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单词 forfeit


1. forfeiture,i.e. act of being deprived of somethingfor a crime; that which is forfeited,something towhich the right is lost by the commission of a crime没收,没收物。
△R.III.2.1.100:“The forfeit,sovereign,of my servant’s life,” i.e. the remission of the forfei-ture of my servant’s life. 主君,我的一个仆人要没命了。
2. forfeiture,penalty 没收,处罚。
△3H.VI.2.1.196:“And he that throws not up his cap for joy / Shall forthe fault make forfeit of his head.”谁要是不把他的帽子扔起来表示高兴,就罚他丢掉脑袋。
3. penalty,punishment处罚,惩罚。
△Rom.1.4.110(109):“and expire the term / Of a despised life closedin my breast / By some vile forfeit of untimelydeath. ”以早死为可怕的惩罚来结束我这不足道的一生寿命。4. breach,violation 破坏,侵害。
△Rom.1.1.102 (96):“If ever you disturb our streets again / Your lives shallpay the forfeit of the peace.”如果你们再破坏街道上的安宁,你们就要以生命来赎罪。(按:forfeit又可解为punish-ment,penalty,即“扰乱和平的惩罚”。)


1. give up,abandon 让出,放弃。
△Ham.1.1.88:“Didforfeit (with his life) all those his lands”,将他的领土(连同他的性命)一齐让出。
△1H.VI.4.3.26:“So should wesave a valiant gentleman / By forfeiting a traitor anda coward.”这样,我们就可以用抛弃一个叛贼和懦夫来拯救一位英勇的将军。
2. abandon,give up for lost抛弃,认定…已无希望。
△1H.IV.1.3.88:“When they have lost and forfeitedthemselves?”当他们已经失去操守、毁掉自己一切的时候?
3. lose in consequence of an engagement,lose by afault or crime (因违约受罚而)丧失,(因犯错或犯罪而)丧失。

△Mer.1.3.157(156):“I will not forfeit it.”我决不会受罚的。
△H.VIII.3.2.343(342): “To forfeit all yourgoods,lands,tenements,/ Chattels,and whatsoever,and to be / Out of the King’s protection.”没收你的一切财物、土地、住宅、动产以及其他等等,一律不再受到国王的保护。4. lose in general丧失。
△H.VIII.Pro.19: “besideforfeiting / Our own brains”,除了白白浪费了我们的脑力劳动。


pa. p. lost by reason of breach of an obligation违约,误期。
△Mer.3. 2. 318 (317):“my bond to theJew is forfeit;”我写给犹太人的借据已经过期。


n. 罚款,罚金,没收 (物) adj.丧失了的,被罚没的 v. 罚没,丧失,放弃,弃权
◇ be the forfeit of 抵偿
‖ forfeit the membership 丧失会员资格
forfeited game 放弃比赛,弃权
forfeited stock没收股票,作废股票
forfeited stock subscription 失效的股票认购
forfeiting a penalty 放弃罚球
forfeiter n. 因犯规而被罚下场的球员
forfeiture n. 罚款(金),没收物,丧失,弃权
forfeiture formula 丧失假期计算公式
forfeiture of benefits 丧失福利
forfeiture of pay 罚薪
forfeiture of share 股份没收
forfeiture rule 丧失假期规则





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