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单词 gain


n. that which is gained. profit.booty获得之物,利益,缴获物。
△Oth.5.1.12: “Now,whether he killCassio. /Or Cassio him,or each do kill the other,/Every way makes my gain.”现在,无论他杀死凯西奥,或是凯西奥杀死他,再不然两人互相杀死,对我都有好处。
△R.III.4.2. 62: “Murder her brothers and then marry her—/Uncertain way of gain !”杀死她的两个弟弟,然后再娶她——不可靠的获利办法!


vt. acquire. learn取得,学会。
△2H.IV.4.4.68:“The Prince but studies his companions / Like astrange tongue,wherein,to gain the language.”太子不过是要研究他那些同伴们,就像是研究一门外国语,目的是学会那一种语言。


n. 财物的增加,财富的获取,利润,利益,收益,增益,增量,放大率/ v.得到,获得,获利,赢利,增加,增进,前进,放大
◇ for gain 为了得到…/ gain acceptance in 获得公认
gain admissio n into 获准进入,获得公认,得到赞同
gain an advantage of (over)胜过,优于
gain an insight into 了解,熟悉
gain currency 开始广泛传播
gain ground 发展,壮大,普及
gain ground on 超过,逼近
gain laurels 赢得声望,获得荣誉,获得冠军
gain laurels gain the garland 获胜,夺冠
gain the lead in a race 在赛跑中领先
gain on 赶上,超过,逼近
gain one’s ends 达到目的
gain over 说服…/ gain sb. over 把某人争取过来
gain the ascendancy over 占优势,居支配地位
gain the garland 获胜
gain time 节约时间,(钟,表)走得快
‖ gain a superficial understanding through cursory observation 走马看花
gain and loss 得(与)失,损益
gain and loss account 损益表
gain and loss by exchange 外汇损益
gain antenna 定向天线
gain coefficient 增益系数
gain control 收益控制
gain currency开始广泛传播
gain distinction 出名
gain fame and fortune 发迹
gain fame by deceiving the public 欺世盗名
gain from appreciation of securities 有价证券估价收益
gain high profits 获得高额利润
gain mastery by striking only after the enemy has struck 后发制人
gain of sales 销售收益
gain on budget估计预算收益
gain on exchange 外汇收益
gain on realization of assets 变卖资产收益
gain on sale of share (stock)出售股票收益
gain on the sale of securities account 出售有价证券收益账户
gain on the sale of securities 出售有价证券收益
gain or loss 盈亏,损益
gain profit 获利,赢利
gain rate 增益比率
gain score 增益分数
gain sharing 利益分配法
gain the championship 夺冠
gain the national patent 获国家专利
gain weight 体重增加
income gain 分得收入
marginal gain 最大收入
monopoly gain 专利收入
net gain 净利
personal gain 私利
top gain 最高利润
total gain 总收入
gains from trade 贸易收益
gains tax 增值税
incidental gains 杂项收益,非经常收益
material gains 物质利益
operating gains 营业利得
recurring gains经常性所得
gaining possession of the ball 获取球的控制
gainable adj. 可获得的,可达到的
gainer n. 获得者
gainer dismount 木端单脚起跳向前团身空翻下
gainer in time时间优势
gainer possession of ball 获得球
gainer speed 加速
gainful adj.有利益的,唯利是图的,赚钱的
gainfully adv. / gainings n.获得物,收益,奖金
gainless adj. 无利可图的,一无所获的
gainly adj. 姿态优美的
gains n. 收益





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