释义 |
fruitfula. 1. bearing fruit结出果实的。 △Lr.1.4.301(277): “Tomake this creature fruitful.”叫这个东西生育子女。 2. very productive,fertile,plenteous富饶的,肥沃的,丰产的。 △1H.VI.5.4.126: “To ease your country ofdistressful war / And suffer you to breathe in fruitfulpeace,”为了使你们国家免受战争之苦,并让你们在和平富裕生活中稍事喘息… △Shr.1.1.3:“fruitful Lombardy,”物产富饶的伦巴底。 3. abundant. copious丰富的,大量的。 △Ham.1.2.80:“the fruitful river in the eye,” i.e. the flowing oftears. 眼睛里泪流不停,像滔滔江河。 4. bountiful,generous,liberal丰裕的,慷慨的,大方的。 △Oth.2.3.340(341): “She’s framed as fruitful / Asthe free elements.”她生来就像自然四大要素一样慷慨大度。 △H.VIII.1.3. 55: “That churchman bears a bounte-ous mind indeed,/ A hand as fruitful as the land thatfeeds us;”这位教会人士的胸怀真是慷慨,出手大方,就像哺育我们的大地。 |