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frightvt. frighten,terrify,startle 使惊恐,使恐惧,使吃惊。 △Rom.1.4.87(86): “Drums in his ear,at which hestarts and wakes. / And being thus frighted,swears aprayer or two,/ And sleeps again.”耳边听见鼓声,从梦中惊醒,惊吓了一跳,咒骂两句,又睡着了。 △Rom.4.5.11:“He’ll fright you up,i’ faith.”他可真要把你吓坏了。 △Tw.3.4.217(195): “This will so fright themboth”,这可以把他们两个人都吓倒。 △Tw.5.1.246(236):“You come to fright us.”你是吓我们来了。 △H.V.5.3243(228): “when I come to woo ladies. I fright them.”我向小姐们求爱的时候,就把她们吓坏了。 △1H.VI.4.7.81:“O. that I could but call these dead to life. / It wereenough to fright the realm of France!”啊,但愿我能叫这些死者复活,那就足以使你们法兰西全国惊恐不安! △R.III.1.2.23: “Whose ugly and unnatural aspect / May frightthe hopeful mother at the view.”他那又丑又怪的样子能使满怀希望的母亲一看见就大为惊恐。 fright[fait]n.&v. 惊吓,惊恐 ◇ have a fright=get a fright 吃惊 take fright at sth.被…所吓,为…所惊 ‖ fright wig 恐怖假发 frighten v. 害怕,恐吓,惊吓 ◇ be frightened at 害怕 frightened adj. / frighteneding adj. / frighteningly adv. / frightful adj.可怕的,令人讨厌的 frightfully adv. |