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followvt. 1. go with,come after 跟随,追随。 △H.V.5.2.294(271): “and the liberty that follows our places stopsthe mouth of all find-faults,”伴随我们的地位而来的自由权足以堵住所有那些吹毛求疵的人的嘴。 2. pursue,chase 追赶,追击。 △2H.IV.1.1.20: “O,such a day! / So fought,so followed,and so fairly won,”啊,这一场大战! 打得这么漂亮,这么穷追不舍,获得了这么令人鼓舞的胜利。 △2H.VI.5. 3.23:“I know our safe-ty is to follow them;”我知道我们的安全措施在于追击他们。 3. run after,admire 追求,钦佩。 △ Ham.2.2.357(234): “Do they hold the same estimation they didwhen I was in the city ? Are they so followed?”他们还跟我在城里的时候那样名声响亮吗? 他们还是那样叫座吗? 4. come after,observe 跟随,注意观察。 △H.VIII. 3 . 2.241 (240):“How eagerly ye follow my disgraces / Asif it fed ye.”你们多么热切地注视着我所受到的种种耻辱,好像这能使你们开心。 5. attend,wait on 随侍,侍候。 △Tw.2. 5. 31 (26):“sheuses me with a more exalted respect than any one elsethat follows her.”她待我比对待其他服侍她的人有更高的敬意。 △Lr.2.4. 255 (252):“to be followed / With sucha number.”要有这么多人随侍。 △Lr. 2.4.264 (261):“What need you five and twenty,ten,or five,/ Tofollow in a house where twice so many / Have a com-mand to tend you?”为什么你还要二十五名、十名,乃至五名侍候你,我们有的是两倍多的随从奉命去照顾你? 6. engage in,prosecute从事于,执行。 △Lr.2.2.157(150):“For following her affairs.”因为执行她的使命。7. follow up,carry through再接再厉,贯彻到底。 △Tw5. 1. 377 (365): “How with a sportful malice it wasfollowed”. 以后恶作剧的戏谑接踵而来。 △Mer.4.1.61:“I follow thus / A losing suit against him. ”我这样坚持着要打一场自己吃亏的官司。 vi. 1. come next接着来。 △H.VIII.5.1.79: “Well. sir,what follows?”i.e. What news do you bring (afteryour entry and bow)?喂,先生,怎么样了? 2. pursue. chase追逐,追赶。 △2H.IV.4.3.27(24):“The heat is past. follow no further now.”激战已经过去,现在不必再向前追赶了。 follow[ˈfɔləu]v. 跟踪,追随 (踪,赶) ,效仿,观察,注视,接受,领会 n. 追随 ◇ as follows 如下所述 follow after 追求,力求 follow from 由…得出结果 follow in sb.’s steps 步某人后尘,仿效…/ follow like sheep盲从 follow on 紧张…之后 follow one’s bent 随心所欲 follow one’s nose 凭本事办事 follow one’s shot 投篮后跟进抢篮板球 follow out 贯彻,执行 follow suit 按照…去做 follow the drum 当兵 follow the fashion赶时髦 follow the head of sb.效法某人,以某人为榜样 follow the plough 种田,务农 follow the robe 充任律师 follow the string 弓脱弦后的弯曲状态 follow the tracks of 跟踪 follow through 坚持到底,后续动作,顺势动作,继续运枪,篮板球,靠近(盘球人)作为后援 follow through the ball 随势击球 follow up 跟进,跳起争夺,把…追究到底,穷追,连续报道 follow up in what follows 下面,在下文 follow up the scent 跟踪 it follows that 因此,从而 ‖ follow-up check 追踪调查 follow-up investment 后续投资 follow-up reporting 追踪报道 follow-up study 追踪研究 follow-up survey 跟踪调查 follow-up investigation 跟踪调查 follow-up task 后续任务 follow wind 顺风 follow cameraman 摄影(师)助理 follow focus 跟焦 follow shot 追拍,跟镜头 follow spot light 追光灯 following adj.下列的,后面的,接着的/ n. 随行人员,跟踪,追踪 prep.在…以后,沿着 ◇ following up 售后跟踪服务 ‖ follow-on adj. 下一代的,继承的 follow blow 跟进击 follow force 后续部队 follow logically 逻辑推导出 follow shot 补射,跟进射 follow suit 跟着出同花色的牌 follower country 后进国 follower n. 随员,信徒,追随者 follow-in n. 跟进 following adj. 下列的,后面的,接着的/ n. 随行人员,跟踪,追踪 prep.在…以后,沿着,顺着,按着 following aircraft 僚机 following in the same pattern 千篇一律 following play 尾随的位置,跟进打法 following trust property 追索信托财产 follow-on adj. 下一代的,继承的,继续击球 follow-through n. 打球后手腕伸直的情形 follow-up n. 跟踪系统,追踪 adj.随动的,接着的,继续的 follow-up action跟进工作,接连行动 follow-up attack 后续突击 follow-up auditing 跟踪审计 follow-up cases 追踪个案 follow-up conference追踪会议 follow-up evaluation 追踪评估 follow-up force 跟进部队 follow-up meeting后续会议 follow-up method 追踪法 follow-up method 追踪法 follow-up shot 补篮 follow-up step 跟进去 follow-up study 追踪研究 follow-up system 跟踪系统 follow-up unit 后续部队 |