释义 |
forwarda. 1. advanced,early of growth,quickly coming intoflower在前的,生长得早的,早开花的。 △Ham.1.3.7:“A violet in the youth of primy nature,/Forward,notpermanent,sweet,not lasting,”这只是人在青春时期的一朵紫罗兰,开得早,可是不长久,气味香,可是不能持久。 2.emerging first首先出现的。 △3H.VI.5.6.70:“For Ihave often heard my mother say/I came into theworld with my legs forward.”因为我常听我母亲说我出世的时候就是两条腿首先露出来。 3.early ripe,premature早熟的。 △Gent.1.1.45:“themost forward bud/Is eaten by the canker ere itblow,”最早熟的蓓蕾在尚未开放的时候就被蛀虫吃掉。 △Ado.1.3.58(56):“A very forward March-chick!”真是一只早熟的三月鸡雏! 4. precocious早慧的。 △As.3.3.13:“the forwardchild,understanding,”理解,这个早慧的孩子。 △R.III.3.1.154:“O,’tis a parlous boy,/Bold,quick,ingen-ious,forward,capable.”啊,这是个伶俐的孩子,大胆,敏捷,机智,早熟,聪明。 5. promising,hopeful有前途的,有希望的。 △3H.VI.1.1.203: “And long live thou,and these thy forwardsons!”也祝你和你那些前途无量的儿子们万岁! △3H.VI.2.2.58: “You promised knighthood to our forward son,/Unsheathe your sword,and dub him presently.”你答应过授给我们有出息的儿子骑士爵位,拔出你的剑来,立刻给他加上封号吧。 6. inclined,eager倾向…的,热中的。 △R.III.3.2.46:“Ay,on my life,and hopes to find you forward / Up-on his party for the gain thereof;”是的,而且,以我的性命担保,他还希望看到你能倾向于他这一边,帮他取得那件东西。 7. eager,ardent,zealous热中的,热情的,热心的。 △R.III.5.3.95(94):“But on thy side I may not be tooforward,/Lest being seen,thy brother,tenderGeorge,/Be executed in his father’s sight.”但是我不能太急切地站在你这一边,否则,若被发现,你的弟弟,幼小的乔治,就要当着他父亲的面被处死。 △H.VIII.4.1.9:“As,let ’emhave their rights,they are ever forward/ In celebra-tion of this day with shows,/ Pageants,and sights ofhonour.”不过,说句公道话,他们对于用表演、盛装游行和种种喜庆节目来庆祝今天这样的日子,向来都是热心的。 8. ready,willing乐意的,愿意的。 △Ham.3.1.7:“Nordo we find him forward to be sounded,” i.e. willing to be questioned (on the subject).他也不大愿意接受盘查。 9. prompt,bold,daring敏捷的,冒失的,大胆的。 △Shr.2.1.51:“Am bold to show myself a forward guest”,不揣冒昧,来做一个不速之客。 △2H.IV.1.1.173:“andthat his forward spirit/Would lift him where mosttrade of danger ranged;”而且他那勇往直前的精神会把他送到最危险的生死搏斗当中。 △R.III.3.4.62(63):“Thetender love I bear your Grace,my lord,/ Makes memost forward in this princely presence,”大人,我对殿下所怀着的深情厚谊使我在各位亲贵们面前敢于大胆。 10. perverse,refractory,i.e.early反常的,难驾御的,(指)早的。 △R.III.3.1.94: “Short summers lightlyhave a forward spring.”i.e.Those who die young areusually precocious. 短促的夏天通常有一个早春。 11.❶eager热切的。 ❷premature提早的。 △1H.IV.5.1.129 (128): “What need I be so forward with him that calls not on me?”他既然没来叫我还账,我何必急着去找他呢? Phrases: be so forward: go so far,be so presumptuous如此过分,如此放肆。 △1H.IV.2.2.52(46): “When a jest is so for-ward,and afoot too!”玩笑开得这样过分,而且还没完没了!forward in: eager for,zealous for,insistent upon渴求,热心于,坚持要。 △2H.VI.3.2.253:“Makes them thus for-ward in his banishment.”才使他们这样坚持要求把他放逐。forward of: eager for渴望着。 △3H.VI.4.8.46:“Norforward of revenge,though they much erred.”即使他们有时走入歧途,我也不渴望严惩。
forwardad. 1.on one’s way上路。 △H.VIII.4.2.12:“the stoutEarl Northumberland / Arrested him at York,andbrought him forward,”那位身强力壮的诺森伯兰伯爵在约克逮捕了他,押解他上路。 2.i.e. go on继续下去。 △Com.1.1.96:“Nay,for-ward,old man,do not break off so,”不,说下去,老人家,不要这样中断。 3. march on行军。 △3H.VI.4.7.80:“And when the morning sun shall raise his car/About the border ofthis horizon,/We’ll forward towards Warwick and his mates;”等到晨曦之神在那天边高高升起他那天车的时候,我们就向着沃里克和他的同伴进军。 forward[ˈfɔ:wəd]adj. 向前的,前面(部)的,提前(早)的 adv.向前,前面(部),提前/ v.促进,助长,推进,寄发/ n.前锋,期货 ◇ backward and forward=backs and forwards前后,来回 be forward in 在…方面先进 bring forward 提出 forward the ball 往前传球 go forward 前进,进步 help forward 促进 look forward 展望,向前看 put forward提出 ‖ center forward 中锋 forward 1 1 / 2 pike 向前屈体翻腾一周半 forward 1 1/2 somersault double twists 向前翻腾一周半转体两周 forward 1 1/2 somersaults 向前翻腾一周半 forward 2 1/2 somersaults 向前翻腾两周半 forward 3 1/2 somersaults 向前翻腾三周半 forward 1 1/2 somersaults 1 twist 向前翻腾一周半转体一周 forward lsomersaults 1/2twist 向前翻腾一周半转体半周 forward 11/2 somersault 3 twists 向前翻腾一周半体三周 forward 2 1/2 somersaults 1 twist 向前翻腾两周半转体一周 forward 2 1/2tucks 向前翻腾两周半 forward acceleration 前向加速度,纵向加速度 forward acceleration 向前加速 forward across 前锋横切 forward agency运输业 forward agent 货运代理商 forward air control aircraft 前方空军控制飞机 forward air navigator 前方空中领航员 forward air observer 前方空中观察员 forward aircraft 前方机场 forward ammunition depot 前方弹药库 forward ammunition point 前方弹药站 forward ammunition refilling point 前方弹药补充所 forward approach 向前走板 forward area warning 前方地区警报 forward area warning station 前方警戒雷达站 forward association 顺向联想 forward azimuth前方位角 forward-backward dribble 前后拨球 forward (backward) leaning 前(后)倒 forward bargain 期货交易 forward battle zone 前方战斗区 forward bend 弓身 forward body 前机身 forward box 前方信号楼 forward business 期货交易 forward buying期货收购 forward buying and selling 期货买卖 forward cabin 前舱 forward chaining 顺向连锁作用 forward change 前进变刃形 forward charges 发运费用 forward centre 前排中3号位队员 forward cockpit 前座舱 forward command 前方命令 forward command post 前方指挥所 forward contract 远期合同 forward cover 远期抛补 forward dealings 期货交易 forward defense 前方防御 forward defense position 前方防御阵地 forward delivery 远期交货 forward delivery housing 期房 forward depot 前方仓库 forward-determinist n. 正向决定论者 forward discount 远期贴水 forward dismount 前空翻下 forward dive 向前跳水 forward dive 1twist 向前转体一周跳水 forward dive 1/2twist 向前转体半周跳水 forward dive 1/2twist layout 向前直体转体半周跳水 forward dive layout 向前直体跳水 forward double somersaults 向前翻腾两周跳水 forward-end pommel 前环 forward entitlement 远期权利 forward error analysis 顺向误差分析 forward exchange 期汇,远期外汇 forward exchange contract 汇兑合约预约,外汇期货合同 forward exchange facilities 远期外汇业务 forward exchange for short period 短期外汇期货 forward exchange market 外汇期货市场 forward exchange rate 远期汇价,远期汇率 forward exchanged dealing 远期外汇交易 forward flight (spike)前飞,前冲飞(扣球)/ forward flip 向前上挑传球 forward flyaway 直体前空翻下 forward flying double somersaults 向前飞身翻腾两周 forward flying 1 1/2somersaults 向前飞身翻腾一周半 forward flying 2 1/2somersaults 向前飞身翻腾两周半 forward flying somersault 向前飞身翻腾 forward foreign exchange discount远期外汇贴水 forward foreign exchange 远期外汇 forward foreign exchange premium远期外汇升水 forward front-line player 前排队员 forward fuel point 前方加油站 forward goods 远期货 forward header dive 向前直体跳水 forward headquarters 前方司令部 forward in 前进内转 forward inhibition向前抑制 forward inhibition 向前抑制 forward inside 前进内转 forward inside circle 前内圆形 forward inside stand spin 前内直立旋转 forward integration 向前一体化 forward leader 前锋主力,带头前锋 forward lean 前倾 forward left 前排左4号位队员 forward line 锋线 forward line of own troops友军前沿 forward looking infrared radar 前视红外雷达 forward looking infrared 前视红外线 forward looking laser sensor 前方警戒激光传感器 forward looking radar 前方警戒雷达 forward lunge(前)弓箭步 forward man 前卫 forward march 急行军齐步走 forward margin 差价 forward margins 贷币的期贷现贷差价 forward market 期货市场 forward momentum 前冲力 forward movement 前进运动 forward observer 前方观察员 forward operational base 前方作战基地 forward option 远期选择权 forward or backward 旅居 forward ordnance depot 前方军械仓库 forward outside 前进外转 forward outside circle 前外8字形,前外圆形 forward outside loop 前外结环形 forward paragraph bracket 前进单脚括弧形 forward pass 向前传球,前进传球,传球前进 forward pass play 向前传球战术 forward payment 预付款 forward piked salto 屈体前空翻 forward pivot 向前转身 forward planning 预先计划 forward play 前锋的打法 forward position 前沿阵地,远期头寸 forward premium远期升水 forward press 前压,击球前身体的前倾,向前压棒 forward price 期货价格 forward propulsion 前冲力 forward push of feet 双脚向前蹬板 forward radar 前视雷达 forward raise 直臂持铃前上举 forward rate远期汇票兑换率 forward rate of exchange远期汇率 forward release 送撒 forward right 前排右2号位队员 forward rise 前摆上 forward roll 前脚掌着地,(向)前滚翻 forward roll on upper arms 挂臂撑后摆成肩倒立 forward rotation 前旋 forward rotation of upper limb 上臂内旋 forward rush 前锋猛冲 forward sale 期货销售 forward salto 前空翻 forward scissors 正交叉 forward scissors travel 正交叉移位 forward seat 向前倾斜的骑坐姿势 forward seat circle 后撑前回环 forward selection 预选 forward selection competition 预选赛 forward selection procedure 顺向选择程序 forward selection procedure 顺向选择程序 forward set 正面二传 forward shoulder roll 经肩倒立的直体前滚翻 forward signal center 前方通信中心 forward skating 向前滑 forward somersault向前翻腾 forward somersault 1 twist 向前翻腾转体一周 forward somersault 1/2 twist 向前翻腾转体半周 forward somersault 2 twists向前翻腾转体两周 forward spin 上旋 forward spinning dive 向前翻腾跳水 forward spinning force 向前翻腾的力量 forward spinning momentum 向前翻腾的动量 forward spinning speed 向前翻腾的速度 forward split 纵劈叉 forward stance 击球员站在击球员区前部站立姿势 forward stride jump 纵木分腿跳 forward stride split jump纵木分腿跳 forward supply point 前方供应站 forward support 前方支援 forward swing 前摆,前倾动作,向前挥拍(臂)/ forward swing in hang 悬垂前摆 forward swing in support 支撑前摆 forward swing straddle分腿前摆 forward take-off 向前起跳 forward take-off dive 向前跳水 forward tap 向前拍球 forward torpedo flat 艏鱼雷舱 forward transaction 期货交易,远期外汇交易 forward transfer 顺汇 forward travelling 双臂支撑(向前)移动 forward triple somersault向前翻腾三周 forward tuck salto 团身前空翻 forward uprise 前摆上,前上 forward velocity 前进速度 forwarder n.转运公司,代运人 forwarder’s advice to exporter 货运代理给出口商的通知 forwarder’s advice to import agent 货运代理给进口代理的通知 forwarder’s bill of lading 货运代理人提单 forwarder’s certificate of receipt 货运代理收据证明 forwarder’s certificate of transport 货运代理人运输证书 forwarder’s invoice 货运代理发票 forwarder’sware house receipt 货运代理人仓库收据 forwarding n. 转运,运输业 forwarding agent 运输商 forwarding business 运输业 forwarding country 发送国 forwarding instructions 货运说明 forwarding operations 代运业务 forwarding order 托运单 forwarding station 发送站载雷达 forward-looking adj. 有远见的 forward- determinism n. 正向决定论,顺向决定论 forwardness n. 前进,进步 |