n. chafing,being angry 焦躁,发怒。
△1H.VI.1.2. 16:“And he may well in fretting spend his gall.”就叫他在焦躁之中把他的怒气都发泄个一干二净吧。
p. a.
1. ❶ decaying in disuse,becoming shop-worn 放坏,滞销。
❷ worrying 令人烦恼。
△Shr.2.1.322 (328):“’Twas a commodity lay fretting by you,”这是一笔使你伤脑筋的滞销货。(双关。)
2. ❶(of the wind) blowing in gusts or frets (形容风)一阵阵吹的。
❷ (of a woman) nagging,worrying (形容一个女人)唠唠叨叨责骂的,使人烦恼的。
△3H.VI.2.6.35:“As doth a sail,filled with a fretting gust,/ Com-mand an argosy to stem the waves.”就像被阵阵狂风鼓满的一张帆,强迫着一只大商船冲开波浪前进。