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单词 friend


1 . near relative,relative,kin sman 近亲,亲友,亲戚。
△Gent.1.3.68: “What maintenance he from hisfriends receives,”他从亲友们那里得到多少维持生活的费用。
△Mid. 1.1.139:“Or else it stood upon the choice offriends—”再不就是靠了亲友们的选择。
△R.III.1.3.75(74): “You envy my advancement and my friends'.”你是嫉恨我的以及我的亲戚们的晋升。
△Rom.3.3.150(151):“reconcile your friends,”和解了你们(两家)的亲族。
△Rom.3.5. 76(75): “So shall you feel the loss,but not the friend / Which (= whom) you weep for.”i.e. By doing so you will feel your loss of Tybalt. butnever feel your cousin himself,warm and alive; youwill never brin g him back to life by your grief. 你只能为这个损失感到伤心,但你再哭也哭不回来你那个亲人(指悌暴)
△1H.VI.4.3.42:“That sundered friends greet in thehour of death.”久别的亲人却在死亡的时刻相会。
△1H.VI.5.4. 9: “Thou art no father nor no friend of mine.”你不是我的父亲,也不是我的亲戚。
2. near relative,more specially a parent 近亲(特指父母)。
△As.1.3.64(61):“Treason is not inherited,mylord,/ Or if we did derive it from our friends,/What’s that to me?”叛逆并不是遗传的,殿下;即使我们受到近亲的牵连,那与我又有什么相干?
3. companion,associate,auxiliary 伙伴,同事,辅助人员。
△R.III.4.4.436(435):“many doubtful,hollowheart-ed friends,”我方的许多心存疑惧、不可信赖的人员。
△R.III.4.4.441 (440): “Some light-foot friend post to the Duke of Norfolk;”找一个快腿子的人员赶紧到诺福克公爵那里去。
4. supporter,ally,auxiliary,helper 援助者,盟友,辅助人员,助手。
△Lr.4.6.262 (256): “the letters that hespeaks of / May be my friends.”他所说的那封信也许对我有帮助。
5. lover 情人,爱人。
△Rom.3.5. 43: “Art thou goneso,love,lord,ay,husband,friend !”你就这样走了? 我的爱人,夫君,情侣!
△Rom.3.5.77(76):“Feeling so theloss,/ I cannot choose but ever weep the friend.” i.e.weep for my lover Romeo.深深感到这个损失,我不能不为我那个亲人(指罗米欧)而痛哭。(按:凯普莱特夫人和朱丽叶对于friend一词各有自己的含意。)
△Oth.4.1.3: “Or to benaked with her friend in bed / An hour,or more,notmeaning any harm?”或者光着身子和她的情夫在床上待上一个小时,或许更久,而能不起什么邪念吗?
6. sweetheart,mistress 恋人,情妇。
△L.L. L.5.2.405(404):“Nor never come in vizard to my friend,”我再也不戴着面具去访问我的恋人。
△L. L. L.5.2.842 (834):“I’ll change my black gown for a faithful friend.”我要为一个忠实情人脱下我的黑衣。
△Oth.3.4.180 (181):“This is some token from a newer friend;”这一定是哪个新相好的信物。
Phrases & Expressions:
friend remembered not: the not remembering of afriend,the forgetful neglect or intentional droppingof him 不念旧交。
△As.2.7.188: “Thy sting is not sosharp / As friend remembered not.”你那尖刺还比不上不念旧交者那样伤人。
to friend: for a friend,as a friend,to be a friend,i.e.favourable 算做朋友,是朋友,(转义)有利的。
△Mac.4.3.9: “and what I can redress,/ As I shall find thetime to friend ,I will. ”我所能匡正的事,只要我看到时机有利,我自然要匡正。


1. befriend 友好对待。
△H.V.4.5.17:“Disorder,thathath spoiled us,friend us now!”混乱,本来毁掉了我们,现在帮我们的忙吧 !
2. assist,help,support 援助,帮助,赞助。
△H.VIII.1.2.140:“Not friended by his wish to your high person;”i.e.Not successful in his wish that the King should diechildless.他对陛下圣躬的企图若得不到实现。


n. 朋友,伙伴,同盟者,支持者,赞助者,助手,友军
◇ be friends 和好
be friend’s with 与…交友
do wrong to serve one’s friends or relatives 徇私舞弊
keep friends wit 与… 保持友好关系
make friends again 重归于好
make friends with sb. 与…交朋友
‖ bosom friends 知心朋友
Friend of the People人民之友会
friends’ school 公谊会学校,教友派学校
next friend 次代理人
friendless adj. 无朋友的
friendly adj. 友好的,和睦的,融洽的,便利的
◇ be friendly to 赞助,支持,拥护
be friendly with 与…友好
friendly acquisition 善意收购
friendly affection 友爱
friendly bombing误炸
friendly country 友邦
friendly exchanges 友好往来
friendly forward disposition 友军前方配置
friendly cooperation 友好合作
friendly gesture 友好表示
friendly lead 救济演出
friendly match 友谊赛
friendly nation 友好国家,友邦
friendly-or-foe identification 敌我识别系统
friendly personage 友好人士
friendly relation友好关系
Friendly Societies Act 公谊团体法(1829 年)/ friendly society 互助组织
friendly space 友方领空
friendly troops 友军
friendly visiting 友好观光
friendly visitor 友善访问员
friendliness n. 友谊
friendship n. 友好,友谊
friendship invitational tournament 友好邀请赛
friendship first,competition second 友谊第一,比赛第二
friendship-promotion activities 联谊活动
friendship spanning two or more generations世交
manifestation of friendship 友好表示
traditional friendship 传统友谊





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