强的小伙子了。(按:指奥兰多。) 4. ❶frolicsome person,merry fellow 爱闹玩的人,快活人。 ❷ one addicted to love-making 热中于调情的人。 ❸gambler 赌徒。 △H.VIII. 1.4.45: “You are a merrygamester,/ My Lord Sands.”你倒是个爱闹玩的人,我的桑兹大人。(按:安·波琳对gamester一词用❶义。下文桑兹的答语中用 ❷、 ❸义。) |