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单词 fury


1. a goddess of vengeance 复仇女神。
△Ado.1.1.199(190):“an she were not possessed with a fury,”倘若她不是像有凶神附体似的(脾气坏)。
△Rom.3.1.130(124):“And fire-eyed fury be my conduct now!”现在让眼里冒着怒火的复仇之神做我的向导吧!
△3H.VI.1.3.30:“Thesight of any of the house of York / Is as a fury to torment my soul;”约克家族中任何人出现在我眼前,就像复仇之神一样折磨着我的灵魂。
2. storm of anger,rage 暴怒,狂怒。
△Mac.2.3.113(106): “O,yet I do repent me of my fury,/That Idid kill them.”啊,我悔不该一时狂怒,把他们杀了。
△H.V.2.1.70(66):“An oath of mickle might,and fury shallabate.”好大力量的(又译:好厉害的)一句誓言,怒气只好消除了。
△H.V.4.4.50(47): “Tell him my fury shall a-bate,”告诉他,我的怒火会消的。
△3H.VI.1.4.23:“And Iam faint,and cannot fly their fury;”我是一点力气也没有了,逃不脱敌人的凶焰了。
3. fit of raging passion,fit of madness 一阵狂怒,一阵疯狂。
△Lr.3. 4. 134(131): “that in the fury of his heart,when the foul fiend rages,”恶鬼一发怒,他心里一发狂。
△Mac. 5.5.26:“It is a tale / Told by an idiot,full of sound and fury,/Signifying nothing.”它是白痴所讲的一个故事,充满了喧嚣和狂乱,却没有一点意义。
△3H .VI. 2.5.8: “Forced to retire by fury of thewind.”又被狂风逼得退缩回去。
4. inspired frenzy 狂热激情。
△L.L.L.4.3. 229(225):“What zeal,what fury,hath inspired thee now?”什么狂热的情绪现在鼓动着你?
5. frenzy of inspiration,fit of inspiration 灵感的激发,灵感的发作。
△Oth.3.4.73(72):“In her prophetic fu-ry”,i. e. in her frenzy of inspiration which enabledher to prophesy. 在她灵感发作之际。
6. violence 暴力。
△Mac.5.2. 13: “others that lesserhate him / Do call it valiant fury;”另外一些比较不太恨他的人说这是狂勇。
△3H.VI.1.4.23:“And I am faint,and cannot fly their fury; / And were I strong,Iwould not shun their fury.”我是一点力气也没有了,逃不脱敌人的凶焰了;即使我身强力壮,我也不愿躲避他们的暴力。


n. 狂怒,暴怒,猛烈
◇ like fury 猛烈地





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