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单词 fund


n. 基金,资金,经费 (pl.)现款,财源,公债 v. 提供资金,支助,投资,积蓄,积累
◇ a fund of 大量的
in funds 富有
out of funds手头拮据
‖ fund absorbed 吸收资金
fund account 基金账户
fund accounting 基金会计
fund accounting approach 资金会计法
fund accounting structure 基金会计结构
fund accumulation sinking 偿债基金积存款
fund adjustment 资金调整
fund allocation 资金分配
fund application 资金运用
fund appropriation 拨款
fund asset 基金资产
fund balance sheet 基金资产负债表
fund balancing 资金平衡
fund control 资金控制
fund coupon 资金券
fund demand 资金需求
fund expenditure 基金收入
fund flow 资金流向,基金流量,资金流动
fund flow analysis 基金流量分析,资金流动分析
fund flow statement 资金流转表,资金流量表
fund for clearing balance 票据清算差额基金
fund for extending credit 信贷资金
fund for operation营业收入资金
fund for operation foreign exchange 外汇营运基金
fund for payment 支付基金
fund for payment of interest on government securities 公债付息基金
fund for payment of principal and interest on external debts 外债还本付息基金
fund for redemption of government securities 公债偿还基金
fund for redemption of treasury bills 国库券偿还基金
fund for repayment of borrowing 借款偿还基金
fund for reserve 准备基金
fund holder 公债持有人,证券持有人
fund in float 在途资金
fund in hand 流动资金,现有基金
fund intrust 信托基金
fund management 基金管理
fund manager 财务经理,基金经理,基金管理人
fund managing department 基金管理部
fund market 资金市场
fund obligation 资金负担
fund of capitalist accumulation 资本积累基金
fund of disbursement 备用金
fund pool 基金联营投资
fund procurement 资金筹措,资金筹集
fund profit 公积金的投资利润
fund raising融资
fund raising cost 筹资成本
fund remittance and transfer 资金汇划
fund remittance between different places 异地资金汇划
fund resources 资金来源
fund shortage 资金短缺
fund statement 资金表
fund surplus基金盈余
fund unit holder 基金份额持有人
fund utilisation 资金运用
funded bond筹款债券
funded debt 固定债务,长期公债
funded deficit 已弥补的亏损额
funded income 财产收入,财产收益
funded indebtedness 担保负债
funding arrangement 拨款安排
funding bond 筹款公债
funding contest债券竞赛
funding debenture 偿付银行透支的债券,以债券偿付利息
funding organization 资助单位
funding organization index 资助单位名称索引
fund-in-trust 信托资金
funder n. 提供资金者
funding n. 发行长期公债以代替短期借款
fund-raiser n. 募捐者,募捐会
funds n.资金
funds advanced 垫付款
funds flow statement 企业资金流动表
funds flow statement 资金流量表
funds for clearing balance 票据清算差额基金
funds for culture and education 文教经费
funds for foreign exchange settlement 外汇清算基金
funds for reimbursement 用于补偿的货币基金
funds management 经费管理,资金管理
funds of operation 活动经费
funds standards经费标准
not sufficient fund 资金不足





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