释义 |
fromthee. ”我现在真心诚意地给了你,要不是你已经得到了,我本来真心诚意地不愿给你的女儿。 △Oth.3.4.27(26):“and but my noble Moor/Is true of mind,”要不是我那高尚的摩尔人心地正直。 △R.Ⅲ.4.4.230:“But that still use of grief makes wild grief tame,”要不是经常悲痛的习惯使我这狂野的悲痛驯服下来。 △2H.Ⅵ.3.2.85:“What boded this,but well forewarning wind/Did seem to say,‘Seek not a scorpion’s nest,/Nor set no footing on this unkind shore?’”这预兆着什么? 那风还不是诚实地向我警告,仿佛说:“不要找一个蝎子窠,也不要踏上这个无情无义的海岸?” 4. if it were not for that,without bringing it about若不是为了… △3H.Ⅳ.1.1.145: “No,for he could not so resign his crown/But that the next heir should succeed and reign.”不会,若不是为了让他最亲近的后嗣继位为君,他也不会这样让出王冠。 5.that not…不…,而…不… △As.3.3.96(90):“I am not in the mind but I were better to be married of him than of another,”i.e.I am not sure that I might not be better to be married by him than by another.我说不准是否让他给我主婚比别人更好。 △Rom.5.3.132:“My master knows not but I am gone hence,” i.e. My master does not know that I have not gone from here.(He believes that I have gone away.)我的主人不知道我没有走开。 △Oth.3.3.225:“I do not think but Desdemona’s honest.” i.e. I have no doubt that Desdemona is chaste.我不相信苔丝狄蒙娜会不贞洁。 △Mac.1.6.6:“no jutty,frieze,/Buttress,nor coign of vantage,but this bird/Hath made his pendent bed and procreant cradle.”凡是檐头、壁饰、拱柱,以及一切合适的角落,无不有燕子在那里搭起吊床或者育雏的摇篮。 △2H.Ⅳ.4.3.34(31):“I never knew yet but rebuke and check was the reward of valour.”我向来知道勇敢的报酬不过是责骂和申斥。 △1H.Ⅵ.1.2.5:“What towns of any moment but we have?”现在还有哪些重要城市不在我们掌握之中? △2H.Ⅵ.1.1.129(128):“I never read but England’s kings have had/Large sums of gold and dowries with their wives,”我从历史记载中从未读到过英国的国王哪次娶妻不是得到大笔金银和妆奁的。 △3H.Ⅵ.5.2.21:“For who lived king,but I could dig his grave?”因为有哪一个在世为王者,我不能为他掘出坟墓? 6. than比… △Tw.1.4.12:“Cesario,/ Thou know’st no less but all.”西萨里奥,这事你已经完全知道了。 △Oth.1.1.125(124):“Transported with no worse nor better guard/But with a knave of common hire,a gondolier,”身边没有其他人保护,只由一个雇来的普通船夫运送。 7. than that除却。 △Mac.5.4.9(8):“We learn no other but the confident tyrant/Keeps still in Dunsi-nane,”我们只知道那个自信的暴君还停留在邓西嫩。 8. that △Oth.1.1.63:“’tis not long after/But I will wear my heart upon my sleeve/For daws to peck at.”要不了好久我就会把我的心挂在袖子上让乌鸦来啄了。 △3H.Ⅵ.4.7.32:“but being entered,/I doubt not, I,but we shall soon persuade/Both him and all hisbrothers unto reason.”但是一旦进了城,我毫不怀疑我们很快就能说服他和他的同僚们接受合理安排的。 9. but also而且。 △3H.VI.2.6.47: “Who,not contented that he lopped the branch / In hewing Rutland when his leaves put forth,/ But set his murdering knife unto the root/ From whence that tender spray did sweetly spring,”他杀死了卢特兰,像砍断一根正在长出绿叶的枝条,还心犹未足,而且把他那凶狠的刀杀向萌发那条嫩枝的老根。 10. and not. nor而不,也不。 △R.III.2.1.32: “Whenever Buckingham doth turn his hate / Upon your Grace. but with all duteous love/Doth cherish you and yours,God punish me/With hate in those where I expect most love!”不论什么时候,倘若白金汉仇视王后殿下,而不以忠诚的爱对待你和你的亲属,就让上帝惩罚我,让我从我希望得到最大友爱的人们那里遭到仇恨! 11. rather than not也不至于不… △H.V.4.3.49:“Old men forget; yet all shall be forgot,/ But he’ll remember with advantages / What feats he did that day.”老年人都健忘;然而即使一切都被忘记了,但他仍会记得,而且带些夸张,他在这一天所做出的英勇事迹。 12. but that,that既然,由于。 △H.V.2.2.187: “We doubt not now/But every rub is smoothed on our way.”我们现在毫不怀疑了,因为在我们前进道路上的障碍已经排除。 Phrases & Expressions: but for: ❶except for要不是由于。 △1H.IV.1.3.63:“and but for these vile guns/He would himself have been a soldier.”要不是由于这些可恶的火炮,他自己也愿意做一名军人。 ❷ if it had not been for 如果不是由于。 △2H.IV.4.5.137 (138): “But for my tears,/ The moist impediments unto my speech./I had(=would have) forestalled this dear and deep rebuke Ere you with grief had spoke(= spoken),”如果不是我的泪水阻挡住我无法开口,我决不会一直听你悲痛地讲到这里,早就把你这番严厉而痛切的斥责打断了。 but if: if only只要。 △Tw.5.1.198(193):“But if he had not been in drink,”要是他没有喝醉。 but I will: if I do not如果我不。 △1H.VI.1.5.10:“My breast I’ll burst with straining of courage./And from my shoulders crack my arms asunder,/ But I will chastise this high-minded strumpet.”我因为怒气填膺(又译:奋力过度),胸膛简直就要进裂了,如果我不严惩这个自大的娼妇,我就把我这一双手臂从肩膀上撕裂下来。 but now: just now方才。 △Mer.3.2.168(167):“But now I was the lord / Of this fair mansion,”方才我还是这所华丽大厦的主人。 but that: ❶but for the fact that,if it were not that, except that,unless要不是因为,除非因为…,除非。 △Rom.3.3.172(173): “But that a joy past joy calls out on me,/ It were a grief.”倘不是一个超乎一切喜悦的喜悦在召唤着我,这可真令人神伤。 △Tw.5.1.32 (29):“But that it would be double-dealing,”若不是怕有双重骗钱的嫌疑。 △Ham.1.5.13: “But that I am forbid ( = forbidden)/To tell the secrets of my prison-house,”若非我被禁止宣布狱中的秘密。 △1H.V.I.1.2.23: “I would ne’er have fled/But that they left me ’midst my enemies.”如果不是因为他们把我单独撇在敌人当中不管,我本来绝不会逃跑的。 △1H.VI.4.1.71:“But that I am prevented,/I should have begged I might have been employed.”要不是陛下先说了,我也会请求陛下给我这件差事的。 △3H.VI.1.4.84: “Alas,poor York,but that Ihate thee deadly,/ I should lament thy miserablestate.”唉呀,可怜的约克,要不是因为我对你怀着不共戴天的仇恨,我也会哀叹你那悲惨的境遇。 ❷unless,except除非,若非。 △Tw.1.3.33 (30):“and but that he hath the gift ofa coward to allay the gust he hath in quarrelling,”要是他没有懦夫的天分来缓和一下他那爱争吵的兴趣。 △R.III.3.2.80 (81): “Think you,but that I know our statesecure,/I would be so triumphant as I am?”你想,我要不是知道我们的处境十分安全,我会这样欢欣鼓舞吗? ❸pro-vided that 假如, △ R.III.3.2.53: “But that I’ll givemy voice on Richard’s side / To bar my master’s heirsin true descent.”假如要我表态支持理查一边去阻止我的主上的后嗣的合法继承权。 but to: not to 以不… △ Oth.4.3.31.“I have much todo/But to go hang my head all at one side And singit like poor Barbary.”i.e.It is all I can do not to...;I can’t help wanting to....我禁不住要把头侧向一边,像可怜的巴巴拉那样唱这首歌。 but you: that you don’t要不是你… △2H.IV.4.2.22:“O. who shall believe,/But you misuse the reverenceof your place,”啊,有谁会相信,要不是你滥用你的神圣的职位。 if but: if not如果不。 △3H.VI.5.1.35: “Why then’tis mine,if but by Warwick’s gift.”即使没有你沃里克送的礼物,王位仍然是我的。 never saw but:i.e.have always seen that从未看见…不…(一直看见…是…)。 △2H.VI.1.1.184(183): “I neversaw but Humphrey,Duke of Gloucester,/ Did bearhim like a noble gentleman.”据我长期看来,葛罗斯特公爵亨弗雷为人处世的确像一位高贵的君子。
fromprep. 1. by被。 △Mer.3.2.164(163): “Happiest of all isthat her gentle spirit / Commits itself to yours to bedirected. / As from her lord,her governor. herking.”最幸运的是她把她那温良的性格交付给你那温良的性格了,由你作为她的夫君、她的长官、她的君王来指导。 △H.V.41.273(253):“Thinks thou the fiery fever will go outWith titles blown from adulation?”难道你以为靠着那些被阿谀奉承者所吹捧出来的荣衔,火烫似的发烧就会消退吗? 2. with用。 △R.III.4.4.256: “Then know that frommy soul I love thy daughter.”那么,听我说:我用我的真心爱着你的女儿。 △R.III.4.4.259: “That thou dost lovemy daughter from thy soul; / So from thy soul's lovedidst thou love her brothers. / And from my heart’slove I do thank thee for it.”你用你的真心爱着我的女儿;你同样用你的真心爱着她的两个弟弟;我也用我的真心为此而感谢你。(按:伊利莎白王后在这里说的都是讽刺的话。) 3. because of,in accordance with由于,依据。 △Mac3.6.21:“from broad words.”为了说话坦率。 △Mac.4.2.19:“When we hold rumour / From what we fear.” i.e. when we believe every rumour because of ourfears. 我们出于恐惧信了谣言。 4. by the effect of,in consequence of依照…的影响,由于…的结果。 △Lr.1.1.113(111):“By all the operationof the orbs,/ From whom (= by the effect of which)we do exist and cease to be;”凭着主宰我们生死的星球间的全部气运发誓。 5. out of在…之外。 △Com.1.2.60: “how dar’st thoutrust / So great a charge from thine own custody?”你怎敢把托付给你的巨款交给别人而不自己看管? △Com.2.1.100: “too unruly deer,he breaks the pale,/ And feedsfrom home;”他是一头不受羁束的野鹿,爱在外边打野食。 △Rom.3.5.86 (85): “from the reach of these myhands.”我伸手抓不到他。 △Rom.3.5.109(108):“Onewho,to put thee from thy heaviness.”他想排解你的愁闷。 △2H.VI.3.2.394:“Where(i.e.whereas),fromthy sight,I should be raging mad,/ And cry out forthee to close up mine eyes,/ To have thee with thylips to stop my mouth.”然而,不在你的眼前,我就会疯狂,并且大叫着要你给我闭上眼睛、用你的嘴唇来堵住我的嘴。 6. outside,beyond在…之外,超出。 △Tw.1.5. 202(189):“But this is from my commission:”i.e.This is beyond,or,not part of,my instructions. 不过这不在我奉命传达的事情之内。 7. free from. without摆脱,没有。 △R.III.2.1.95:“And yet go current from suspicion. ”而且通行无阻、不受嫌疑。 △R.III.3.5. 31(32): “He lived from all attainder of suspects. ”他居然不受任何嫌疑地活了下来。 △R.IlI5.3.285(284): “I would these dewy tears were from the ground.”i.e. I wish the ground would dry up. 我希望地面上没有这些露水的泪滴。 8. away from离开。 △Mer.5.1.230:“Lie not a night from home. ”你一夜也不要离开家睡觉。 △Rom. 4.1.14:“May be put from her by society.” i.e. May be putaway from her (i.e. removed) by company.有个伴侣便可以替她排除悲哀。 △Lr.2.1.125(123): “which I bestthought it fit / To answer from our home;” (Reganwishes to answer the letters away from home,so thatLear cannot quarter himself there before she has con-sulted with Goneril.)我想最好还是离开家来回答。 △Lr.2.4 208(205): “I am now from home,”我现在不在自己家里。 △Oth.3.4.168(169): “What make you fromhome?”你怎么离开家到这里来? △1H.IV.1.1.91: “Butlet him from my thoughts.” 可是让我不要再想他了。 △1H.IV.3.1.153(152):“And such a deal of skimbleskamble stuff / As puts me from my faith. ”以及诸如此类荒诞无稽的东西,简直要使我背离自己的信仰。 △2H.IV.4.4.116: “Stand from him,give him air,he’ll straight be well. ”请离开他,给他些空气,他很快就会好的。 △H.V.5. Cho.21: “Giving full trophy,signal,and ostent / Quite from himself to God.”将一切胜利的标志、象征和炫耀,个人完全放弃,统统献给上帝。 △1H.VI.3.2.71: “Away,captains,let’s get us from the walls,”走吧,将军们,我们离开城墙吧。 △2H.VI.3.2.351:“And banished I am,if but from thee. ”只要我一离开了你,我就是被放逐了。 △2H.VI.3.2.401: “From thee to die were torture more than death.”离开你而死去是比死亡更厉害的酷刑。 △3H.VI.1.4.167:“Hard-hearted Clifford,take me from the world,/ My soul to heaven,my blood upon your heads!”狠心的克利福,送我离开这尘世吧,我的灵魂升天,我的血要落在你们头上! △R.III.4.1.19: “The Lord protect him (i.e. Richard) from that kingly title!”愿上帝保佑他远远离开国王的称号! 9. far from,differently from,free from,exempt from远离,不同于,摆脱,免除。 △H.V.4.7.142(135):“It may be his enemy is a gentleman of great sort,quite from the answer of his (i.e. Williams’s) degree.”说不定他的对头是一位身份很高的绅士,完全不必回答像他那样一个小兵的挑战。 10. alienated from,at variance with 脱离,与…有分歧。 △H.VIII.3.1.159(160): “How you may hurt yourself,ay,utterly / Grow from the King’s acquaintance by this carriage.”照你现在这样的举止可能会伤害你自己,是的,会使你与国王的关系完全破裂。 11. differently from与…不同。 △Tw.5.1. 344(332):“Write from it (i.e. unlike it),if you can,in hand or phrase,”假如你能,你尽管换一种另外的笔迹,换一种另外的措辞。 12. in contrast with,as distinct from与…形成对照,截然不同于… △Mac.3.1.99 (98):“whereby he does receive / Particular addition,from the bill / That writes them all alike;”i.e. in contrast with the general list which calls them all dogs. 由此各自得到了特殊的称号,有别于笼笼统统的总称。 13. contrary to,neglecting违反,不顾。 △Oth.1.1.132(131):“from the sense of all civility.”i.e. contrary to all consideration for good manners. 违背一切文明礼貌 △Ham.3.2.23(19): “for any thing so overdone is from the purpose of playing,”因为做得太过火就是违背了演戏的目的。 △Lr.2.2.104(98): “Quite from his nature.”与他的本性截然相反。 14. taken from夺去。 △Mer.3.2.192(191):“For I am sure you can wish none from me(= no joy taken from me);” i.e.for I am certain you cannot grudge me any joy. 我准知道你们绝不会不让我也得到自己的快乐的。 15. of. △H.VIII.3.2.268(267): “How innocent I was / From any private malice in his end,/ His noble jury and foul cause can witness.”我清清白白,绝无心怀私怨致他于死之事,这一点,那些高贵的陪审官和他自己的罪状都可作证的。 16. i.e. go from走出,离开。 △Mid.2.1.146: “Thou shalt not from this grove / Till I torment thee for this injury.”为了这次的侮辱,我一定要在你离开这座林子之前让你吃点苦头。 Phrases: from company: away from company. i.e. alone离开人群,(即)单独地。 △1H.VI.5.5.100: “And so conduct me where.from company. / I may revolve and ruminate my grief.”现在领我到一个无人的去处,让我可以单独地细细思量我的相思之苦。 from forth: out of the way of,away from从…出来,离开。 △Rom.2.3.4: “From forth day’s path and Titan’s fiery wheels.”离开白昼的大道和日神的火轮。 from off: from从… △3H.VI.2.6.52:“From off the gates of York fetch down the head,/ Your father’s head,which Clifford placed there;”把那个头,即克利福放在那里的你们父亲的头,从城门上取下来。 from one’s reason: out of one’s reason 失去理智。 △Ham.2.2.164: “if he love her not,/ And be not from his reason fallen thereon,”假如他不爱她,而且并不为此而丧失理性。 from ourselves: aside from our purpose,from what we are doing离开我们的目的,离开我们的正事。 △Rom.1.4. 105(104): “This wind you talk of blows us from ourselves.”你讲的这一阵风把我们吹得离题太远了。 from the crown to the toe: from head to foot,completely从头到脚,完全地。 △ Mac.1.5.43(42): “And fill me from the crown to the toe topful / Of direst cruelty!”使我自顶至踵都充满了最狠毒的残忍! from thence: away from home离家在外。 △Mac. 3. 4.36(35): “From thence,the sauce to meat is ceremony.”出外做客,就靠礼节来做调味品。 from this: from this time forth从现在起,从此。 △Lr.1.1.117(115):“And as a stranger to my heart and me / Hold thee from this for ever.”从现在起在我的心上和面前永远把你当做一个陌生人看待。 from[frɔm];[frəm]prep.来自,从,从…起,由于,因为,根据,防止,避免,由…制造,用…制造 ◇ as from 从…时起 be from=come from 出生于,来自 from out 从…中出来 from out to out 从一端到另一端 from ...to... 从…到… ‖ from above to below 自上而下 from a current date 由所批准的日期起生效 from ancient to modern times 古往今来 from beginning to end 始终 from below 自下而上 from bottom to top 自下而上 from conventional training to one featuring new technology由传统练兵方式向科技练兵转变 from date开票日后 from door to door 上门推销 from each according to his ability,to each according to his needs 各尽所能,按劳分配 from each according to his ability,to each according to his work 各尽所能,按需分配 from practice to knowledge 从实践到认识 from pre-Qin times to the early years of the Han Dynasty 诸子百家 from quantitative changes to qualitative changes 从量变到质变 from start to finish 彻头彻尾,始终 from theory to practice从理论到实践 from time immemorial 古往今来 from top to bottom 自上而下 |