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单词 dead
dead/ded/ adj [无comp];n & adv

adj (1) 死的(no longer alive or living):~persons/bodies 死人/死尸;~animals/plants/cells 死了的动物/植物/细胞;~flowers/leaves/branches 死花/死叶/死枝;fall~倒下死了;He has been~for two years. 他死了两年了。(试对比:He died two years ago. 他两年前死的。) The~never come back to life. 死人不会复活。bury our~埋葬死者;〖反〗alive, living;

(2) 无生命的(never having been alive; without life) [多作attrib]:~matter/stones/rocks/planets无生命的物质/石头/岩石/行星;a~weight 无生命力的重物;〖同〗lifeless;〖反〗living;

(3) 静止的(without movement or activity):The town/city is~after 11 p.m. 这镇子/城市晚上11点后就安静了。in the~hours of night 在夜深人静时分;〖同〗still, motionless;

(4) 无生气的(without interest and liveliness; dull)(infml):The place/market seemed~. 这地方/市场死气沉沉的。The acting was rather~. 表演太呆板了。The colour looks~next to your skin. 这颜色与你的皮肤相衬托显得黯然无生气。〖同〗dull;〖反〗lively;

(5) 作废的,无效的(no longer used or needed for use; no longer effective valid active):~languages/laws/ideas/files 消亡的语言/无效的法律/过时的想法/作废的卷宗;This debate/controversy is now~. 这场辩论/论争现在已经停息。His love for you is now quite~. 他对你的爱现在已经完全冷却了。〖反〗existing, living;

(6) 无感觉的(unable to feel; numb; insensible):My frost-bitten fingers/toes feel~. 我冻伤的手指/脚趾感觉麻木。Her~fingers could not untie the knot. 她麻木的手指解不开那个结。His arm felt~after the injection. 他的胳膊打针后感觉麻木。

(7) 麻木不仁的(not feeling (pity guilt etc)) [A(to)]:be~to all senses/feelings of shame 毫无羞耻感;(cruel man) be~to pity(残忍的人)毫无同情心;

(8) 完全的,绝对的(complete; absolute; total) [作attrib]:come to a~stop 完全停止;aloss/shot/sleep 毫无用处的人(物)/神枪手/沉睡;~silence/calm 死寂/万籁俱寂;in~earnest 认真地;hit at~centre 正中靶心;She is a~cert/certainty for the 100 metres. 她笃定会在百米赛中取胜。She is the~spit of (a~ringer for) her sister. 她长得和她妹妹一模一样。〖同〗total, entire, complete, absolute; exact;〖反〗incomplete, inexact;

(9) 失效(灵)的(that which no longer functions):a~match/battery/circuit/volcano 划过的火柴/用完的电池/没电的线路/死火山;The wireless/radio/television/telephone has gone~. 无线电/收音机/电视/电话机已经失灵了。The line/cigarette/fire has gone~. 电话线没有讯号/香烟已经熄灭了/火已经熄灭了。The engine/car battery is~. 发动机熄火了/汽车蓄电池没电了。〖同〗inoperative, inactive; 〖反〗working, operative, active;

(10)(声音)沉闷的((of sound) dull; hollow; not ringing clearly):fall with a~thud 随着一声沉闷的巨响倒下;

(11)(颜色)灰暗的((of colours) not brilliant; without brightness):be a~brown colour 是暗褐色的;

(12) 疲倦已极(very tired) [作pred]:After all that work, I'm really~. 干完所有的活儿后,我简直是累得要死了。

←die vi;

→′deaden v 使失去力量(感觉,光亮);′deadline n 截止日期;′deadlock n 僵局;′deadpan adj 毫无表情的;′deadly adj & adv;

n最黑最冷的时期(period of greatest darkness coldness etc) [U]:The furnace broke down in the~of winter/night. 炉火在隆冬时节/深夜里熄灭了。


(2) 完全,极,非常(completely; absolutely; thoroughly)(infml):be~tired/drunk/keen/right/slow/level/straight/calm/easy累极了/醉醺醺的/非常喜欢/绝对正确/慢到极点/极平/笔直/极其平静/非常容易;He was~certain/sure that they would not return. 他确信无疑他们不会回来了。be~against sb's doing sth 断然反对某人做某事;〖同〗absolutely, completely, entirely;

(3) 径直(directly; straight) (infml): The house was~ahead. 那房子在正前方。There's a road block~ahead. 正前方有路障。The wind was blowing~against us. 风迎面刮来。

→′deadly adj & adv





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