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单词 dash
dash/dæ ʃ/ v [-es/ ɪz/]; n [-es/ ɪz/]

v (1) (猛)冲,急奔(move with sudden speed)[I I+prep I+adv]:I must~(off) to catch a train/to meet him. 我得赶快去赶火车/接他。~into the street/out of a house 冲上街/冲出屋;~across a road/up the stairs/to the scene of the accident 奔过路去/奔上楼/奔往出事地点;~in/out/by/away/about 冲进/冲出/从旁奔过去/跑走/东奔西跑;〖同〗rush,run,race,tear,speed,hurry,hasten;

(2)(使)猛撞;猛掷(摔);拍击((cause to)strike knock with violent force) [I+prep T+n+prep T+n+adv]:The waves/storm~ed(the boat)against the rocks. 海浪/暴风雨(使小船)冲撞在岩礁上。The bowl~ed (He~ed the bowl) to pieces (bits) on/to/against the floor. 碗摔在(他把碗摔在)地上成为碎片。~sth against the door/the wall/the rock/the floor 把某物猛摔向门/墙/岩石/地板;~sth on the rock/the floor/the ground 把某物猛摔向岩石/地板/地面;~sth to the floor/the ground 把某物猛摔向地板(地面);~sth down 把某物摔下去;〖同〗throw;

(3) 泼,洒,溅(splash with great force) [T+n+prep]:~sth(eg water/beer/mud/paint) over (on) sb/in sb's face/over sb's clothes/on the wall把……(如水/啤酒/泥浆/油漆)泼到某人身上/泼向某人的脸/溅到某人衣服上/溅到墙上;

(4) 粉碎,使破灭(destroy or ruin(hopes spirits etc)) [T+n]:(news)~sb's plan/sb's hope/sb's dream(消息)使某人的计划/希望/梦想落空;His spirits/hopes of getting into university were~ed by the incident. 那一事件使他的精神垮了/上大学的希望破灭了。〖同〗ruin, spoil;

→′dashing adj 有朝气(活力)的;′dashingly adv 朝气蓬勃地;′dashed adj 沮丧的;该死的;

dash off (v adv) 草(疾)书(vt):~off a poem/a letter/an article/a note 匆匆写就一首诗/一封信/一篇文章/一个便条。

dash (it) (all) 该死的:D~it (all), I've got a puncture in my bicycle tyre. 该死的! 我的自行车胎扎破了。

n(1)(猛)冲,急奔(sudden quick forward movement) [U a~]:make a~for freedom/shelter 急忙逃走/躲藏;make a~for the ferry/the car/the best sales bargains 急忙奔向码头/汽车/最便宜的减价货;make a~at the enemy/towards the house 急忙向敌人/房子猛冲过去;ride off at a~呼的一下就开走了;〖同〗race, rush, run;

(2) 短跑(short fast race) [C, 通常sing](尤AmE):a (the) 100-yard/60-metre~百码/60米赛;

(3)(液体或固体)碰撞(声)((sound of) quick or violent movement of liquid or loose solids striking or being thrown against sth) [U a/the~][N(of)]:the~of waves on the rocks/against the harbour wall/against the side of the ship海浪击拍岩石/港堤/船舷(的声音);a~of water in sb's face 往脸上泼水;

(4) 些许,少量(small amount of sth mixed or added) [C a~][N(of)]: Put in just a~of salt/pepper/wine/colour/spice. 稍微加一点儿盐/胡椒/酒/颜色/调料。A~of vinegar might help the salad. 加一点儿醋会使色拉味更好。Would you like a~of lemon in your tea? 你要不要在茶中加一点柠檬? water with a~of wine 兑了一点酒的水;whisky with a~of soda兑了一点苏打的威士忌;red with a~of blue兑了一点蓝色的红色;The flag added a~of colour to the grey building. 那旗帜使灰暗的楼房有了一点点色彩。The room needs a~of colour to brighten it up. 这房间需要添点颜色来增加生气。〖同〗bit, little;

(5) 劲头,干劲(enthusiasm and energy) [U]:a man of great~and spirit一个有干劲有气魄的人;(activities) show~and spirit(活动)显示出干劲和活力;an officer famous for his skill and~一个以技能和干劲著称的军官;entertainers full of~ 生气勃勃的演艺人员;conduct an orchestra with a great deal of fire and~以满腔热情和全副精力指挥乐队;have a great deal of~精气神十足;〖同〗spirit, energy;

(6) 破折号;(电码中的)长划 (short horizontal line(-) used in writing printing and Morse code) [C]:The~is longer than the hyphen. 破折号比连词符长。dots and~es 点和长划;

→′dashboard n (汽车的)仪表板





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