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单词 foot


1 . pace 步速,进度。
△Lr.4.6.218 (213):“Near and onspeedy foot;”i. e. near and advancing rapidly.很近,而且来得很快。
2. i. e. path,way (转义)路。
△Mer.2.4. 36 (35):“Andnever dare misfortune cross her foot."恶运决不敢来侵犯她。
3. infantry 步兵。
△2H .IV. 2. 1.190 (173): “No,fif-teen hundred foot,five hundred horse,/ Aremarched(= have marched) up to my Lord of Lancas-ter,”不,一千五百名步兵,五百名骑兵,已经开到兰开斯特王爷那里。
4. metrical unit of poetry音步。
△As.3.2.175(165):“some of them had in them more feet than the verseswould bear.”有些行诗里音步太多了,简直容纳不了。
Phrases & Expressions:
at foot: at the heels,close behind跟在后面,紧跟在后面。
△Ham.4.3.57(54):“Follow him at foot,”紧紧跟随着他。bands of foot: troops of infantry步兵部队。
△1H.VI4.1.164:“And,good my Lord of Somerset. unite,Your troops of horsemen with his bands of foot;”好萨默塞特大人,把你的骑兵部队跟他的步兵部队联合在一起
foot land-raker: one who rakes or roams about onfoot,tramp. vagabond. vagabond footpad 徒步漫游者,游民,流浪汉,到处流浪的徒步拦路强盗。
△1H.IV.2.1.81(73):“I am joined with no foot land-rakers.”我结交的可不是什么徒步流浪的拦路强盗。
on foot: moving,in motion,in action,in active oper-ation,in process of execution移动了,已在发动,已在行动,已有动作,已在执行之中。
△As.5.4.163 (156): “Ad-dressed a mighty power,which were on foot / In hisown conduct,”调动一支大军,由他亲自统率。
△2H.IV.1.3.36: “this present quality of war,/ Indeed the in-stant action. a cause on foot.” 当前这场战争的状况,这场紧急的行动,这件已在发动的大事。
upon the foot of fear: running away in fear. fleeing inpanic,in panic flight惊恐地逃跑,惊慌而逃。
△1H.IV.55.17: “when he saw / The fortune of the day quiteturned from him,/ The noble Percy slain,and all hismen / Upon the foot of fear,fled with the rest,” 当他看到战斗的命运对他十分不利,英勇的波西被杀,他的部下都惊慌奔逃,他也跟着其余的人逃走。


1. walk over,stride走过,跨过。
△Lr.3.4.123 (120):“Swithold footed thrice the ’old,”圣维都尔三次巡行高地。2. make and attach new feet or lower parts to(stock-ings) 为(袜子)上底。
△1H.IV.2.4.131 (116): “Ere Ilead this life long,I'll sew nether-socks,and mendthem and foot them too.”(Perhaps his stockings havebeen torn or worn out in the flight from Gadshill.) 要是日子这样过下去,我还不如去缝袜子、补袜子、给袜子上底呢。~ vi.
1. walk走,出没。
△Wiv.2.1.124 (122): “thieves dofoot by night.”盗贼总是在夜间出没。
2. come to shore. land. obtain a foothold 上岸,登陆,获得立足点。
△Lr.3.3.13: “there is part of a power al-ready footed;” 有一部分军队已经上了岸。
△Lr.3.7.44:“And what confederacy have you with the traitorsLate footed in the kingdom?”你和最近在本国登陆的那些叛贼有什么阴谋?
Phrases & Expressions:
be footed: have landed,have a foothold已经登陆,有了立脚处。
△H.V.2.4.143:“For he is footed in this landalready. ”i.e. He has landed in France. 因为他已经在你们国土上登陆了。
foot it: dance跳舞。
△Rom. 1. 5. 30 (26): “and footit,girls.”跳舞吧,姑娘们。




腿末端用以站立的部分。人足共有14根骨,包括7根骨。 其中踝骨与腿下部的骨组成屈戌关节。跟骨构成了足后跟的突出部。5根跖骨构成足体,并通过关节与趾骨相连。大脚趾在双足行走或奔跑时起弹跳作用。


(pl.feet)n. 脚,足,步调,步法,尺度,音步,步兵 v. 步行,行驶
◇ at sb.’s feet 在某人的支配下
drag one’s feet不合作,有意拖拉
foot it 跳舞,步行
foot the bill 付账,付款
have one’s foot on the ground 脚踏实地,实事求是
from the head to foot 从头到脚,浑身
have cold feet=get cold feet 害怕,临阵畏缩
have one’s foot on the ground 脚踏实地,实事求是
have sb. feet 任意摆布某人
keep one’s feet 站稳,谨慎行动
on foot 步行,在进行中
out on one’s feet筋疲力尽
stand on one’s own foot 独立自主
under foot 在地上,在地面,在脚下
with both feet 强烈地,坚决地
‖ feet and legs 腿脚动作
feet astride 分腿
feet first 向后移动
feet foremost 脚先入水
feet on parallel lines 两脚平行
feet parallel and apart 两脚平行开立
feet per second 英尺
feet pointed 脚绷直
feet-close 并腿站立
feet-first dive 脚先入水的跳水
feet-first entry 脚先入水
feet-first slide 用脚前伸滑垒
foot band 脚蹬带
foot bath 洗脚池
foot board 脚踏板
foot bow contest 足弓赛
foot bridge 步行天桥
foot circle 立撑回环
foot contact 上板
foot fault 踩线,脚步犯规,步法错误
foot fault judge 发球裁判,判脚误裁判
foot firing mechanism 脚踏击发机
foot grip 下降时脚绕绳
foot hold 虎伏蹬脚处,踏板,脚踏板,立脚点,脚支点,抱脚
foot in the bucket 一只脚站在击球区外
foot-in-the-door effect 登 门 效 果
foot-in-the-door technique 登门技术
foot lagging puck 杆刃挤成死球
foot land 脚的落点
foot march 徒步行军
foot movement 徒步运动
foot music 脚踏舞音乐
foot over tackle 抬脚过高的抢截
foot pace 高台,台阶
foot patrol 徒步巡逻
foot pivot 转动身体将重心从一脚移向另一脚
foot plant(起跳时)踏地
foot plate 脚板,置足板
foot position 脚法
foot race 竞走
foot signal 请求信号
foot spacing 两脚间的距离
foot spread 两脚间的距离
foot stall 半雕像座
foot stool-jump 跳越体操凳子
foot support脚支撑,立撑
foot support phase 单脚支撑阶段
foot switch ending 脚控尾声节奏鼓
foot switch glide 脚控滑音
foot switch rhythm fill-instop 脚控节奏停止板
foot switch rhythm fill-in 脚控节奏填充板
foot switch脚闸
foot to foot balance(双人技巧)脚上站立
foot to hand 脚到手
foot tours 徒步旅游
foot troops 步兵
foot up(争球时)出脚太快
foot volume 脚控音量
foot volume control pedal 脚控音量踏板
foot volume jack 脚控音量插孔
foot work 步法,脚步动作,打水(腿)动作
from both feet simultaneously 双脚起跳
footed arrow 杆前端加固箭
footed drum 有脚筒鼓
footage n. 尺码,长度,电影胶片,连续镜头
footage number尺标
football n. 足球
footballer n. 足球运动员
footboard n. 踏板
footbridge n. 人行桥
foot-crossing n. 人行横道
footer n.步行者,警笛,页脚
footfall n. 脚步声
footgear n. 鞋袜
foot-hang 勾脚尖悬垂
foothold n. 立足点
footing n. 立足点,立场,基础,身份,资格,状况,合计,总额,底座
footless adj. 无脚的,无基础的,无益的
footlight n. 舞台灯,脚光
footlight bridge 舞台前缘照明灯灯架
footlight favorite 流行演员
footlight lady 女演员
footlight spot 脚光聚光灯
footlight strip 脚光长条灯
footlights n. 舞台灯
footman n. 男仆,仆从,跟班
footmark n.足迹,脚准星
foot-note n.脚注
footology n. 跳踢踏舞
foot-operated adj. 用脚操纵的
footpath n. 人行道,小路
footplate n.踏板
footprint n. 脚印
footstep n. 脚步
footsteps n. 足音
footstock n.顶座,尾架
footstone n. 基石
foot-switch n.脚踏开关
foot-treadle n. 脚踏板
footwalk n. 过桥,底壁,基墙
footware n. 工作鞋
foot-way n. 人行道
foot-wear n. 鞋袜
foot-work n. 步法





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